Friday Snippets
It’s been a long week. On Monday, many of you know that I had to say goodbye to our cat, Max. We miss him terribly, and it was an extremely emotional day. Thanks to so many of you for your kinds words on my Instagram account. It meant so much to me.
Pressing Mat Update
Remember that little pressing mat I made for Spin Class?
After using it at class, I have a few more tips if you decide to make one.
- Make sure to secure the duct tape firmly to the fabric. Mine slipped off a few times, but was fine once I made sure it was firmly stuck.
- Another option: rather than duct tape, use staples.
- Use cotton batting rather than poly; poly made it too poofy. It worked fine, but would have been better with dense batting layers
Otherwise it worked really well. It was just the right size for the station I worked at.
Community Quilt Block
In mid-April, I read about a call for quilt blocks from the Ace & Jig community, so I decided to sign up to make one. They sent the fabric, asked that the block be 16″ square, and mailed back to them by June 15th. The sign up is closed now, but here’s the block I made.
The fabrics were not quilting fabric, but pieces from their fabrics used to make the clothing. It was a variety of loosely woven fabrics. A bit of a challenge to get square, but quite fun to make!
Fireburst Mystery Quilt Fabrics
Many of you have seen my post on Instagram, but here are my fabrics for the Fireburst Mystery Quilt hosted by Tish of TishnWonderland. I’m hoping to get the fabric cut this weekend. All of the fabrics were purchased from Needle and Foot.
My Pottery is Here!
Remember the pottery class I took while I was at Sundance Mountain Resort in Utah? Well, it finally arrived. Here they are. The bowl on the left is my first one. It leans a little – haha! I love the green color on the inside of the bowl. The other bowl is my second one, and definitely shows a little improvement. I didn’t color the second one at all; the dark gray clay fires to that pretty cream color.
This weekend I hope to spend most of my time in my quilt room. I have fabric to cut, an ironing board to recover, and lots of fun fabric to pet. I hope I’ll have some progress to show you on Monday.
For my friends in the U.S., may you enjoy the holiday weekend. Be safe; have fun! For my international friends, may your weekend be a relaxing one too!
Do you have Friday snippets to share with me? Let me know what you’ve done this week!
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Not a whole lot of progress happened on my projects or anything in my world this week. The weather is slowly (so it seems) to be getting more spring like so our yard is getting some colour in it. I loved your bowls, especially the one with he chartreusey inside. When I figure out how to add a photo to a comment, I will take a picture of my design wall.
Looking forward to seeing that design wall! Have a great weekend!
Hi Wendy. Last weekend was our long weekend. I don’t expect to get anything done sewing wise this weekend as our friend from England will be with us. It will be a great weekend.
A visit from a friend for the weekend sounds wonderful! Enjoy!
My Sewful Retirement
Hi Wendy, thanks for the pressing mat update! I plan to make one once my hubby finishes building the storage cabinets for my sewing room. We spent last week in Houston, this week I’ve been busy working on Etsy orders so no quilty sewing. I do plan to finish my OMG this weekend. Hope you have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day.
Thanks! You have a good weekend too!
Louise Hornor
I love the green innards of your slightly less than upright bowl! It coordinates nicely with your Fire Burst fabrics. It’s a challenge to work with loosely woven fabrics for quilt blocks. Good for you that you were able to do it! I was sent some Loominous wovens to use in a quilt and really didn’t like that looseness.
We had a rough couple of days here. Not emotionally rough like your deep sadness, but physically challenging. Sleepless nights and days with heavy lifting and paddling. Oy. For stress relief, I’ve been piecing up a top with a bright, happy jelly roll. Ahhh! 🙂
Thanks, Louise. I read Sean’s post. Gives a whole new meaning to Rock n Roll!
Hi Wendy,
I love the green color inside your first bowl, and who knew that gray clay after being fired turned into that lovely cream. Definite improvement which is all one can ask for, right?! Good tips on the pressing board, and big {{{hugs}}} for you on Max. They are family members and leave us with a huge hole that cannot be easily filled. All weekend in your sewing room sounds FABULOUS. I think I am doing something similar. xx fingers crossed
Happy Friday! ~smile~ Roseanne
Thank you!
Vicki in MN
I can just imagine you sitting at the potters wheel, I know you had fun with this. I love that green inside also, right along with the wave going through that pot. The crazy quilt block looks great, and your pull for Fireburst is wonderful! I still have not taken time to pull mine:(
Thanks, Vicki!
so sorry about your cat – we went through that quite a few times years ago when we had cats it is always so sad to say good bye to a pet especially one that you have gotten attached to.
I love your pottery bowls – that green color is so pretty! and so what if it leans – you can fill these up with nice things in your sewing room or other places in the house – chocolate comes to mind for me 🙂
Thank you, Karen 😊
Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts
I’m sorry about your cat Wendy. It’s a sad thing to have to deal with, the loss of a beloved pet. Your clay bowls are wonderful! I have a two headed flower vase my youngest made in pottery class in high school. He thinks I should get rid of it but I love that he made it. I still haven’t pulled fabric for Fireburst yet; maybe this weekend? I got hit with a stomach virus on Wednesday, so haven’t made much quilting progress. I hope you enjoy your weekend!
Thanks, Beth! Hope you are better soon!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Wendy, I’m sorry about Max. That’s sad. Your bowls are wonderful. And your block is cray-cray. That’s in a good way!
Thank you, Nancy!
Your pottery turned out great. I love both bowls. You meant for it to lean, right? It will make pouring for the bowl easier, of course.
Haha! That’s right, pouring will be so much easier! Glad you like them!
Wendy, your pottery turned out great. What a fun thing to try your hand at. Our weekend plans consist of a re-run of last weekend. Ripping out the rest of the deck and filling up the dumpster before they come to pick it up next week.
I am on the tail end of a very long migraine so today is a bit of sewing with intermittent napping. Not the best way to spend a day but such is life. Enjoy the three day weekend!
Thanks, Bernie! Hope your migraine is done soon, and hope you have a productive weekend!
Sandra Healy
So sorry to hear about your little cat. It’s heart-breaking when we have to say goodbye to our beloved pets. On a happier note, it’s a holiday weekend here in Ireland too and it’s actually sunny! Woo-hoo!!
Thank you for your kind words, Sandra. I hope you enjoy a lovely holiday weekend!
Gray Barn Designs
So sorry to hear about your trusted companion crossing over the rainbow bridge! I’m sure it’s very difficult to talk about right now. Rest up this weekend, looking forward to seeing where Fireburst takes you!
Thank you so much! I’m getting fired up to work on Fireburst!!
Liz W.
So sorry to hear about Max! I hope you get to spend lots of time quilting this weekend (I hope I do too!). Your pottery looks great, and the leaning bowl has personality 😉
Thanks, Liz!
Molly Tuma
Love the colors in the community quilt block!
Thanks, Molly!
Kathleen McCormick
Great set of hints on that little ironing board. I am hoping to sew a lot once we get to Maine today – finishing up my QAL instructions for my block and Sandra’s quilt. I love your bowls! It is so much fun to have things we made – whether they are fired or quilted!
Thanks, Kathleen! Hope you get plenty of stitching time in!