Batik Burst
I’m still playing with the Island Batik scraps this week. Batik Burst is taking shape. In my last post, I had this little gathering of blocks on my design wall.
The inspiration for this design was from the book Sew Charming: Scrappy Quilts from 5″ Squares by Mary Etherington and Connie Tesene. I enjoy browsing through this book and looking at the projects, many of which are shown in reproduction fabrics and also in brights. (I’m not an affiliate, just a big fan.)
So I’ve been thinking about those blocks and what to do with them. A few of you mentioned a pillow, which was a great idea.. A table runner was also a possibility.
How about a star quilt? Here are my two layouts, and now I need your help. Tell me which one you like.
Star #1
With the same star points together.
Star #2
With the points mixed up just a bit.
So cast your vote, please.
I so appreciate how you all encourage me as I quilt and write posts. This wouldn’t be nearly as fun without you!
I’m getting ready to hunker down and sew, mojo or no mojo. We have more snow coming through the rest of the week. I’m not sure where we’re going to put more snow, but I have food, coffee, chocolate and plenty of fabric, so I’m good and ready.
Linking up with Susan at Quilt Fabrication for Midweek Makers, Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday Wait Loss, and Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday.
Pieceful Monday
Batik Burst Finish
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The fabric’s look wonderful in the star lay out. I like Star #2 the best. I like the mixed up points. Great weekend for quilting and making our machines hum! I’m going to be doing the same, Have fun!
Star 2 looks great—and a clever use of the bocks! Oh, the snow! I think some movies might be in order too. Glad you’re stocked up and ready with essentials 🙂
Genevieve Gerrard
The mixed up points! It’s looking great!
Sarah Craig
I like the second layout best – mixing the colors up makes the star sparkle! Glad to see you working through your mojo drought – it will come back soon!!
Dione @ Clever Chameleon
Second star is the best, hands down. Sorry star #1 – you are pretty but way outshone.
I like them both but I think I like the second version (mixed-up points) better
Diane H
My pick is block #2, as well. That is a great looking block. This winter is getting long, but being stuck indoors is helping to diminish my UFO pile.
I have to vote for #2 also!
Bobbi @ Snowy Days Quilting
Such beautiful batik scraps! I really love your idea of using the blocks inside a star. That second star with the mixed up points just sings.
Diann Bottrell
What a great idea to turn those blocks into the center of a star! I think I am not alone in liking the second layout the best! 🙂 What size will your star be, Wendy?
What a clever idea to use the blocks as the centre for stars. I prefer the colours staggered for the tips. I admire you for pushing on — can’t imagine how suffocating all that snow and cold must be. Keep strong
#2 – really like it — sorry about the snow – here it is rain and we had close to 2 inches yesterday and more expected on Friday/Saturday
My Sewful Retirement
Hi Wendy, I too favor block #2. Last night I sketched out my next project — also stars with mixed color points — I chuckled out loud when I read your post — great minds thinking alike ♥♥. Wish I could send you some Florida sunshine 🙂
Oh gosh…hard to choose, but I think I like the second one.
I love this. It appears star 2 has all the votes, including mine. 🙂
Kathleen Scribner
I like it best with the points color mixed up. Love the scrappy rails center. It should make a whole quilt or use it as the center of a medallion!
Vicki in MN
I tossed a coin # 2 wins!!!
#2 mixing the points gives the star movement; I’m partial to wall hangings but this would make a great pillow for King Wilber
Laura M
I like version 2.
Both versions are wonderful but I think I would go with #2.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Star #2! That is really a cute idea, Wendy!!!
Terri L Gartman
I love the second version–it helps pull your eye around the quilt!
OOOOH, Wendy! I love, LOVE, l.o.v.e. this whole project. I love both versions – but if you choose the second one you have to move that turquoise block so that it doesn’t disappear into the star piece. It’s funny because the purple doesn’t disappear like the teal/turquoise does. Anyhoo – LOVE this so much!! ~smile~ Roseanne
Beautiful!!! I vote for #2 … but #1 is nice. I see Roseanne’s comment about the block disappearing into the star piece … I like that it does that and it would be cool if you could arrange for one block to disappear into each star point … it would add a lot of interest. At any rate … whatever you choose will make a beautiful quilt! I look forward to seeing the finished quilt!
Happy Quilting! 🙂
Geri Howie
Definitely, #2. Crazy snow globe shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. But with food, coffee, and chocolate you can survive until ??? when we finally can come out of hibernation. Really wishing we could have stayed in sunny Florida 😎
connie wolfe
Wow, was I surprised! I vote for option 2 with the mixed points. The brightness was impressive, and this comes from a very “matchy matchy” person.Enjoy the sewing.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
The stars look great. 2 is my favourite 🙂
I like them mixed up! So cute🤗
Cocoa Quilts
I’m a number 2 girl, mixed up!
Louise Hornor
I like Star #1! The center blocks have plenty of randomness so it’s OK for the points to hang together like birds of a feather 🙂 Of course, I tend toward more controlled scrappiness in my personal work, so that’s just me!
Gray Barn Designs
Star #2 gets my vote! AND i feel like I am taking a trip to the tropics! Stay warm with all that snow heading your way!
Kathleen McCormick
Second layout caught my eye…mojo back??
Andrea W
I’m liking the scrappy star points (#2) as the center reads scrappy as well.
I love the scrappy happy look of number 2. Thanks for sharing this easy block on Wednesday Wait Loss. I’m inspired!
I vote for #2. Love the way the scraps are falling together.Looking forward to seeing it grow.
I love these blocks as the center of a star!!!! I may be too late to vote, but I like the mixed up layout the best. It will look amazing either way!
The mixed layout won!