Fabric Play
Fabric play in my sewing room has been beautiful lately. Did you see this photo on my Instagram feed earlier this week?
This gorgeous fabric is from the Art Gallery Fabric Legendary line. It’s one of four fabrics I’m using for the 2019 Minnesota Mystery Quilt. Here are my blocks from Clue No. 1.
I’m ready for Clue No. 2 coming in February. Looking forward to seeing this come together!
Moda Blockheads
Here’s the last four blocks from this quilt along. The large blocks finish at 18 inches. The small at 6.
The star points on that little block on the top left started as 1-1/8 inch squares. I didn’t enjoy making that little star and don’t care that I nicked some of the points!
The second small block, on the right, went together fast because I had leftover HSTs from the large block on the left.
Here’s a closer view of that large block on the right. Yes, there are two different green fabrics in the large “x”. I had to improvise because my stash of green was running low. I enjoyed making this block.
And a better view of the other large block in better lighting.
Organization Update
Meanwhile, I’ve been continuing to organize my quilt room. All of my yardage, 3/4 yard and up, is on comic boards and on the shelf.
Fun Little Fact
Have you tried the Olfa Endurance blades? I have one in my primary rotary cutter (45mm). While organizing, I came across a note indicating when I first put the blade in — June of 2018. I’m still using that blade, and it’s just beginning to show signs of being dull. Since it’s lasted so long, I’m definitely going to buy more of them.
What’s your week been like? What projects are you working on?
Have a good weekend, friends!
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Velda at the Freckled Fox Quiltery
Your sewing/quilting space is stunning. I wish I was organize. Also loving your mystery quilt fabrics.
Thank you, Velda. We’ll see if I can stay organized!!
I have had an endurance blade in my cutter for 4 months and am loving it. I too will be buying another one. Love your mystery quilt fabrics.
They are great blades!
Dione @ Clever Chameleon
I think I need to see if I can find an endurance blade…. my last blade didn’t fare well at all. That tiny star is insanely small…. love all your sewing and your fabric shelf. That is awesome!
A good blade makes all the difference!
Sandra Walker
I’ve never heard of those blades! I just put in the last, that I can find, new blade in my 28 mm cutter, and have checked out Amazon offerings…will check this one out. That AGF fabric is so sumptuous, and looks terrific in the blocks. All the Moda blocks are looking great, and yeah, I see the brightness in the large block fabrics now!
I need to get new 28mm blades too!
Louise Hornor
Oooo, your studio is looking so great!! All that neatly arranged fabric…oops, I drooled a little, sorry 🙂 I really like the big block with all the triangles and completely understand not wanting to make another teensy star. It’s darned cute, though. Are the Endurance blades the same as the Titanium ones?
Olfa Endurance blades are made of tungsten steel. I don’t know if that’s the same. I tried some titanium from another company and they were disappointing. Might have just been the brand though.
My Sewful Retirement
Hi Wendy, your mystery fabric is beautiful! I’m impressed with your Moda Blockhead blocks! Your shelf is looking very organized 🙂 Happy Friday!
Thanks, Karla!
I’ve never heard of the Endurance blades. Gonna have to take a look at that. That’s such a pretty fabric. Great job on your blocks.
Oh do. They are a game changer, in my opinion!
I just love that block with all the tiny hst’s in it!
It wasn’t fun to cut those little squares, but it is a cute block!
Laura M
Thanks for the information about the endurance blades. I will try next time I need a blade. Can’t tell you how much I love those fabrics for your mystery quilt. Those Art Gallery fabrics are lovely to sew with. Have a lovely weekend.
Thanks, those AG fabrics are amazing!
Preeti Harris
I love the bright cheerful fuchsia floral fabric. I wrote all those adjectives so that you won’t get confused exactly which fabric I am talking about 😀
And I love even more what you are making with it. I am intrigued too – where will this go next?
But you know what will be best? If you could send me some scrap from that bright cheerful fuchsia floral fabric, I will LOVE you so much more. No rush, whenever you get around to it. Hope you have a warm and a cozy weekend with lots of time to sew.
Thanks, Preeti! When the quilt top is done, if I have some leftover fish is fabric, I’ll let you know! 😉
Hi Wendy! Oooh, I like that Minnesota block. I would never in a million years think that strip was from that fabric! It really pops so well surrounded by the black and yellow gold. And the print on the yellow is really cool, too. Good job selecting those for the mystery. I can’t wait to see the next block. Your Moda blocks are cool too – love that big X block. Your fabric looks SO nice in your sewing room. That has to make you happy! I have been telling (or nagging) Sue to get the endurance blade. She finally agreed, so thank you for the reminder and endorsement. HAHA! ~smile~ Roseanne
Thanks, Roseanne! If you can’t buy fabric, notions are the next best thing. Right?!
Gorgeous fabrics Wendy! That little star would have made me crazy. You did a great job with it. I had not heard about the endurance blade. I am going to check that out. Thanks for letting us know!!
Thanks, Bernie! Hope you try the blade!
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy those Minnesota blocks are beautiful. I would never be able to put those fabrics together. Nice job, can’t wait to see clue 2.
Thanks, Jan! Curious to see how this quilt looks!
Diann Bottrell
The Art Gallery floral for your mystery quilt blocks is beautiful! I’m impressed with those Blockheads blocks, too – so many little triangles! Glad your studio organization is going well. That shelf full of carefully folded fabric is very enticing!
Thanks, Diann. I’m going to enjoy HSTs someday! I do like my shelf of fabric. It’s much easier to see the fabric now.
Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts
Those mystery quilt fabrics are beautiful together! I’m looking forward to seeing the mystery unfold. Your room looks so organized and pretty! I love it!
Thanks, Beth!
Beautiful blocks! You have a lot of patience to make that many little HSTs!
Thank you, Kate! I’m learning to love HSTs! Slowly. 😊
You have been having fun! Lovely work
I have, Mariss, thanks!