I Like Thursday
Snow! This was our view as we woke up this morning, and more is on the way. I’m sure many of you are experiencing the same, as the swath of the storm is huge. A nice coating of snow makes everything so much prettier!
For my birthday and early Christmas gift, my brother made me this. He takes old musical instruments and transforms them into decorative items. Santa is sitting proudly on his trombone. Isn’t that fun?!
Some of you have been asking about the progress on the quilt room remodel. The goal is to have it move-in ready by the end of the year. Things are moving along quite well. Here’s how it looks as of yesterday.
Yes, we basically gutted the two rooms, removing a wall, sheetrock, etc. Good progress is being made – the framing is done and the insulation is going in. I’m so excited!
I have this cute little dish in my sewing room, and it presently holds my secret stash of Espresso M&Ms (yum!). I also had some of the Snowball M&Ms (white chocolate and pretzel) – they were addictive, too!
While I’m sewing and sneaking M&Ms, I like to listen to music. LeeAnna asked us to chat about our favorite Christmas song. I like so many, but I’d have to say that I Wonder as I Wander by Kim Hill is a favorite that we always have on our Christmas playlists. I also like It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year sung by the duo of Andy Williams and Kathy Troccoli.
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs has been spoiled this week. I bought him a water fountain to try to get him to drink more water. I have yet to see him drink from it, but he has dipped his paw in to test it.
It is very quiet and doesn’t have a power cord. It’s chargeable by a USB port. It’s very sturdy and not tippable.
Wilbs was bored with all the chatter about water fountains. He’s happy to snuggle while doing some purrsonal self-care. He’s continuing to be especially helpful in the quilt room, sitting on my shoulder and giving me plenty of advice about my sewing methods. In other words, too much sewing and not enough attention.
Happy Thursday, all! What has amused you this week? I’d love to hear about it!

To Do Tuesday

Catching Up
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Thursday Thinking
May 6, 2021
I Like Thursday
December 9, 2021
love your trombone Santa – so original. Looks like you will get plenty of light in your new room when it is done – I’m sure you are eager to have it done.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Wow, your snow is beautiful. We finally have sunshine after days of clouds and a lot of rain yesterday. If it had been snow, it would be a disaster!! We shut down with 2″!! But, here, there is usually a layer of ice underneath the snow! Your brother is so talented – just like you! That is an amazing santa on the trombone! Great recycling! Good to see your progress on your new studio. I know you’ll be very happy to be in and set up! Merry Christmas to you and yours…and Wilbs!
Barbara J Stanbro
I love your trombone Santa. Would you mind if I shared your picture on Facebook? I have a ot of musician friends who would love that. I’ve wondered how kitties would like that fountain. We used to have a different one, and the kitties loved it. Eventually, it started making noises, and we stopped using it. Ours had to be plugged in. I’m considering one for our kitties too.
Kathleen McCormick
I think we are having a blustery rain/snow combo tomorrow….slush! Today is a brilliant blue pre-storm quiet (right now at least). Nice to see some of the renovation…it will be so fun to see it when all. I like having a lot of my equipment on rollers so I can move it about and clean it (or add new carpet tiles -FLOR) or pull the machine away from the wall for a bigger quilt. Love Wilbs new water fountain, and maybe once he figures it out, he will love it.
Cindy Pieters
No snow here, instead I awoke to freezing rain..uck I’m staying in today. Stay safe and warm.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Hi Wendy! Snow day here, too! I was suppose to open the quilt shop this morning, but got the word–a snow day, or at least morning, at the quilt shop, too. We lost electricity for 2 hours this morning but have it back now. Yay! Love all your photos–your brother is so creative, too!!! So good on the quilt room redo!!! Now I want some of those M&Ms!?! My daughter has a similar water fountain for their 2 dogs and it works great. Wilbs will get curious enough and give in, probably when no one is looking!!!
J Mur
LOVE the trombone decoration your brother made!! (Mom of a jazz trombonist here.) Espresso M&Ms? I think I need some of those!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Pretty view out your window, Wendy! That darn storm skipped right over us, but messed up the roads between us and our kids, which is canceling our family weekend planned for this very weekend. Darn it! I love the Santa – what a great gift! That’s quite a remodel you’ve got going there – looking forward to seeing the result. Funny that Wilbur put his paw in the fountain, but hasn’t taken a drink! You can just read his mind – “what on earth is this?!”
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy your brother is so talented. I always enjoy when you get a gift from him. Your trombone santa is beautiful!
Rochelle Summers
We had the rain, followed by snow over the weekend. Here it is Thursday and due to the very cold weather that settled in, it’s still white out there but more glacier like than puffy snow. I love that Santa with the trombone. How talented your brother is (no surprise). We attended the school band concert last night but our grandson plays the bass for the Jazz Band. Hope your sewing room is finished for the new year. You will be so happy to have that larger space. Great hubby to be doing this.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
It took our cat quite a while to get used to drinking from a fountain with moving water, but once he figured it out, he was besotted with it. 🙂
Katherine Duquette
That Santa and trombone is fantastic. Your brother is very gifted. No snow in Albuquerque now. but wind and cold temps make up for it. My I like to share is left overs soup. The recipe is anything left in freezer combined with frozen veggies like corn and green beans. I poach an egg for mom in the soup and we are good for hours.
