Checking In
I certainly didn’t plan on taking all of Christmas and New Year’s away from my quilting and my blog, but that’s how it played out. I’d like to tell you that I’ve been sewing up a storm, but I haven’t. I hardly set foot in my quilting room for the last half of December. I was sewing, however. I finished up my cross stitch, my version of the Kaleidoscope pattern by Lori Holt. This pattern is available through the Fat Quarter Shop.
The light blue is just a bit too light, but overall I’m happy with the finish. I’ve already started another pattern, which I’ll show you soon. It’s relaxing to work on in the evenings.
My daughter, Molly, gifted me this little fabric booklet for Christmas. She made this from felt. It delights me that she enjoys creating things with her hands. All of the pieces were hand-sketched by her. The book measures approximately 6″ square.
On the left page, are three cross-stitched kitties. One for each that has lived with us. The black/white one is Thomas O’Malley, the white one is Max (we miss them both), and the ginger is, of course, Wilbs.
On the right page, a cross-stitch design with a nod to the Frank Lloyd Wright quilt I made years ago. If you’re interested, you can see that quilt in this post.
On these two pages, Molly has honored the four generations of sewists in our family. On the left page, upper left, is my grandmother’s hand (she was left-handed); below her hand is my mother’s hand. On the right page, my hand is in the upper left, and Molly’s in the lower right. She has initialed each of the hands, as well.
She added a nod to my love of bold prints and fun stitches, and of course needed to include Winnie the Squirrel – my inner squirrel that causes me to flitt from one project to another. Notice the red thread that winds all the way through the booklet.
I have to add a close up of the squirrel’s tail so you can see how she stitched it to make it look bushy.
I have three specific projects I need to work on for the month of January, so I’ll be sharing my progress on them (as much as I can) each week.
Stay at Home Round Robin
You may recall that I joined in with Quilting Gail for her Stay at Home Round Robin last year. You can see my finished quilt in this post. It was the first Round Robin quilt I had made, and it is one of my favorite finishes of 2021. Quilting Gail is hosting the SAHRR once again, and I’ll be one of the guest bloggers again this year. I hope you join in with us! You can find all the information right here. This is a very fun sew along. It’s all done by you, we just give you the round to add each week, and we keep things simple as well as allow you to adjust a bit if you need to.
It all begins next Monday, January 10th – I hope to see you there!
Polar Bear Plunge
I’m also participating in the Polar Bear Plunge Blog Hop later this month, hosted by Joan over at MooseStash Quilting. Ideas are still brewing on this one, but it’s time to get my wiggle on. Stay tuned!
The Endeavourers Challenge
My next challenge quilt for The Endeavourers is due February 1st. Up until yesterday, I had no idea what I was going to make. Then inspiration hit . . .
I’m having fun creating this one. My daughter gave me that dark swirly print, so I credit her with the inspiration.
I want to thank Linda for continuing to host these To Do Tuesdays each week. Sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps me checking in and on track!
How about you? What’s on your to do list this week? Join us over at the linky party – we’d love to know!

To Do Tuesday 69

Thoughtful Thursday
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Nancy Bekedam
What a fun, heartfelt little book from your daughter, Wendy!!! Each hand is unique. (Looks tricky to make!) And beautiful cross stitch by you, too!!!
Sarah Craig
Happy New Year, Wendy! I had a similar problem with a cross-stitch once, and solved it by outlining the light outer edge with a darker backstitch (you could use the gold or darker blue). It made the whole design pop!
Oh that book is adorable! I love all the techniques she used! Your projects are wonderful and love your Lori Holt cross stitch! Have a wonderful week and thanks for sharing!
Susan MacLeod
Looks like your daughter takes after you. Both of you are quite talented.
Cindy Pieters
I love that book! What a treasure! Your cross stitch is beautiful!
Wow, that little stitched book by M is precious! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Your cross stitch piece turned out nicely. Are you going to frame it and hang it up on a wall? Sounds like you’ll be busy in your sewing room this month. I love seeing what you come up with for the endeavor challenges.
That book your daughter made is awesome! She is very creative, just like her mother! 😊 Happy New Year!
Katy Sweigart
What a lovely and thoughtful gift! It is just beautiful.
laura bruno lilly
Your daughter’s gift is precious. Also, high quality work is evident throughout. The idea of crafting hands through your family’s generations is fantastic.
The Joyful Quilter
The book your daughter made is fabulous, Wendy! You should have fun with that swirly fabric for the Endeavourers challenge. Thanks for participating in the 2022 SAHRR! I chose my center block over the weekend. I’m ready to roll with the clues to come!!
I love your daughter’s gift – it really is sweet and thoughtful
Vicki in MN
Molly sure put a lot of thought into that book which makes it even more special, tell her I think it’s fabulous! Fun to see your cross stitching, will it be in a quilt or pillow?
Sandy Panagos
What a precious gift from your daughter! She is a very clever concept artist in addition to her needlework. Wow. Oh, and i LOVE the fabrics you’ve chosen for the Endeavourers challenge. Can’t wait to see that one come together.
Barbara J Stanbro
What a sweet gift from Molly. Looking forward to seeing your challenge piece. Now that we’re into January, I think I can survive waiting for the reveal day. Mine has been burning a hole in my ability to delay gratification.
Sounds like you needed a nice rest and reset! Happy new year, and I’m looking forward to seeing your projects, especially that bright one at the end!
Jocelyn Thurston
Your Cross Stitch piece is lovely, Wendy. I too find it particularly soothing to cross stitch.
Wow, what a lovely hand sewn book from Molly. I enjoyed seeing each of the “Pages” and reading what they meant. Thanks for sharing. It is always a treat to visit you, Wendy!
