Happy Thursday
We woke up yesterday morning, relieved that our power had come back on, because we were in a winter wonderland of snow! It was beautiful (sorry about the light flares). We have about 10 inches of new snow, and some crunchiness from added rain. It was a mess of a storm, but so pretty to look at! That little clump in the corner of the deck is a makeshift tree. We sprinkle birdseed all over it, and the squirrels and birds love it.
I realized this morning that I haven’t posted a pic of this little painting I won from Helen at WordWeaver Art – isn’t it cute? It was a fun thing to get in the mail while I was sick with the crud! It sits on a shelf, grinning at me each time I go by.
My kids gave me a K Slim Keurig for my new quilt room. My daughter custom painted it with acrylic markers. I forgot to take a pic of the other side, which is different, so will post one soon. She used acrylic markers. Isn’t it fun?
LeeAnna asked us to talk about classes we’d like to take, whether they are actual ones we have scheduled or ones that are just a dream. I took classes in 2022 from Carole Lyles Shaw in a full-year workshop she offered. Sadly I didn’t keep up well with them or the Zoom meetings, but I learned so much. Carole got me started on improv curves, which resulted in several quilts, like this one – Picnic with Dorothy.
If you want to read more about this quilt, go here. In that post, I mention that the fabrics in this quilt are Mostly Manor from Victoria Findlay Wolfe. One of my dream classes would be to take a class from Victoria Findlay Wolfe. I have all of her books, but to sit in on a class with her would be so fun.
Another dream class or classes would be to go to the Madeleine Island School of the Arts and take a class there. I think it would be fun to take a class there from Joe Cunningham and see where it takes me. Joe does a Quilt Report on YouTube fairly regularly, and I tune in to that whenever I can. I’m fascinated by his approach to quilting. Taking a class at this venue is doable in terms of getting there, but the cost gives me pause.
The Weekly Wilbs
Classes, schmasses, says Wilbs. I just want to sleep. Wilbs was refusing to go in his cat cave, so one day I stuck this remnant of some Sherpa in there. He burrows down in there and we don’t see him for hours.
Happy Thursday, all! What’s making you smile today?

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Vicki in MN
Oh Wilbs I am so glad you entertain us each week!! Such a cute painting you won:) And Molly is so creative to custom paint your new coffee maker. You got more snow than us, maybe 5 inches I’d guess. Our trees are thick with ice, I am a bit surprised we didn’t loose power-so thankful for that.
I have a single cup coffeemaker and it’s so handy. Yours is extra special! I like the Tazo Awake English Breakfast tea pods (from Target) when I need an extra caffeine boost in the morning. The Santa/gnome painting is adorable! The snowstorm brought us mostly rain and less than an inch of new snow on top of that. Your view is beautiful. Enjoy!
Your Picnic with Dorothy made me smile, such a great fabric selection! The picture of Wilbs also made me smile and I think even bigger.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
I love Bibimpa–we ordered it in Japan whenever we could! Fun that your daughter decorated the new coffee maker for your studio!!
I had to Google Bibimbap, and it sounds delish. Is your “makeshift” tree a real tree, or just branches, or plastic? That Keurig looks great – your daughter should hire out! I told Leeanna I’d like to take a class in meteorology – why oh why didn’t I major in that in college?
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Love your coffee maker, Wendy!! That pic of Wilbs all snuggled in is awesome! Love it!
I must admit I never heard of Bibimpa -and had to look it up – hubby is just a meat and potatoes guy so rarely go someplace interesting – it has to some place where he know he can get what he wants. I finally got him going to the Chinese Buffet place because they have some beef dishes that he can pick out beef strips and leave the vegetables behind — I would love to try new places. I love your coffee pot isn’t that interesting all painted up
Cindy Pieters
What a fun painted Keurig! Wilbs certainly looks cozy and comfy.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That is a fun mug, and Bibimbap sounds delicious! Like several other commenters, I had to look it up to see what it was. Freshly fallen snow does make a pretty view out the window. Great idea from your kids for a Christmas gift, too! Stay warm and cozy, Wilbur!
