Gremlins Goblins and Ghouls Oh My
Things got a little mischievious here at Pieceful Thoughts. There’s nothing creepy going on here, but just a little bit of fun. Wilbs was giving me a little of the side-eye while I was sewing up this quilt. He didn’t want me getting any funny ideas from those cat blocks – but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Atkinson Designs (no affiliation) recently released a new pattern, Making Mischief. When I saw the cute design, I couldn’t resist. However, I only used a couple of the blocks and made a long wall runner.
I apologize for the low quality photo. This hangs in a shadow-y spot, so it’s difficult to get good lighting. Anyway, aren’t those cats cute? Now you might understand why Wilbs was giving me that side-eye while those white strips were flying around. Haha.
Two mischievious cats who found themselves in a bind. I had so much fun sewing up these blocks!
The pattern didn’t include the toothy grins on the pumpkins. I added them because I thought they needed them.
For the quilting, I stitched random lines across the runner using Aurifil Dove Gray (#2600). Just for fun, I added a cobweb in the pumpkin blocks. The border is just a solid black with a orange/white binding. All of the fabrics are from my stash.
If you missed the Gremlins Goblins and Ghouls Oh My Blog Hop until now, here is the full schedule so you can grab another cup of tea or coffee, read on, and get some fun inspiration.
Monday Oct 17
Tuesday Oct 18
Wednesday Oct 19
Thursday Oct 20
Friday Oct 21
Pinker n’ Punkin Quilting & Stitching
You can also check out all the projects on the Pinterest page, right here. Thanks again, Joan, for a fun Hop!

I like Thursday

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You certainly have had fun — and produced a delightful runner at the same time. Perhaps Wilbur was giving you watchful looks because he ‘thought’ you might use the leftovers from the cat blocks to wrap him up in bandages ?!
Danice G
That runner is really pretty. I love the cats too, and the pumpkins with their toothy smiles. Great that you used stash fabrics also. I am trying to use a lot of mine as well.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
LOL!!! Great job on the cobweb quilting, too!!!
Cindy Pieters
A cute runner! I like the addition of the toothy grins so appropriate. Poor Wilbs I can see why he might be worried.
Vicki in MN
Oh my I could see why Wilbs was a bit nervous!! Love your fun addition of the cobweb and the face additions on the pumpkins was definitely needed, so cute!
Those mummy kitties are just too cute! Congrats on a very fun finish.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Oh, that is cute, Wendy! I love the cats peeking through their mummy wrap! The quilting is perfect for it, too – the whole thing makes a sort of cobweb design. Looks like you have the perfect spot to hang this. Really fun finish!
Elizabeth Coughlin
Your runner is adorable!
Carol Kussart
I sure like that runner with those mummy cats! The pumpkins needed grins–good idea to add them.
Those mummy cats are too funny! I bet they make you smile every day.
Oh no you can’t mummify the cats (though I know the Egyptians did it a lot) cute project
I had no problem getting into your blog today. Hip Hip Hooray! Because I wouldn’t have wanted to miss it. I LOVE your sweet wall hanging. Those cats and toothy pumpkins are too cute and I completely understand Wilbs side-eye looks! LOL!! Thanks for playing along with us.
Wendy, what a cute wall hanging! Those fabrics are perfect for your cute faced pumpkins. But those mummy cats are the bomb! I love them!
Barbara J Stanbro
That is too adorably cute. Love the mummy cats.
Helen M Eaton
Sooooo cute!!! It took me a minute to see the mummy/cat!!! Ha ha!
What an adorable wall hanging! The background on the kitties and the cobweb and those grins on the pumpkins are my favorite things. It looks perfect on that spot on your wall!
Kris Cox
Nice job Wendy! You make it sound so easy, but that looks hard to me!
Oh, how adorable. Such a great take on a kitty mummy. Your quilting is so perfect, too. Thanks for the smile this morning!
cute long skinny halloween piece!
Well, this is just the cutest Halloween wall hanging, Wendy. I love it! Those mummy cats and pumpkins would look perfect in any Halloween lovers’ home (like me.) Thanks for sharing!
Super cute wall hanging, Wendy! So fun! 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
What a fun wall hanging! I can see why Wilbur was giving you the stink eye! Love the quilting you did, too!
Karrin Hurd
Adorable wall runner, love the mummy cats! Thanks so much for sharing!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
That is so perfect for Halloween. It brings back memories of our cat unrolling the toilet paper in the bathroom… The cobwebs you added in the pumpkin blocks are fantastic. I’m sure this will put a smile on your face every time you walk by. 🙂
Rochelle Summers
What a great runner. You have such creative ideas and I so enjoy seeing what you are working on. Those “mummy” cats made me laugh out loud. Love the green eyes. The toothy grins on the pumpkins are wonderful.
Charlene McCain
I have got to get that pattern! It is sew cute!! Reminds me of the days when my cat would unroll the toilet paper and make herself look like a mummy. Good memories. I love the wall hanging, and I agree the little pumpkins needed a smile.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
That is an adorable runner, Wendy. I love those mummy cats! LOL I can see why Wilbs was giving you the side eye! What a fun design!
Sandra Walker
Wendy this is just absolutely adorable! My own Bella has been known to ‘play’ aka unravel the toilet paper roll once or twice during her 10 years with me! I think the addition of the toothy grins was exactly the extra “je ne sais quoi”!
Quilting is in my Blood
What a fun Halloween wall runner! You have been on a runner roll!
Those cats are so cute! This is my kind of Halloween wall hanging — It makes me smile.
Your project made me smile, the pumpkins are so cute.
Those mummy cats are fantastic!
That’s so cute, especially the cat mummies.
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy such cute cats. they make a great little runner!!!
lynn Bourgeois
Mummy cats, now they are sweet, and your jacks with their great toothy grins make me smile. Thanks for sharing what you have done today.
Jocelyn Thurston
Wow, Wendy this is one of the cutest Halloween hangings I have seen tho’ maybe a teensy bit alarming to the Wilbs. Quilted perfectly by you too!
Sandy Panagos
OMg, the mummy cats! SO cute!