Friday Projects
It’s a two-cuppa-coffee morning here, as I sit and try to figure out what to share with you on this post.
While I’ve been productively quilting this past week, I’ve been working on blocks that I won’t be sharing until the project is done. I am trying to figure out how best to work on those blocks but also allow time to get things done that I can post about. I haven’t found a rhythm to that yet.
So here’s what I’m hoping to work on this weekend while I’m also working on the other project. In past posts, I’ve talked about some woolie blocks I’ve been working on. I have had two different woolie projects going. The blocks for both projects are now done. I have the finishing details for one set, and that is what I hope to get going this weekend. It will be good sewing for the evening as the blocks are set onto the background wool by hand. Here are four of the 12 blocks for this project.
The blocks are laid out on a felted wool background. They will be fused to the background, then I’ll handstitch around each block. A few final touches after that and the quilt will be done.
Today is First Friday Coffee with some of the ladies from church. We do this every first Friday of each month, hence the name. Clever, huh? It’s a good break from my work and gets me out of the house. Other than being gone all day Tuesday, I have not left the house this week. It’s time for me to see some friends face to face.
Anyway, the sun is peeking out, the sky is blue, and we have another day to enjoy. Thanks, friends, for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend!
January Block Report
The Coming of Age Quilt
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Vicki in MN
Curious here, you fuse them down, doesn’t that make them hard to stitch through by hand? And what kind of stitch do you use? Have a great weekend.
I love your woolly blocks. Your work is encouraging me to think about patchwork in wool…but before that I have to finish the tumbling blocks and make a wedding present quilt. Mustn’t get distracted.
You are so productive, how do you do it?
louise hornor
Your wool blocks are so pretty! I wish I wasn’t allergic to wool. I’m sure it’s a wonderful material to work with.
You really make me want to pull out some wool…those blocks are so pretty!