Stay warm and send us updates on the sewing room progress.
Love that trombone Santa! I have a grandson who is currently learning to play the trombone in grade school this year…fun!
The excitement of the new quilting studio remodel…we all feel it!
Those M&Ms! As soon as I am well enough (yay Covid) I will be making a trip to town for these…I need them! Maybe they will turn up for my birthday in a few days! 🙂
laura bruno lilly
Hey Laura, let me know if your area carries these – they’re not available here (see my comment to Wendy below)
Wendy says she found them at Target. That is a 2 hour drive away for me, so not happening for a while. I have Walmart and a couple of grocery stores to check when I can get out again. I am not holding my breath. I see that I can get them through Amazon. 🙂
Carol in Texas
Beautiful view, Wendy! Here in central Texas I’m looking at a beautiful view too…..bright sun and blue, blue sky. We’ve had many cloudy days lately and the sun is SO welcome! It was 31 and frosty here this morning. We live out in the country and it gets colder that in town. We’ve had some rain lately, so the winter grass is peeking up form the soil. I’ve recently begun to love the song, Mary, Did You Know? It brings tears to my eyes every time. Perry Como’s version of Ave Maria does the same! Our old cat Callie has taken to wanting to drink out of the kitchen sink and meets me in the mornings on the countertop waiting for the water to be turned on for her. I’m intrigued by the fountain for Wilbs, but I fear it could not compete with the kitchen faucet!
Hi Wendy! What a fabulous gift from your brother!! It will look purrrrrrfect in your new quilting room soon. And Wilbs?! Well, what to say other than he needs more attention. Obviously, he is neglected. Stay warm and enjoy the kitty snuggles, etc. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
LOVE the trombone Santa!!! What a great thing to do with old instruments!
The quilt room remodel is exciting!!! I look forward to hearing / seeing more about the project! 🙂
Ooh – lots of good stuff! Trombone Santa is a hoot! Yay for the quilt room. Espresso M&Ms? I’ve not heard of such a thing! Neat water fountain.
You are going to be so happy moving into your room when it’s finished! Do you have a plan for where everything will go? Or will you figure it out as you move in? So exciting!
The Morning Latte
Ah thanks for the snow pic, and the progress on your room! So exciting! I didn’t realize the water fountain was cordless (and rechargeable). The santa trombone is great–what a fun gift, and a thoughtful brother. Handmade gifts are always the best. Enjoy those m&m’s!
Enjoy the snow and your other delights.
laura bruno lilly
Espresso M&Ms? Where we live is so ‘underserved’ in many areas of services etc, but to not know about these little gems makes me disgruntled! 🙁
Maybe that’s the coffee-craver in me that’s speaking, but still!
I’m thinking you’re in a ‘try-out’ area for a new product? One can only hope!
Happy Holidays!
I like snow if I don’t have to go anywhere in it. The sewing room remodel is definitely something to look forward to. Getting it all set up will be a nice activity after all the business of the holiday. Grad Gril and love the expresso M&M’s but they are hard to find around here. Walgreens used to carry them, but I’ve not seen them there in recent months. Grad Girl is lucky that her cat Queenie likes water and drinks a lot of it during the day. I don’t know how you convince them to drink more.
Wendy – I am joining you from I Like Thursday this week! Nice to meet you. We have plenty of snow in Montana and I love it so much. Skiing and more skiing. Your brother is very talented – a gorgeous Christmas decoration. Enjoy the remaining few days before Christmas!
LA Paylor
he’s probably licking the water off his paws,,, Milo drinks but my friend’s dog had kidney trouble and wouldn’t drink so she had to add chicken bullion to his water. I don’t drink nearly enough either, maybe I need a fountain of youth like Wilbur’s
your new space is exciting!!! great view, and you can build in storage cabinets. My friend built large ones, and put in rolling drawer units from IKEA for her fabric she could roll the whole things out to her cutting table! I was jealous!
Did you get more snow? It looks so pretty. I remember when we lived in Oklahoma the snow was gorgeous (although dirty and mushy afterward), and it was so cozy inside. We actually have a small chance for snow Thursday night when it gets down to 8! Oh those M&Ms – I have put them on our grocery list. You and Diann talking about them on IG was a cruel thing to do. Wilbs will probably enjoy his fountain – my kitties do. That is a different kind without the power cord – I would love that!
Sheesh I forgot to mention how exciting your remodel is! Are you guys doing the work?
Jocelyn Thurston
Lovely post, Wendy. You certainly have a talented brother to make such a unique and beautiful gift. Great to see your area taking shape, something to look forward to in the new year. Very cute gift for Wilbs. I’m sure he’ll break down and actually drink from it sometime…cats have to pretend they are independent, right?