Forest Update
I have a forest update for you this morning, as I work through The Painted Forest pattern by Blue Nickel Studios (link below). Last week I was busy sewing when I could sneak it in, but I completely forgot about writing up a post. So let me catch you up. In my last post, I left you with this photo.

Definitely time for a forest update, since I’ve been busy stitching away. This was my progress by the end of the week, not in any particular order (please excuse the pink block labels).

The narrower blocks are approximately 8″ wide, while the largest one is maybe 10.5″ or 11″ (I forgot to measure or look at the pattern before writing this post). I finished them up on Sunday afternoon – here they are, all 14 blocks.

Most of the fabrics came from my scrap bin. Some of the blue tree trunks were cut from yardage. The last tree on the right of the bottom row didn’t photograph well – that large “leaf” on the upper right of the block is actually a deep red, not black. It looks much better in real life! Soon the trees will be constructed into the quilt top. They are staggered and mixed together as you can see from the pattern. Of course, I’ll post another forest update when that is completed. The carnage from the scrap playing has been cleaned up, so the next step will be to construct the top.

Meanwhile, our backyard “forest” has taken on new dimensions as of late. With all the rain, our gardens have gotten a little out of hand. That bottom left corner in the photo is supposed to have some lovely petunias adding a little color there, but someone (ahem) accidentally pulled them up with her robust weeding. Oops. Don’t look too closely – my weeding has fallen behind once again. My hibiscus plant wasn’t doing much of anything a few weeks ago. It had buds, but nothing was happening. Then suddently . . .

Ta-da! I have had 5-6 large flowers show up! This one is about 8″ in diameter. The plant clearly loves this hot, humid summer. I love seeing this each time I walk past my front door.
All this forest update stuff, and all the tree blocks, just plain wore Wilbs out. It was time for a good nap!

Doesn’t he look comfy? Do you see that look he’s giving me? I was getting a bit too close and disrupting his dreaming. Haha.
Thanks for stopping by, my friends! Happy stitching to you today!

Mess Making

The Forest
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Barbara J Stanbro
Your forest blocks are so much fun. The hibiscus is beautiful. Wilbur looks pretty comfy. Ran the wheels off the cat, didn’t you?
Wonderful is the word that comes to mind when I see your trees! They really are. The colors against that background – it’s all eye candy. Is the hot pink a marker of some sort or part of the blocks?
I clicked Publish too quickly – I love the photo of comfy Wilbs. 🙂
Vicki in MN
And I thought Wilbs was just sleeping with one eye open, hehe. Love your grove of trees:)
Cheree Hull
The “carnage”. Ha ha ha. The trees have turned out so cool looking; can’t wait to see them put into a quilt. What about practicing more of your curve work on the sashing between (beneath) the trees, like it’s a little hilly? (Just a thought–I don’t do curves so maybe it’s not a good idea?)
Wilbs makes my neck hurt! lol.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Your trees are so fun – each one different and unique – just like in a real forest! I’ll enjoy seeing how you put these together. I’m with Wilbs – a tough sewing session requires a nap afterwards!
your blocks are so colorful and pretty – can’t wait to see it put together
Terrific forest progress! Do you already have a quilting plan in mind?
I do like those trees Wendy!!! I can’t wait to see what the quilt looks like when completed. That last block does look dark but perhaps it will show better in the next photo….never know. Your outdoor forest is very green. Is that a snowball with the white flowers? And that hibiscus is just beautiful. As for Wilbs, I admire his flexibility!! Does he climb in high places like he used to?
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
I like your real garden forest you have going on and I really love the forest of blocks you’ve made – they are so lovely with all those fabric scraps! What a piece it is going to be!
Your backyard is like the Secret Garden! Enjoy the lushness of it! (You know that fall is coming, and winter follows that.)
J Mur
Your Forest is growing nicely, Wendy. Thanks for the update and the pattern link!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Wow, Wendy, your forest is growing beautifully! Really cute!
Love your forest of fourteen. It’s such an effective pattern. Also enjoyed seeing the real ‘forest’ of foliage in your garden.
Your scrappy forest is looking good. Lots of pretty colors in both your forest and your garden. It’s so hot here, the predominant color is becoming brown.