improv quilts
Improv Stripes
Debbie Jeske of A Quilter’s Table started an improv stripes QAL recently, and today is the day some of us will be revealing our work. This has been such a fun little QAL; check out #improvstripesqal on Instagram for more…
Project Line Up
Projects! Our quilting lives would be dull indeed if we didn’t have projects to be done (and fabric to be bought, but more on that in a minute). I was just thinking that I had some pretty relaxed quilting time…
Three Project Peeks
I have three project peeks for you today. This week has been a fast one with the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop and seeing all the fun projects from the bloggers who are participating. I hope you…
Flashback Friday Fun
I’ve been having fun this week, working on the baby quilts and getting ready for my Monday post for the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop. I hope you visit my blog on Monday and get to know a little more…