
Current Projects

How about a current projects update, since I’ve been a little quiet lately. Although I haven’t been posting much, I have been doing some sewing. Here are a couple of projects I’m working on.

This is a block I made from the Block Study Collective with Tara Faughnan. You can see these blocks and one other in this post. I decided to do some seed stitching in each of the triangles, using various colors of 12 wt thread. It’s been a relaxing project in the evenings while watching a show. The stitching is all done now, and I’m considering how to finish the piece – a mini quilt, a pillow? I’ll post a photo once I make a decision and it is finished.

Minnesota’s weather has certainly been a rollercoaster lately. Lovely warm temps one day, snow and rain the next. Since we are still getting some winter weather, I decided to start this quilt kit. The pattern is Cold Front by Wren Collective. Most of the fabrics are Ruby Star.

There are three mitten designs in the pattern, and four pairs of mittens in each design. These four are the easiest. The other two designs are hearts and HSTs, but both are simple to construct.

That’s the current projects going on here at Pieceful Thoughts. I’m also pondering my next challenge quilt, which is due May 1st, and I’m stuck! I haven’t started, and we will be gone for part of April. Yikes. The theme is “circus”.

Monday is the Stay at Home Round Robin 2025 Parade of Quilts, so I’ll be showing my finished quilt, along with quilts from Eva and Katherine. I hope you stop by and see our finishes!

I hope you are enjoying your current projects, too! Happy sewing, all!



    • Diann@LittlePenguinQuilts

      Love the look of your seed stitching and the multiple colors of thread, Wendy! That does look very enjoyable for evening hand stitching. The mittens are adorable! I still need mittens here in March, too – so why not make some quilty ones?!

  • laura bruno lilly

    What a containable way to add seed stitching to a project. I can see doing this every other block or just an inner frame around a center grouping etc…The one in the pink triangle makes me think of sprinkles on my ice cream cone…Happy Spring, Wendy!

  • Kathleen McCormick

    Love the seed stitching. It is a fun block and will be fun to see what you make. The mittens are just plain fun. Now circus….that is a challenge. Good luck coming up with something that inspires you!

  • Eva

    Lovely to see this project on your knees. It turns out very very well! Yes, weather is interesting in the moment. The theme circus is … puhhh…. It will be interesting what you do. A prima ballerina on a zipline … the manger of the circus in black or the clown with a red nose? So many ideas… but to sew? The tend? The animals… I am sure you will find a wonderful idea to create!

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