Cocoa Quilts
Your custom Keurig is beautiful, so bright and cheery!! Your Santa picture win is adorable!! Stay warm, hope you are all feeling much better!!!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Oh Wilbs knows how to be cozy, doesn’t he?! I’m so glad your power came back on and that you aren’t having to worry about staying warm with all that snow. We’ve bene having an incredible amount of (much needed) rain here. I think it’s good we got used to so much rain when we lived in Hawaii. Rain or snow… seems like the weather is perfect for warm mugs of something and a lot of quilting!
Happy Thursday to you too, Wendy.
Spending time with my grown up family and grandson is making me smile
Love the coffeemaker, and Wilbs is adorable! 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
What a great little painting to cheer you up! I love the decorated coffee maker…and think about getting one. Love the improv work you did with Carole and the class with Joe Cunningham sounds fabulous! So many classes, so little time.
Rochelle Summers
I love that photo of Wilbs and that all it took was a scrap of sherpa. He might be part bear now that he is “hibernating”. Your deck with the lights and tree in the corner with snow all around looks so lovely. We were lucky not to lose power last weekend like so many did and some still don’t have it back. Broken tree branches do more damage than a broken transformer. How wonderful to have such thoughtful and talented kids That Keurig looks wonderful.
Hi Wendy! Your daughter did a great job on your new Keurig. It’s SO cute! Just seeing those happy little polka dots has to make you smile. It will be perfect in your new sewing studio. And Wilbs!! Doesn’t he look slightly annoyed that you disturbed him for the photo?! He looks quite warm and comfy, and that sherpa is definitely snuggle-worthy. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
LA Paylor
your studio kurig is so pretty and I like that mama bear mug. Love Wilbs. Want to take the writing and drawing workshops at your retreat center, spent an amount of time looking thru the expensive offerings and all the classes I’d sign up for! so many. Nature drawing? yes please, fiber art? okay! oy…. LeeAnna
laura bruno lilly
Wow! Your own quilting room designated coffee maker/station. Wow! And Wilbs sure has settled into your household, hasn’t he?
The Joyful Quilter
Adorable painting from Helen and fun K Slim from your kids! Best of luck with those dream classes, Wendy. One of my local quilt friends took a class with Joe. She absolutely LOVED it!
Wilbur! 🙂 I really like your improv quilt. Your snow is pretty! (We’re getting rain – I can’t ski on that!)
Katherine Duquette
Your additional links opened up so many new artists to view their work. I couldn’t afford the classes but they offer several interesting ones in the MISA Santa Fe location. A 40 minute drive for me. Thank you.
Judy B
Bibimbap sounds interesting “ I’ve never tasted kimchi, I guess I’m always up for something new. Pretty special to have your very own, uniquely decorated coffee pot in your studio! It is so cute! And who wouldn’t smile at a kitty all snuggled in his cave! Adorable! ( Don’t tell him I called him “adorable”)
Hi Wendy, your daughter did a wonderful job with the Keurig! Wilbs looks cozy in his cave…I love your curved quilt, so bright and colorful!
Quilting is in my Blood
That pic of Wilbs definitely made me smile! I absolutely love your custom Keurig. My factory model Keurig sure sees a lot of action in my quilt space. Look for a cute custom sign in my quilting room in my weekly post this week.
gayle m coots
Thank you for sharing Wibbs – he always makes my heart smile. I’m currently without cats and that will change in 2023. Wibbs and his antics help fill that hole.
Sue H
We have a restaurant near us where I love to get the Bibimbop! My hubby ALWAYS get their bulgogi. Anyway I love your Picnic with Dorothy quilt. Gorgeous to look at and I think you did good winning that adorable Santa painting. I wish we would get a good snow like you did. Sadly all we got today were some inconsequential flurries. Have a great week!
Sandy Panagos
Your Keurig is so cute the way your daughter painted it. It looks like an ice cream machine! Thanks for introducing me to Joe Cunningham. He has a new fan!
Mia is mine
Love that snowman photo and mug! Cute prize – that Santa gnome is so cheerful!
You have one talented – and thoughtful daughter!
Your quilt is so pretty – definitely colorful and curvy!