Fun Little Project
I promised you in yesterday’s post that I would share this fun little project I worked on over the weekend. With the holidays coming at the speed of light, this might be a little pattern you want to have in your arsenal of quick things to make. This is a small foundation paper-pieced project that uses little bits from your scrap bins.

This cute little tree pattern was designed by Carolina Asmussen, the Dec. 1st Mini Christmas Ornament. It is a free download on her site. The little tree is 3 inches unfinished. It was an enjoyable afternoon of sewing, even with the “help” I had.
Once the trees were pieced, I backed them with fusible fleece. Then cut four 3-inch backings of red fabric, and also cut four strings around 7-1/2 inches long. I folded the string in half, centered it on the tree block, then placed the backing on top, right sides together. I did a quick stitch around, leaving and opening, turned it right side out, and hand stitched the opening closed.

Four simple, quick gifts that can be hung on a tree or on a hook, added to a gift wrapping, etc.
I’ve enjoyed another pattern from Carolina that had me sidetracked a few years ago. You can read about that little diversion here.
So there you go – a fun little project to get your holiday sewing revved up! Enjoy!

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Barbara J Stanbro
Very cute. Great idea. I might copy this.
What a fun little project, and a great gift, too! 🙂
Cindy Pieters
Cute little fun project!
Quilting is in my Blood
Super cute little tree ornaments! I definitely downloaded the pattern! Thanks for sharing about it.
Very cute! Something easy and fun for the holiday.
That’s such a darling little tree, too small for my clumsy fingers, but maybe I could try it a little bigger. I’m not sure you would have been able to do such a great job had it not been for your help. 😉
Those are so cute, Wendy! I might have to try some, too. Thanks for linking to the website for the pattern!
Katherine Duquette
That’s a cute little tree and thanks for sharing. Little bits like this get you in the holiday mood.
Vicki in MN
So adorable!!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I really like the idea of these becoming personalized tags on gifts. Super fun!
I know the pattern is important to the project, but those fabric choices make them sing!
Sara F
Really cute ornaments!!
The Joyful Quilter
Super cute ornaments, Wendy!
Sandra Walker
I love the topsy turvy tree! I just saw a Xmas pattern that I might make but it would be for next year at least as I know I won’t get it done this year
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Very cute, Wendy!!
Diane Harris
Very cute and a lovely little gift.
Kathleen McCormick
I love these little ornaments or gift tags! Its a delightful little project, I will go download it in case I get inspired!
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
Those are so cute!
These are super cute – thanks for sharing!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
These are fun 🙂