Fishy Update
I have another fishy update for you today, again! Are you tired of them yet? I hope not, there will be more to come each month!
Here’s a little tidbit I bet you didn’t know. Back in the day when BigJ was in college, his buddies gave him the nickname of “Fish”, because of his last name (Tuma) which often got mispronounced as Tuna. So when I met his friends, they called me “Fishette”. Haha. Thankfully, it didn’t stick, but it seems appropriate that I should share that while I give you this fishy update. I thought you might get a chuckle out of it.

Orange is the color for the month of August, and you know I love the color orange! These little fish went together quickly, and I was tempted to make a few more, but I stopped (for now) at 10, which has been the amount I’m making each month. I think I did make 13 one month, so my total fish count should be around 80-ish.
Feeling rather restless recently, I decided to pull out my solid scraps and try to reduce the overflow in my bin. I had intended to make some flying geese. As I pulled out the fabrics, I came across some oblong curved pieces, left overs from this quilt. I pushed them aside. Then I pulled them back and thought why not play with them a bit? Forget the flying geese, maybe I could make some cool looking leaves? I sewed them together and then realized they looked like fish bodies, so why not? I added tails and four fish were soon hanging on my design wall. They made me think of signs at fish markets, so I thought I’d try my hand at some improv lettering. Here’s what I ended up with.

I still need to add a narrow border to the top and bottom of this quilt, but right now it is around 23″ x 26″. I used a variety of red scraps in different tones and shades to give the lettering a weathered look. I’m currently pondering how to quilt it, and I think I’ve settled on something. It was a fun afternoon of just playing with scraps and seeing what I ended up with. I have no idea what I will do with this quilt, but I enjoyed creating it. I really wish I owned a lake cabin, so I could hang it there! Oh well, we’ll see where it ends up.
So you never know where a little scrap play will lead you! Of course, we all know that scraps beget scraps – and now I have a bunch of oblong blue scraps. But that’s for another day!
Thanks for sticking around to read my fishy update!
Happy Stitching!

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Barbara J Stanbro
Too cute. I love your little fish. Great idea for those found shapes.
Sandra Healy
Love it – the fishes, the quilt and the anecdote!
Well, that was a fun post Fishette! (EEEK!!!) An alternate title could have been “80-ish Fish”. The completed quilt could be “A School of Tuma”! I’m now ready to seize the day…
Sandra Healy
The story of the nicknames is sooo lovely. If the scappy little thing is quilted (by hand maybe?) why not using it as a back for the fish… you can add all your blue scraps to make it larger? Only an idea. I know that you have enough good ideas by yourself, but a scrappy back … could help to find a home for the boats.
Whatever you do, it is brilliant!!
Your post has brightened my day. The fish quilt is absolutely delightful. The giant stripey fish are spectacular. And the lettering is so clever.
You have also inspired me to make some improv fish, using Nicholas Ball’s method. (I found a tutorial on the net, after reading a previous post.)
LOVE “Fishette” – lol! That is a great story. I really, really love your fish – they remind me of the Nemo movie. And the wall hanging is really neat, the lettering is just right – you did good! I think you need to tell BigJ you need a lake cabin just for that hanging. Looks like you had a great time in your space, and I hope you were able to keep Wilbs away from the fishies.
J Mur
With all the colors in the fish made of solids, I thought that you might have made it as the center of your rainbow fish project, Wendy. Apparently, not! Whatever the case, it ended up super cute.
Quilting is in my Blood
I don’t think I could ever get tired of your improv fish! And I love your play in your sewing room where you decided to do something very different and much more creative than making flying geese!
Sara F
Those fishies are so cute! My husband had a buddy in college from Naperville, IL whose last name was Tuma. We met up with him for a drinks a couple years when we were in Chicago for work.
Your Fresh Fish quilt is really cool. It’s pretty impressive you went from scraps to that in short order. Happy stitching the rest of the week.
cute nickname but can totally understand you all wanting to loose them. Love your fish
Wendy- what a fun post! I love the story and those fish are fantastic! Maybe Fish will buy a lake cabin so you can hang this. If anyone would enjoy one it is you two!!
Laura Kate
Clever use of fishy scraps. I like this a lot.
The Morning Latte
Oh my gosh, you could give a class on How To Have Fun in the Sewing Room. Yep, it would be perfect for a lake cabin but don’t you have a deck? Maybe you could just hang it out there (unless the sun hits)? Well, at least for a short time. Or maybe it could just be part of your summer decor inside? Esp since hubs fishes, right? Love all the orange fish too. It’s like….a koi pond!
Vicki in MN
Mr. Fish and Mrs. Fishette:0 You did a really good job on your improv lettering. You have a nice school of fish going on. These look like the gold fish in our pond!
How fun to have the scraps ‘speak’ to you. Love that!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I love your fish, Wendy – both the little orange ones and the big stripey ones! You’ve really got that technique down. When I tried it, it was a big fail, lol! I love your story about your college nicknames, too – you’ve got to love college nicknames! We were the Brillo Pads because of our curly hair. We even dressed up as Brillo Pad boxes for Halloween one year!
“… reduce the overflow in my bin…’ Oh, my dear, but that never works…
laura bruno lilly
“School of Tuma” (as Lodi suggested) is a great completed quilt name you should consider IMHO.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Cute, both the fish and the fresh fish!!! Too funny about fishette! We promise not to call you that!
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
Lots of fishy goodness! I like the Fresh Fish piece and the other scrappy fish!
I love the school of fish and I really love the Fresh Fish!
Diane Harris
Wendy, this is so cute! I’m so impressed with your improv piecing. It’s definitely your super power. I look forward to seeing your finish.
Katherine Duquette
You have encouraged me to make some improve fish. Your letters came out so well and easy to read. Thank you. Happy creating more fishes.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
Your Fresh Fish are fantastic:)