Follow the Dots
Initially, my plan was to just follow along, watching all the progress of everyone else. Then I thought I’d join in, pulled my fabric, cut the first set, only to find I didn’t have enough fabric. Sigh. I set it aside.
As I was looking at my fabric stash last week, my first thought was “I need to use up some of these half yard cuts.” Then I saw the two red pieces by each other and thought they’d work for the arrow blocks! I quickly grabbed the other fabrics off the shelf. The background fabric was puzzling until I saw the black with colorful dots. I quickly lined them up, snapped a photo to check value, and off I went.
In a matter of two quilting sessions, I had all the blocks finished, and that was cutting as I went along rather than getting all the cutting done at once.
This was definitely a squirrel, jumping into my quilt room when my plan was to play with some improv. I’m so glad he dropped by, though, because I really like these blocks.
When I shifted to making the orange and teal blocks, the plan was to change the direction of the arrows. Once you make one or two of these blocks, they go together quickly. So I just buzzed along on those orange and teal blocks and then laughed out loud – I completely forgot to switch directions. No matter! One way is cool too!
I’m all caught up, and it took just a short amount of time. I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing my Follow the Dots version. Join us! You can find all the information about the quilt along, and find the pattern, at Sandra’s site right here.
So cruise your stash and sew along!

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This is going to be a bright and bold piece. It looks like it is fun to make too.
Cindy Pieters
I love the black dot fabric, this is going to be stunning!
Vicki in MN
Oh boy you know I love dots so of course I approve of your choice of fabric! I think it is a good squirrel for you to have in your sewing room. I thought of joining but I have a blog hop project that I need to get done in 2 weeks and haven’t started!
Nancy Bekedam
Such fun colors! That background is awesome!
The dots are great! Of course I love reading about your squirrels and your process. 🙂
I love it – love dots and those arrows are so bright – love it.
Great squirrel project, Wendy! The dots really make it pop! 🙂
The Joyful Quilter
Love, love, LOVE your fabric selections, Wendy!!! I’ll be looking forward to seeing the completed quilt.
I love your bright arrows! That’s a fun squirrel to chase after.
Barbara J Stanbro
Very cute. Love what you have so far.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That is impressive, Wendy! All those arrows made and in such a short time, too! I love your colors and that background. So glad you joined in!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I love this, Wendy. Great colors for the arrows and the background really makes them pop!
Hi Wendy! OOH-LA-LA!!! Love, love, LOVE the dotted fabric. It looks just perfect with all the arrows and really makes them stand out so nicely. That GREEN! It is fab. Well, they all are. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Carol S.
Those dotted arrows are awesome!
Sandra Walker
Well I love the name of your quilt, and I just love the gradation you’ve got going here. I scrolled back to be sure I had the name right, and in zipping back over the one photo, it looked kind of like the edges had blurred, so I know you have the shadows perfect! You and Rose have such cool background fabrics. I’m so very happy you made time to do this! 🙂 Thanks for the shout-out and yes, there’s still plenty of time to decide to jump in, and there are some super-sweet prizes this year!
A beautiful choice of fabrics. I like the black dots in the background. I’m almost caught up but have one little problem….I cut the background rectangles the wrong size and am waiting for an order. So much for trying to stay with what I had in my stash!! And if this doesn’t match, I’ll just have to improvise!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
What a fun squirrel! I think the dots for the background is going to let those colors really glow and shine. 🙂
Oh – this is going to be SEW pretty! Love your background fabric! 🙂
Quilting is in my Blood
Your bright arrows just jump off that colorful black dot fabric. What a fun project!
What super blocks! I haven’t checked Sandra’s blog in a while so I’ll have to go get caught up 🙂
laura bruno lilly
Great colors. I especially like the black with colored polka dots background fabric. Where’d you find that?
Carol Andrews
Wow! You definitely are caught up and the fabrics are perfectly stunnng!