A Booked Thursday
Those of you who have followed me for any length of time may know that if I’m not quilting, I’m often reading. Try as I might, I cannot listen to an audiobook and quilt at the same time. I do not have the coordinates for that – ha! I much prefer the comfort of a weighty book in my hands, snuggled in my chair under a quilt, Wilbs on my lap.
If I enjoy a series, I keep the books. I like to re-read them from time to time. So I thought I share the few that have made the cut here at Pieceful Thoughts.
If you’ve followed me long enough, you’ll know that the Louise Penny books are one of my favorites. I won’t say too much about this series, since it’s so popular right now, but if you haven’t read the books, start with the first book, A Still Life, and read in order. The characters develop with each book.
An older series, the Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters is definitely a favorite. I’m currently re-reading one of the books for the Nth time. I was introduced to this series by a cousin, who gave me the book entitled, “The Last Camel Died at Noon”. That book was in the middle of series, unbeknownst to me, but how can you resist a book with a title like that?
Set in the 1800s, Amelia Peabody is amongst the first of women archealogists. She is a formidable woman, with strong opinions, who has a love of pyramids. While completely fictional, the author does weave history into her writing. Murder, mayhem and other adventures ensue when you are traveling with Amelia.
I stumbled across the Moosepath League series by Van Reid while browsing at Half Price Books. Van’s books are a delightful read; he is a master storyteller. His books are set in Maine his home state) in the 1800s and weave together Maine history, folklore and adventure. The Moosepath League is made up of 5 men who seem to stumble into adventure with the drop of a hat. I have been known to laugh out loud while reading this series, because Van’s wordplay is delightfully fun. This is the series I re-read when I feel like the world is just too weighty and I need a reprieve.
This series is also special to me because a few years ago, we took a trip to Maine. I reached out to Van and we met for coffee. He is a humble, delightful person. It was one of the highlights of our trip.
The last series I enjoy reading from time to time is the Mrs. Pollifax series by Dorothy Gillman. I don’t have a photo of this series for you, but the storyline is built around Mrs. Pollifax, who is in her 60s and thinks life is over. Then she decides to become a spy, and the adventures begin. The books are difficult to find now, but your local library may have them. I do believe they are available as Kindle reads, too.
The Weekly Wilbs
Of course, my joy of book reading wouldn’t be the same without Wilbs snuggled on my lap. However, when I’m not reading, he finds the sunniest spot for a good nap.
I hope you enjoyed A Booked Thursday, a rather unusual I Like Thursday post. Maybe I’ll pay better attention next week (I’m puppy sitting, I expect I’ll be a bit distracted.)
What about you? Do you have a favorite series I should read?

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I like reading and listening to audio books so I can be sewing at the same time but I have found I can not listen to books I have never read the physical copy of on my kindle or a “real” book. I have a hard time actually knowing what is going on because I don’t pay close enough attention instead i listen to books that I have already read at sometime – then I am still “reading” but seeing as I already kind of know what is going on it is ok if I drift away from time to time and not pay real close attention
Cindy Berry
Hi Wendy, one of my favorite series is the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith – there are 16 or so in the series and they are great characters….
Vicki in MN
Sounds like you found some good books. I like reading series, always want to find out what happens next!
I’m an avid reader, in that I usually have an audio, Kindle, and a “real” book going at the same time and not the same title. I listen to audio when I’m in my creative space, read my Kindle at bedtime, and treat myself to a break outside or snuggled in by the kiva reading a “real” book. I never thought i would like to read on a Kindle, but the pandemic changed that when our local libraries were closed for so long. Since retiring ten years ago, I average 75 to 100+ books each year. I do personal reading challenges, such as all-female authors, a book relating to the current season or month, beginning with a particular letter, cover color, etc. This has brought me so many wonderful authors, including Louise Penny – now one of my all-time favorites. Thanks for introducing me to two new-to-me authors. Happy Reading and Quilting
I DID enjoy reading about your series. I am not aware of the moose series but am going looking for it right now! Thanks Wendy.
Rochelle Summers
Fantastic list of books. I am so fortunate to be able to listen to audio books and sew at the same time….as long as I know what the nest step is. Also listen while I am cooking. Have you tried any Rita Mae Brown books? She has two series I like. One is the Sister Jane series about fox hunting in Virginia and the other is the Mrs. Murphy (a cat) mystery series. I also love Diana Gabaldon’s “The Outlander” series set in Scotland….time travel and more.
Sandra Walker
You know how much I love Louise Penny! You are right to read them in order; I read my first one in 2009 when it first came out, Bury Your Dead, so a lot of it was very confusing though I loved reading about all the places in Quebec City where I’d been many times, and I sure liked this Inspector Gamache character and his dog Henri… So just a little over two years ago, I started the series in order and oh MY, so so good. But I cannot believe you know (and love) the Mrs. Pollifax series!! My mum got us onto them, so very good! I have a few on my bookshelf. Thanks for the others; have not heard of the Amelia (will put them on my list) or the Van Reid ones—so cool you had coffee with him!
I loved your post about your favorite series, Wendy! You know I love Louise Penny, but I haven’t read any of the others – will have to put them on my list. I’m always looking for another series to get into! Comfy Wilbs – he knows how to relax!
Ah, Wendy, you and I are soul sisters! I inhale books. I’ll read paper books or Kindle ones, but just can’t do audiobooks. They never sound like the characters do in my head. Also a fan of Louise Penny and Chief Inspector Gamache. I’m in the middle of the latest one. I highly recommend John Sandford’s Prey series with Lucas Davenport, along with Daniel Silva’s novels about Gabriel Allon.Lots of action and interesting characters. Happy reading!
I forgot about the Amelia Peabody series, but since I finished the Dr. Ruth Galloway Series I will pick up on these now. I had to go find the Moosepath series at Thriftbooks. Someone gave me the Mrs. Pollifax series after Jeff died. I have read a couple, and enjoyed them. Great likes this week, and as usual, Wilbs is a star!
I really liked Booked Thursday! I always enjoy hearing about what you’re reading.
Nancy Bekedam
I just put a hold on The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax in audio from our library–25th in line!!! Four copies. Approximately 25 week wait!?! It must be good!
Wilbur is adorable. I’ve been loving the Louise Penny books. I agree, The Last Camel Died at Noon is a great title. I’ve not read any of the Van Reid books – how cool to have met the author!
Kathleen McCormick
I love to read, but have really slacked off. I think I need to get a kindle, easier to lug back and forth. I love audio books but every time I put one on, someone disturbs me….hmmm. Love seeing Wilbs….I think I am going to get some of the Van Reid books for porch reading this summer…I am inspired.
Happy re-reading.
Julie Holleran
Have you read the Ellie Griffiths “Dr. Ruth Galloway” archeological mysteries–I really am enjoying her latest one…
hugs, Julierose
Cathie J
Thank you so much for you book recommendations. I have added those authors to my list of books to read in the future.
Sandy Panagos
I love your book recommendations. Louise Penny is very familiar, but the other two I’ve not heard of. I’ll check them out. There is never enough time for quilting OR reading!
Kathy Swallows
These series are all new to me. I do enjoy a good series, I have several that I follow and reread when life gets to weighty. I’ll definitely be checking these out.