Blue Quilt Progress
I have some Blue Quilt progress to show you today. A lot of progress, actually! Since my last update, I have been busy making the borders. For the inner border, I decided to do light and dark blue stripes with four patch blocks in the corners. The final outer border took a little more work (and a lot more thinking!!). Here is my progress as of Tuesday this week.

And today, more blue quilt progress! I finished it up!

I am so excited that the final border worked out. It took a lot of thinking and a little fudging, but it worked. Phew! Now I need to get backing fabric, and then I will hand this off to Connie to work her magic, as well as add in a few more details.
I was finished with the quilt top just after lunch, so for the rest of the day I decided to just play around. I pulled out some batik scraps and started cutting them up. I’d like to phase out my batiks in my stash, since I hardly use them anymore. We’ll see how that goes. I’ll post some photos once I have some of the progress up on the design wall.
Other than that, I need to finish some quilt tops – I have too many waiting, so maybe I’ll tackle that today. What about you? What are you working on today?

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Hi Wendy,
Just wanted to tell you that I just love your Blue Quilt~I wish that was the new MN flag. I love the loon, trees, and star. Everything about it. It is so amazing. And your border really set it all off! Great Job!
Was interesting that you mentioned using up your batiks, I’m with you on that one. I have a fat quarter of some blue but for some reason I don’t care for the feel of the fabric so it just sits there. I need to just make something with it and use it up. Really like reading all of your posts!
Barbara J Stanbro
Beautiful. Nice work on that border. I’ve done some figuring that way before too, and it isn’t easy.
Vicki in MN
Oh how I love what you did for the borders, especially the last one. It is just perfect and sets off the rest of the quilt fantastic!
The Joyful Quilter
Kudos for figuring out that border, Wendy. The quilt top looks great!
Wow I don’t know how you got all those little gold/yellow blocks to be so straight, but you did, and it looks fantastic. The danger in doing such a good job with this is that if BigJ has an office outside your home and hangs the blue quilt in it, everyone will want one. I can’t wait to see it after Connie waves her wand over it!
laura bruno lilly
I can see how the square block border would be a mind-bender to get just right! Well worth the effort, Wendy. I think all three borders enhance your fine graphic centerpiece!
That was a bold move for the border design and it has worked beautifully. Getting those blocks to fit must indeed have been a challenge. You must be very pleased with yourself for designing and making this stunning piece
Michelle Crafton
I love it! I agree with Kathy, this would have made a great design for the new Minnesota state flag — better than the one that was chosen, in my opinion.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
This looks great, Wendy! The yellow in the border really pulls out the yellow in the center. (The strips of squares remind me of the Dreamlines project. I only did a few of those – even though I really enjoyed the process. Wonder where they are?!) I love how your Minnesota quilt is turning out – it will be fun to see it quilted!
the border really finishes up the piece well it looks great!
Cindy Berry
I love this piece – all done with your own thoughts and techniques – amazing job! Funny about the batiks, I am just learning to use them in my quilting and really like what they offer . Congrats on such a great work of art!
Hi Wendy – the border must have been a little bit crazy making to figure out but so worth it. I love the look of this quilt. Really meaningful and so well done!!
Such a wonderful top, Wendy. All those borders look wonderful. No one would know how much thought and work you had to put in by just looking. Your hubby should be proud of how you took up the challenge and made a wonderful piece of art!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Oh, I really like how the four patch corners of the inner border flow into the outer border a bit. Congratulations on getting the quilt top complete and I hope you find a perfect backing for it!
Cheree Hull
Love love love all the border work. It was all worth it!
Sandi Scarlett
Your blue quilt is beautiful!
Absolut fantastic! Your husband will be very proud! Make a little sign to put at the wall… like in a galery! Wondering how you measured that the border fits so exactly! Really really wonderfull!
Vicki Welsh
That border was a ton of work but it is AWESOME!
Well thought out and well executed, Wendy! I love it! Bet the Hubster does too. 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
This is a fabulous quilt and what a great job you did figuring it all out. I love it and had to go back to look at the state seal again, it is just so gorgeous. I know Big J will love having it in his space when it is all done.
Anja @ Anja Quilts
This is so good. It turned out amazing. Well done.
Love that last border. It was well worth the effort! The whole composition looks great. It has to feel good to be mostly finished. Is this one going to Your Guy once it’s finished?