DIY Thread Holder
I thought it might be fun to show you how he made it. He took pictures of his process while he worked on it.
Once I described to him what I was looking for, we determined the dimensions of the holder based on the wall space where it would hang and the size of the largest spool of thread I had. We determined that the size should be 20 inches x 30 inches and would hold 150 spools. With a little math, this project can easily be adjusted to any size.
The supplies needed:
- 3 – 8 inch pine boards, 3/4 inch thick, cut to length.
- 7 – 3/16th inch dowels for the thread pegs
- Kreg jig bit with a 3/16 inch tip
- 6 – #10 biscuits
- Approx. 9 ft of 1-1/2 inch oak
- Drill, router, table saw and wood glue
- Paint (we used spray paint)
Step 1
Cut the pine boards to length. In our case, the boards were cut slightly longer than 30 inches to accommodate the 1-1/4 inch oak frame.
Determine the placement of the pegs. In our case, we took the width of my largest spools and worked from that, spacing the pegs 2 inches apart. This gave us 15 rows of 10 across, for a total of 150 pegs.
Step 2
Glue the pine boards together, using the #10 biscuits to make them solid. Once dry, use the table saw to cut it to the correct width, again leaving it a little wider to accommodate the oak frame.
Step 3
Using a router and the 1-1/4 inch oak, build a frame to go around the pine.The frame helps keep the pine level and creates more stability. Stain and varnish the frame (or you can wait and paint it to match the rest of the holder). Wait to attach it to the holder until the last step.
Step 4
In this step, BigJ created a jig holder using a 2 x 2 and clamps. This allowed him to uniformly space the dowels at 2 inch intervals. The Kreg jig ensured that each of the holes were at an exact 20° angle. Note that on my holder, the end pegs of each row are only 1 inch from the oak frame when it is attached.
Step 5
To allow the holder to hang flat and sturdy against the wall, use a router bit to cut slots in the top ends of the frame so that it can hang on two screws mounted in the drywall.
Step 6
This is the most time consuming part of the project. Gently sand the ends of each peg to smooth the edges, creating a nice finish for the thread to slide over and to make it easier to insert them into the holes.
Using a 2 x 2, cut it at a 20° angle and draw guide lines on it for tapping in the pegs. Use a small nail dipped in wood glue as a makeshift dropper for getting the glue in the peg holes.
Step 7
Using a can of spray paint, apply about 5 thin coats. Spray from all four sides at about a 45° angle to be sure all surfaces are covered. NOTE: If you plan to paint the oak frame, attach it before you begin to paint. If not, let the paint dry and then attach the frame.
Hang your thread holder, put your thread on the pegs, and stand back and admire your work!
Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll do my best to get an answer for you. I’d enjoy seeing pictures if you make one for yourself!
Squiggles and Wiggles
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Vicki in MN
I think your Big J is a keeper! What an awesome addition to your sewing room:) You need to buy more thread LOL
Sandra Walker
Excellent project, one which I’ve just bookmarked and will be showing my husband! My threads are in little plastic baskets, but not out and visible, so I really like this idea!
I love it – thanks for showing how it was done, now if I could get my husband to make this – he might start but would he finish?
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Wow, that BigJ is such a handy guy! Ask for it, and boom, you’ve got it! So nice and big, too, for plenty of thread. I have an antique thread holder and it is overflowing. I need more pegs or need to sew and use up thread faster! BTW, what are #10 biscuits?
Louise Hornor
Big J does excellent work! This was not a simple woodworking project, what with the angled drilling and all. It looks great and will brighten up your studio to have all your lovely threads out and visible. What a wonderful Valentine’s gift 🙂
Hi Wendy,
WOWEE – this is great! And individualized just for you, too. Big J is definitely a keeper. I agree, you need to buy more thread. HAHA! ~smile~ Roseanne
Kathleen McCormick
What a great project!! So lucky to have a DH who will make these things for you…I am thinking of asking for help on a design wall project! Or I will just by Cheryl’s design wall as I don’t really have space…
This is a great project, Wendy. Something I may need soon. My current thread holder – from Joann’s is getting quite full.
Big J may be in trouble with some husbands but not mine because I don’t have a wall to put a thread holder up but wait maybe I’ll ask for a wall……Oooh, maybe if I ask for this I might get the clothes lines I want for my backyard.
Sparkle On with Abbie
BigJ’s spool holder is the best! I have a little standing one that always flops over, why haven’t I hung it on the wall?!! That’s going to be next on my to do list, thanks for sharing 😊
Great idea, Abbie!
kattails.....kathy in WV
Very nice—practical and pretty with all the threads. Could I just borrow BigJ (and all his tools) for a few days? I promise I’ll return him just the way you send him. And since my hubby and I have been married 45+ years there won’t be any hanky-panky. 🙂
Haha! The thread holder might be easier to send than BigJ. 🙂
soma @
Such a wonderful gift! Useful and beautiful at the same time.
Thank you, Soma!
Doug Smith
Made one for my wife – I used slightly different methodology, but it came out great! Thanks for the inspiration.