Fabric Therapy
I enjoyed a little fabric therapy recently. You know that book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie? Well, I think there should be one for if you give a quilter fabric, don’t you? I think we could all come up with a great story on that theme.
Wait – did somebody say mouse???

We were in Duluth recently, so I stopped by McTavish Quilting just to pop in and say hi and have a look around. This fabric caught my eye, and I knew I needed to make something with it. And I knew exactly what that would be.

So I came home, dug through my patterns until I found the Essential Tote pattern by Around the Bobbin, and got to work. I made my first Essential Tote in a sew along with Nancy (Grace and Peace Quilting) back in 2019. Since then, I’ve made two other bags with this pattern, altering it to a smaller size. You can see those here and here. This pattern is very easy, and also has instructions for adding a zipper closure, but I haven’t tried that yet. I like my bags open where I can quickly grab what I want.
The bag went together quickly, and soon I was ready for the handles. I went to my bag supplies bin only to find I didn’t have them! Shoot! So there it sat.

No worries, though. I ordered the leather handles from Noodlehead, and they arrived quickly. I added them to the bag, and it was done.

And here’s a peek at the inside of the bag. I added pockets to one side using the same fabric as the bag base.

I even remembered to add my little label. I’ve had these for awhile and keep forgetting to use them!

Here are the details:
- Essential Tote by Round the Bobbin
- Bag finishes at approximately 12-1/2″ by 19″
- Outer fabric (upper) – Celestial Onyx by Zen Chic for Moda
- Outer fabric (base) – Charcoal gray chambray from my stash
- Inner fabric – Filigree Zen Gray by Zen Chic for Moda
- Handles – 3/4″ black leather from Noodlehead
Every now and then I just need to make a bag; it’s great fabric therapy! !

Works in Progress

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Barbara J Stanbro
Well, how much fun is that? Great bag, and pretty fabric!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That’s a great tote, Wendy! I love that neat fabric – I had to keep looking at it to see what the print actually was. That kind of project makes a really satisfying finish, doesn’t it?
Oh Wendy, I love your bag and perfect fabric choice! It looks amazing! I just finished making a table runner and quilting a quilt, with a little tension issue… But all done and good to go. I think the longerarm sat too long and was protesting. Haha! Better not let it sit so long. 🙂 I love seeing all of your quilting projects. Thanks for sharing!
I know that feeling of just needing to make a bag. The fabric is perfect and it is a most beautiful tote
Cindy Pieters
You couldn’t have found a better fabric for the bag. I love it!
That is a fabulous line – Zen Chic? It made the perfect tote, very nice work!
I love your little tags. Perfect touch.
laura bruno lilly
Who knew that mouse and cookie story would inspire so many offshoots of ideas? Even amongst felines like you-know-who! I love this tote, Wendy. Sent you an email about it, too!
Vicki in MN
Well isn’t that just a fun fabric for a new tote! Wilbur is just so darn cute, he is in position for that mouse hunt!
Jocelyn Thurston
So impressed with your tote! I love that fabric and would like a throw from it. Great shot of nosy Wilbs too.
Very cute and very practical! Is ti for you or is it a Christmas present?
Love this Wendy! I thought for sure this would be a Marcia Derse fabric. The leather handles are such a professional touch to the bag. ❤️❤️
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Great bag, Wendy!! Love the fabric.
That fabric is great…no wonder you had to have it! Love the bag; it shows off the fabric very well! Wilbs is adorable, even as he plays the mighty mouse hunter! 🙂
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I love it when you find fabric and know immediately what you want to use it for. The leather straps from Noodlehead coordinate so well. This looks like a great size and a super handy bag!
The Morning Latte
Was Wilbs checking on your 1/4″ seam? 😁 That fabric is great and it–and you–made up another lovely bag! And I love the tag! Where did you get those??
Rochelle Summers
What a great bag. I love the bits of yellow and pink in that fabric. The strips are just the right addition. Zippers are something I have an aversion to and so don’t do bags. And that Wilbs! He is always so entertaining.
J Mur
Enjoy your new bag, Wendy. It’s SEW lovely!!
Cocoa Quilts
Can never have too many totes! Love Zen Chic. Great job!
I love the Zen Chic fabric, and you were smart to use it for a bag. It’s perfect! I’m in the mood to make something small — maybe another Holland pouch since there’s a sew-along starting on Monday.
Sandra Walker
Great label Wendy! Remembering to add them is key. 😉 The bag is really pretty, and the handles give it that extra professional touch. One day I would love to visit McTavish Quilting, but it’s a fair hike from here, lol, would have to fly methinks. Wilbur does exactly what Bella does – those cat memos!
Kathleen McCormick
So much fun from going to Duluth and McTavish Quilting to the fabulously gorgeous bag. Love the handles, too, that you got from Noodlhead. I laugh at Wilbs hearing about the mouse. I could use a cat…we have curious chipmunk venturing into the 4 season porch and the basement for bird seed.
Cindy Berry
What a nice bag – so professionally done. Great job. Happy Holidays.
Angela Grasse
You have to love some fabric therapy!