Cloth Napkins
I made cloth napkins this week. Not quilt-related, but a necessity here at the Pieceful Thoughts household. Years ago, I switched to using cloth napkins. I have some that I purchased about 15 years ago. Those napkins have been used frequently and are just beginning to show wear. It is time to replace them, and I’ve been unable to find any similar pre-made cloth napkins that I like.
So what to do? Make them, of course! I began the search for fabric and came up wanting. The original napkins are made from a loosely woven cotton, similar to homespun, but a bit heavier. I like them because they are soft, absorbent, and have a nice weight. While shopping at a discount home goods store, I came across a tablecloth with exactly the fabric I was looking for. The tablecloth measured 60″ x 84″ and cost $9.99.

Obviously I wasn’t thinking about the upcoming holiday season while choosing the tablecloth. Actually I wasn’t terribly fussy about the color or design. I wanted the right fabric at a decent price.
The first thing I did was launder the tablecloth. I wanted to be sure it didn’t run, shrink, or lose its shape. It washed up beautifully. Then it sat while I was busy with other quilting projects.
I literally grabbed it the other day and started cutting 20″ squares. In my haste I didn’t bother to do any math. I also miscut my last strip, so some of the cloth napkins will be rectangular. No matter; they’ll still be useful.
Once cut, I pressed one-inch in around each square, then folded the raw edge under to create a half-inch hem. I stitched around the square using my walking foot.

I didn’t even bother with a mitered corner. My walking foot handled the thickness just fine.

The cloth napkins went together so easily. In just an afternoon, I had six napkins ready. The rest will be finished on another day. Once the project is done, I should 9 napkins and very little waste fabric.

While walking through another home goods shop the other day, I noticed some pretty Christmas tablecloths. I passed them by, but just thought I’d let you know in case you want to whip up some cloth napkins for the holidays. [wink]

Happy Wednesday, friends! I hope your week is going well!
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I Like Thursdays #12
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I also use cloth napkins. Your stripey ones have inspired me to stitch a new batch. Thanks
Riceford Streams
I also have the heavy cotton napkins from years ago. You’re a smart cookie to cut a tablecloth. They’re just right!
Katy Sweigart
Brilliant idea! I think I need to do this as well. Thanks for the great idea!
What a fantastic idea! (Shhhh….we always use paper napkins….don’t tell anyone…..but I plan on making some from a homespun tablecloth I have….). Ahem……How many cloth napkins do you recommend to have on hand at any given time?
Cindy Pieters
What a great idea to cut into a tablecloth!
Hi Wendy! What a fabulous idea, and they sure turned out well. I love all the colors in them. They will look nice with your table topper that you put on your outside deck table. Nice! We should move to fabric napkins . . . hmm. I’d have to make a bunch. I’m NOT taking on this project right now, but I’ll file the idea for later. ~smile~ Roseanne
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Great price on 2 1/3 yards of 60″ wide fabric! And just the RIGHT fabric, too!
Julie Holleran
Nice job on the napkins–I had made some using quilt fabric and they didn’t hold up very well…you had a great idea there…hugs, Julierose
Vicki in MN
Those are fun napkins and will be great to use on dreary winter days to give your dinner a little spark:)
I’ve got some but they seem to stay in a cabinet most of the time while I grab a paper towel – I don’t know why I do that
Great idea! We, too, have used cloth for years. Not too much work to make, and worth the investment.
Diann Bottrell
We use cloth napkins, too! I’ve never thought to make them that way, but what a good idea! I was going to ask you if the tablecloth is cotton, but I went back and looked at your picture before you cut it up, and I see that it is on the tag. Love the colors in your new napkins, too – I think they would work for season!
Diann Bottrell
Lol, should have proofread better. *any* season is what I meant to write!
Wendy, these napkins are just super. I really like the stripe pattern. I do this with sheets to make pillowcases. I have a duvet so i always use the flat sheet I get in a set to make pillowcases.
These napkins are so fun, colorful and practical too!! What a great idea!
Sandra Walker
These are great and what a great idea to turn the perfect tablecloth into napkins! Thank you for the squirrel… I may have to make a set for each daughter as a stocking stuffer.
How cleaver are you? To use a tablecloth and make napkins!!! Just think, if you bought 2 tablecloths, the napkins would match!
Now you’ve got me thinking outside of my box ! 🙂
Barbara J Stanbro
What pretty summer colors. I had the same thought as Gail…two tablecloths, and you have a matched set!
Kathleen McCormick
When its perfect, its perfect! I love how many you get and the odd shapes are always helpufl – for the sweating pitcher or hot bottom of a bowl, etc. Lovely job my friend.
Lisa J.
Napkins are an excellent idea. One of these days I am going to have to make some. Yours are really fun and a great bargain to boot.
Love the idea of using a tablecloth! I made napkins years ago but used quilting cottons. Some are a little worse for wear these days.
Louise Hornor
What a pretty, classic stripe! Cloth napkins are a very satisfying project. We use the ones I made every day, although ours are just quilting cotton.
Great idea! My grandmother used little tea towels for napkins when I was growing up. I’m not sure they even make those small towels anymore.