Funky Noodles
So let’s get back to Funky Noodles. It all began Saturday morning, as I was lazily reading through blog posts. That was how I came across Devoted Quilter’s release of her new pattern Noodles, which you can read about here. I hope you support her by buying up a copy of this pattern. You’re going to want this one in your stash.
I commented to Leanne that I snapped this pattern up quickly, but that I wouldn’t be able to make it until I had some other projects done. I began pondering those projects – I was caught up on my improv mystery workshop, the test pattern units are almost cut, I still have time to get those two bindings on those two large quilts. Before you know it I was up out of my chair and in my sewing room, pulling out these fabrics.
I know, I know – that fabric pull looks a bit like my Mango Salsa table runner. I am clearly drawn to yellow-greens and red-orange. Anyway, I picked up the four prints in a Kaffe bundle while in Santa Fe. The green is Kona Peapod. Let the cutting begin!
I have one tip for you as you make this pattern. Put a meal in the crockpot, or plan to have take out. Once you start this project, you won’t want to stop!
I chose to whip up the little 20″ mini. I timed myself while I made the blocks. I had them all done well within an hour. If you haven’t done curved piecing, it may take a bit longer, but Leanne’s method is so easy and fun, you won’t have any problems. (Since I have done curved piecing, I did cheat a bit and cut my curves freehand.)
Once the top was done, I found a piece of my franken batting just the right size (yay!) and some backing fabric. I completely forgot to take a photo before quilting, so here’s the finished quilt.
I had so much fun quilting this mini! Using my walking foot, I stitched along the orange noodle in the top row, down along the orange noodle in the third row. I stitched a couple of rows to the right of those noodles. Then I went to the yellow noodle in the second row and did the same thing, but this time stitching a couple rows to the left of the noodles, working along until the rows came together. For the little gap in the middle, I just stitched in and filled it in. The final step was to go back and quilt through the upright noodles. I took my time, and just kept it loose and flow-y. I didn’t do any marking at all, just used the noodles as a guide.
For the quilting, I used Aurifil 40 wt thread in Spring Green (#1231) with Spring Green 50 wt in my bobbin.
For the backing, I used this crazy bright orange print.
For the binding, I cut 2-1/4″ strips from two of the Kaffe prints.
I started this project just after lunch, and had it completely done in just a few hours.
This is a fun, versatile pattern. I’d like to try a few more in the larger sizes. Here are some ideas I’m noodling (see what I did there?):
- Low volume background, with bright noodles
- Baby quilt, with Minky noodles (fun tactile effect)
- Black background with bright noodles
- Two solids, like black with white noodles (or vice versa) with one or two colored noodles tossed in
So many possibilities! Thanks, Leanne, for providing me with this fun weekend project. It made my Saturday!
If you like my Funky Noodles, I hope you snap up the pattern and make a mini (or larger) quilt of your own!

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Gorgeous! I can see you had fun
What a pretty squirrel ;)) I love your mini, bright and cheerful!
Cindy Pieters
A beautiful project! Love the green with the prints!
Quilting is in my Blood
Okay, okay, I snapped up the pattern! I totally love your colorful mini. Everything about it makes me happy! And I’m so glad I decided to read this post in my browser rather than directly from my email because I would’ve missed the pic of the cute squirrel with the colorful strips of fabric at the top of your post! Keep these fun projects coming!!!
cute! — you got it all done in one day? that is pretty good
Cute and versatile! Fun project! 🙂
Nancy Bekedam
The quilting makes the quilt!!! Super cute, Wendy! I love the idea of minkee noodles!
Vicki in MN
This is such a fun mini! Great colors too;) I am glad you had this fun distraction on Saturday! I really like how you quilted it too.
laura bruno lilly
I’m thinking there are several of us blogger/quilters who deem orange and lime to be our go-to palette – making it almost a new 21st century type of neutral! HA! You pulled it off well in this piece, Wendy.
This is fabulous. And the pattern itself as you’ve amended it is better than the original IMHO. Any tutorials forthcoming? (hint-hint)
My Sewful Retirement
Love the bright colors! Super cute and the quilting is amazing!
Barbara J Stanbro
Well, that is just as cute as it can be!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Oh that is fun, Wendy! I think I need that pattern… I love your color combination, and the quilting is perfect for it. So glad you took the time to set everything else aside and played with this!
I love this one. It looks very “you!”
Needle and Foot
This is fantastic Wendy! I love the pattern – the minky idea is great and I love the black and white with a pop of color (I always love that scheme) Sooooo cool!
Hi Wendy! I love the pondering of current projects. Hmm. I actually DO have time to entertain a squirrel project. HAHA! I love it. What a fun project and a quickie, too. Your quilting is spot on. Love the bright colors especially that green. It screams Wendy! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
oh my word, this is wonderfully fun and clever
This quilt looks like pure fun! I’m glad you were feeling well and enjoyed sewing. The quilting you did really makes this mini stand out! I love all your ideas for followup quilts. I agree that baby quilts would be fun — minky is a fantastic idea!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Oh wow, I love your version and that you couldn’t resist the pull to make it. I also really love some of the other ideas you are noodling, although thinking about the fuzz from piecing minky makes me shudder (but it really would be a wonderful, tactile quilt for a baby!!).
Louise Hornor
This is so fun, Wendy! I especially love the way the quilting noodles around 🙂
Sandra Walker
You made SUCH a great mini! And I got a great visual of you head down, sewing away with a grin on your face! I absolutely love how you quilted it too. Thank you for the DreAMi shout-out!
The Joyful Quilter
Super cute mini quilt, Wendy!!
Your noodles are so cute,and the quilting is fantastic. I can’t take my eyes off it! It’s practically smiling – like it knows it was fun to make. 😉
This is so fun! I like the brightly colored noodles. I saw the pattern in her newsletter, too, and I love that you were inspired to Drop Everything and Make It! Minky noodles on a baby quilt is such a good idea!
Kathleen McCormick
This is fabulous and I can see how you got sucked into it. I love all of it and I have to tell you green and orange are making more inroads in my sewing. I am sure it is your influence. Fabulous back too!
Cheree Hull
Very cute, and yes, I’d love to see a bigger size of it, maybe even on a bed. Love how the quilting sets it off, too.
Carol Andrews
Another wonderful squirrel Wendy. The colours are so you! I do like this fun ideas. Now do I have time for another squirrel? I’m trying to avoid them, but ……
Leanne Parsons
I am glad you enjoyed making your mini, Wendy! I loved reading about your process and the other possibilities you’re noodling on 🙂 A minky one would be so much fun for a baby! Thanks for the shout out for the pattern!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
This is fun 🙂