Molly is as amazing as you are. What an eloquent way she has with fabric, such a well thought-out booklet and so priceless. I think the hands are my favorite, and I love the red thread running through it.
Looking forward to your challenge quilt – love that dark swirly print.
Thanks for linking up with To Do Tuesday!
Cheree Hull
It sounds like your holiday went about like mine–I didn’t intend to nec stay off of the computer…it just happened. And I let it! I suppose the blue is a little light but I didn’t think it until you mentioned it. I took it to be just a softer part of it. It is a very pretty design and you made it quite beautiful. Molly is sooo talented! The book made me tear up. What a treasure! I keep seeing this Polar Bear Plunge thing and it always reminds me of something we have here in our city–or at least used to? I haven’t paid much attention lately but anyway, on New Year’s Day, there is always a bunch of people that jump into the Arkansas River–regardless the temp. It’s very often a true Polar Bear Plunge, as they call it. They keep it “safe” and generally everyone wears wet suits but that would NOT be enough for me!
Wow! I love that precious little book! So much meaning hand stitched into such a beautiful small project! This is a fabulous keepsake! 🙂
Louise Hornor
Molly’s little book is precious! What a creative and artistic family you are!!
What a wonderful little book, full of precious stitches and memories! I love your pale blue embroidery as well, so delicate.
Just had a look at your 2021 Round Robin Stay at Home quilt. It is totally amazing. I am not American but I do love the work you have put into it. Gorgeous.
Ok, that little book made by your daughter… ummm… wow!! That will be a forever cherished gift.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
What a delightful booklet! Molly clearly put a lot of thought and love into creating that for you! I’m glad you enjoyed your holiday with family and I hope your January is off to a good start.
Rochelle Summers
Can I just say that this is an amazing post. First the lovely cross stitch which just glows. That’s a lot of stitching. And then that beautiful little book your daughter made you. I love the work she did and the way she captured your love of color. Of course, seeing the four generations of “sewing” hands makes me smile. You must be so proud of her!! Can’t wait to see what you make with that pretty pile of colorful scraps! Happy New Years.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I think your cross-stitch is beautiful, Wendy! Love the design and colors. And Molly’s book is amazing! That will really be a keepsake. Looking forward to the SAHRR, too! I have a goal to keep it small this year and I think I know how I can do that.
Rose Mikulski
The book is so precious! Well if I can’t have Wilby, then can I have Molly? What a thoughtful and wonderful daughter. We need to talk about cross stitch.
Carol Andrews
I’m so glad you were able to just enjoy the holidays and family time Wendy. Your daughter’s gift is so creative and thoughtful. Love the fabrics for your challenge. So bright and inspiring. Your cross stitch piece is beautiful. Have fun with your next few projects. I’m looking forward to seeing your hop project. 😉
Sandra Walker
Sounds like you had time to recharge for the crazy busy January you have ahead of you! Will be watching and reading! Mollie’s book is just…. just…. wow. So heartfelt, so meaningful. I studied each photo, and thank you for including them. Love the red thread running through the entire book, so very clever.
Sandi Scarlett
The book Molly made you is beautiful! What a wonderful keepsake.
What a beautiful gift by Molly! I love the different pages, but my favorite is the hands of the 4 sewists in your family. What a treasure.
Quilting is in my Blood
You have one very talented and creative daughter. What a gift of love! I’m sure she loved stitching it for you. I also like your cross stitch a lot. I like the soft vibe that the blue evokes. I’ve decided to participate in SAHRR and have even picked my orphan block. I think it’s going to be fun!
You certainly are starting the year with a bang and interesting stitching projects.
I love the book that Molly made for you. Very special indeed.
Judy B
What a creative daughter you have. A fabulous gift you will cherish forever. I like Sarah’s suggestion of a darker outline stitch. Might be worth a try!
Kathleen McCormick
Oh, that book from Molly is just so wonderful. What a talented and thoughtful young woman. I love the needlepoint, I did cards for Christmas which filled that need, but I do like having some handwork and need to get back to it, or finish one of the few projects I still have hanging about. Our lists are similar. I am planning on SAHRR and Polar Bear Blog Hop. I am also planning on RSC this year, so I am grabbing some reds from my scraps while I am in Medford to join with the reds in Maine. I do have a nifty background for the reds, so we’ll see what I come up with.
Hi Wendy! Wowee – I really had to scroll down through tons of comments! I guess that’s what happens when I’m late to the partay, huh?! I have a suggestion for your cross stitch, if you’re planning to frame it? I would use a light blue mat that matches the thread color, and that will pull out the color nicely. When we had a cross stitch/framing shop, we often used the rule of thumb to pick the third color you saw when you looked at the piece. I think that applies – and even if you’re going to sew it into something, that same rule should work. I’ll be interested to see what you do with it – it’s very pretty! Molly’s book is just fab. Goodness, the four generation’s stitching hands just brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful, thoughtful gift. She’s a keeper and you did good, guiding her toward her wonderfulness. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
The book Molly made for you is simply amazing. Creative genes obviously run in the family! I’m looking forward to participating in the SAHRR again this year too! I picked out my orphan block center today.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
Your cross stitch looks great and I LOVE the book your daughter made. It’s a work of art in its own right and extra special that she has captured all those personal details. Certainly a gift to treasure. Happy New Year!
Preeti Harris
Such a wonderful gift. I have goosebumps, Wendy. Also curious about the Endeavors challenge, primarily because of your fabric pull. Unlikely that I can participate but always fun to watch. Stay warm and sew on.