Cool Cat Thursday
One of his favorite places to nap, Wilbs likes this basket. He thought it might be nice to show it to you. Like much of our house, Wilbs blends into the basket and is difficult to spot if he’s curled up and sleeping in there!
With four adults living in this house, the dishes are a never-ending task. Wilbs is always up for helping out – this photo was taken just after he came to live with us.
He is particularly fascinated with water and bubbles. He finds it utterly fascinating to watch me fill the teapot each morning. Of course, having been a feral cat, dishes waiting by the sink are another fascination – always hunting for a little smackerel of something.
When not helping in the kitchen, he is busy helping me organize my sewing notions, such as my vintage threads. This particular spool is getting the sniff test.
He’s not sure about this one; it needs closer inspection. `
And that’s about it for this Cool Cat Thursday and my 65th post for the I Like Thursday party. Hopefully I’ll have more things to share next week!

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I loved Cool Cat Thursday! Wilbs you started my off with a smile, thanks.
Sandra Healy
Lovely to see the photos of Wilbur. He looks like a very contented cat!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
What a sweet post about a sweet kitty! My daughter and her family are fostering a new kitty they picked up this weekend. He is sweet and very shy! He’s not sure about the rest of the zoo ( three cats, two dogs and a bird) just yet! The dogs love him but he’s afraid of them…and the other cats hiss at him. Poor little guy! Thank Wilbs for the kitty smile this morning!!
Typical cat. In the middle of everything.
Juliana Ellington
Wilbs is a handsome cat. I enjoyed a post devoted just to him and his story.
Robby H.
What a lovely visit with Wilbs. Excellent solution for missing our kitties who have moved on to the eternal tuna buffet.
Oh my goodness – looks like you need to keep on eye on Wilbur!
Such a handsome, helpful fellow!
Shannon M Conley
Wilbs is fantastic! He seems like he’d be friends with Spooky who also loves “helping” with the dishes in the dishwasher (sort of ok if it’s the dirty ones, less so when he starts to lick the clean silverware) and the love of sewing notions. Unfortunately Spooky ran away with an expensive spool of silk thread and I didn’t notice until he’d chewed it all up!! Have a good week and give all your cats a chin scratch for me!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Cats are fascinating to me – probably because I’ve never lived with one! It’s fun to see Wilbur in lots of places around your house. It looks like he is a good snoop-ervisor! 😍
Cheree Hull
Hello Wilbs! Bet you’d have a grand ol’ time with one of those spools, unraveling it all over the house…😈 Nah, you’re a good kitty, right? Cute pics! Enjoy that basket! (it’s a rough life!)
Louise Hornor
Wilbs is just a busy, busy guy! So cute 🙂
I knew Wilbs had star power! He is so photogenic. Thanks for sharing him.
Jocelyn Thurston
Wilbs is turning out to be such a fabulous photo study and such a loyal little companion to boot. Love the word smackeral. Have a great weekend at your house, Wendy.
Ahh, Wilbs! I couldn’t help but think a tisket, a tasket, a wonderful Wilbs basket. Wonderful collection of vintage thread! I have some from my grandmother, who died before I was born and a bunch from my mom/dad. My dad was actually a bigger sewer than my mom. They are all on wooden spools! Anyway, thanks for sharing all the fun photos today! ~smile~ Roseanne
Thank you for such a wonderful post to put a big smile on my face! I love that cat. He could be viral on Instagram I’m sure!
Sue Hoover
Wilbs is adorable and certainly qualifies for an I Like Thurs post! I love orange kitties. Polly is a pretty tabby with eye liner. She loves spools too but only to eat the thread. Not a good thing. I hope you & Wilbs have a great week!
Quilting is in my Blood
It’s fun to see all pics of Wilbur and hear the different tales. He definitely blends well with that basket at the top of the post.
Wilbur is a cutie. Makes my day to see him. 🙂
Kathy Swallows
Wilbur seems to have a healthy dose of curiosity. He is definitely a cutie.
Carol Andrews
Wills can definitely warrant his own post with his antics! I love your cat 😉
Awe Wilbs is a great I like Thursday post.
Sparkle On! with Abbie
Wilbs is one cool cat! I see he likes to “get into things” 😉
Wilbs is the best thread inspector! I love seeing his explorations.