improv quilts

  • improv quilts

    Improv Finish

    Having teased you long enough with photos of green plants and green strips, I have an improv finish to show you today. This was a definite DrEAMi project for me. Not much else got done while I was working on…

  • improv quilts

    Swap Mini Quilts

    I haven’t shown you the mini quilts my swap partner and I exchanged this year. This was my first year participating in the Modern Quilt Guild Mini Quilt Swap. There were 466 participants from 11 countries. Many of the participants…

  • improv quilts

    Friday Finish

    My Friday Finish today is a little mini quilt for a quilt challenge. I’m part of a group of quilters, The Endeavourers, and we challenge each other to make a quilt based on a theme for each quarter of the…

  • improv quilts

    Fractured UFO

    I finally have a UFO to show you today, a fractured UFO. Let me explain. During a shop hop years ago, I gave in and bought a quilt kit as part of a shop promotion. It was a panel of…