I Like Thursday
Another reason I’m enjoying today is that we have been home all week for the first time in three weeks. It’s been nice to have some time at home, and I’ve been able to reacquaint myself with my quilt room. Speaking of quilt rooms, we made some big progress on my quilt room expansion – we installed the design wall on Monday! I’ll be writing a post about that process soon – we learned a few things, but all in all, it went up pretty easily. Here’s a little teaser photo, for fun.
Meanwhile I’ve been doing some reading, but most of the books I’ve read lately, I wouldn’t recommend. I’ve had several I did not finish, either because they just didn’t appeal, or I just got tired of the writing. I’m slowly working my way through this book, the first of a trilogy that has been out for quite awhile.
This one is going to take me awhile. It is a big book, about 2 inches thick. I love the feel of the book – its pages are nice and floppy (tell me you get this!). However, it is so heavy! I like to put a pillow under it while I read, so I don’t have to hold it. I’m reading it in bits, and reading other books inbetween.
Whenever I walk by this bowlful of little stitched pillows, they make me smile. They were so much fun to stitch up!
Speaking of stitching and sewing, this week LeeAnna wants to know my favorite musical style. Like my quilting, my musical style is all over the place. I tend to listen to different styles of music depending on what I’m working on. I often listen to jazz or blues when I’m playing with improv; it just seems to go together. When I need to pay close attention to what I am working on, I listen to quiet music in the background. Sometimes I am in the mood to listen to music from the 60s or 70s that I grew up with – that is the music that makes me sing along, and maybe dance when no one is looking!
The Weekly Wilbs
I woke Wilbs up to take this photo, but don’t let those bleary eyes fool you! Wilbs has really stepped up his help in the quilt room lately. He has promoted himself to “In Your Face Assistant” and he is doing it very well. He particularly thinks it’s important to give me copious head nudges and rubs while I’m trying to sew, getting his cute little face right in the way. He also thinks it’s fun to do this while I’m trying to cut. We are in negotiations about this – he’s winning, so far. Ha! It’ll be the quilting version of “the dog ate my homework” if I mess up a quilt block from now on! (And I really should decide on a bed quilt design, don’t you think? That bedspread was supposed to be temporary!)
I like Thursday – don’t you? Thanks for stopping by and reading my post!

This and That Thursday

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Thursday Thoughts
January 27, 2022
I Like Thursday 55
November 12, 2020
Enjoy your quiet day — they are the best. That design wall is extremely exciting!! I certainly ‘get’ the floppy feel of a good fat book
I read a Ken Follett book years ago (Pillars of the Earth), and yes… huge! But it was good. Years later, I can still remember details from it. Also, you I hear ya’ on the cat assistant. Sheesh… so annoying/cute!
Quilting is in my Blood
I love all your homey touches, that bowlful of stitched pillows makes me smile too. I also hear you on the cat assistant or in my case cat assistants! Your quilt room is really coming together. It will be such a wonderful place to dream, design, and create. I’ve read a couple of Ken Follett books and they were satisfying reads though quite a time investment. And floppy feel, yes, I get it!!!
Stitchin at Home
I can only imagine negotiations with Wilbs, I’m chuckling just thinking about them.
I always love reading too but because of the weight of books and arthritis I am so glad I have a kindle and listen to some off of my phone through the Libby ap – nothing too heavy to hold. It will be nice to see your quilt room come together in the end.
I’m looking forward to your design wall post. I’m unhappy with the state of mine and need inspiration. I get it about the floppy book. I miss the feel and heft of books, but I read everything on the Kindle app on my iPad now. I read Follett in the 1990s but not since then. I totally understand the “in your face” assistant! Yours is particularly adorable.
I wonder why cats do that. I get that they sit on you because it’s comfy, but the poke their face into your face is a bit odd. I love that bowl of little pillows. So pretty altogether. Enjoy the day.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Hooray for getting your design wall up in your new sewing room; that’s going to be so handy to have and use! And listening to music known for improv style while sewing improv yourself seems really fitting. 🙂
Carol inTexas
Wendy, I know what you mean about the floppy paperback. Some paperbacks are so stiff it’s hard to read them. But the higher quality ones open easily and are comfortable to handle. And I sympathize with your book search. Lately I’ve checked out and turned in a number of books I just could not get into. I’m a slow reader so I don’t want to waste time with books I do not enjoy. I’m currently enjoying “Who is Maud Dixon” by Alexandra Andrews. It’s her first book. Last night I started Anthony Doerr’s “Cloud Cuckoo Land”, after reading several reviews that raved about it. I’m only a bit into it and don’t have its plan in mind yet. I’ll see how it goes. I do like to have more than one book going at a time. I’ve seriously thought about launching into Follett’s series about the cathedral. He has a new prequal out to that series. He’s a good writer. I like this Thursday too….I’m home all day and also tomorrow and Saturday. I love being at home!!!!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Looking forward to seeing more of your new quilting studio, Wendy! I do understand exactly what you mean about your book being nice and floppy. Much easier to hold and read than a stiff book. Fun that you listen to different music depending on what you’re working on! Wilbs must be wishing you would pay more attention to him than your sewing machine!
Rochelle Summers
Wilbs always makes me laugh. Cats can be either very “in your face” or very aloof. The arthritis in my hands makes it hard to hold heavy books for long periods of time. I have some book stands that work at the table. It’s also better for my neck. I listen to lots of audio books. Always have several books going at a time. Can’t wait to see the design wall post and the quilting room. Enjoy your day at home.
The size of the design wall … amazing… I had once a shower towel over a door and pin some items on… but this size .. you work and worked hard for this room. It will be so nice to work in and look out to the green.
I loved when our cat come so near to my face. long time ago…. so nice to see Wilbs on the quilt. This sentence I will store… The dog eat the homework….
Yes, these are the words my grandma said, be grateful and humble! I love this day of the week as well, we say the “little Friday” to him. Only “some” more hours tomorrow office work… and then may be some time to sew at the week-end. And love this day now even more because of your blog – then I know .. the week-end starts soon. Thank you for this good news Wendy!
The Joyful Quilter
Those stitched pillows are SEW darling, Wendy!!
Jocelyn Thurston
Now that’s a design wall!! I enjoy Ken Follet and read that book a while back. I could probably read it again and enjoy as my memory about book plots is failing. Beautiful bowl stitcheries…are they wool? Yes, Wilbs is definitely getting too big for his boots giving himself a promotion like that. 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
Quiet days are love. I do love those stitched pillows and love that Wilbs is asking for even more attention. The design wall has to be so exciting. Look forward to hearing more about it.
LA Paylor
ha, Milo plants himself between me and the tv and stares at me. He must wonder why I sit so still looking in one direction. The little pillows are pretty in that comforting primitive style I love. There’s a magazine of that style of quilting. Such a big clean design wall!
The Morning Latte
Oh I LOVE the bowl of pillows!!! I would love to find the perfect wooden bowl and do the same! Your design wall does look really nice all framed out like that! (I just don’t have the heart to ask hubs to do something different from what he’s already done for me but maybe someday…). It’s fun to get another glimpse of your room, too! I know that author–I have his Pillars of the Earth on my to-read list. Keep me posted there. And yes I love the feel of a book (used to use a pillow too!) but these days it’s so rare that I actually use one. Sad, really.
Katherine Duquette
I love those little pillows in a bowl. They would make me smile too. Wilbs is such a character I bet if he could thread spools would be a favorite place to play.
I have 2 puppies and just when I get comfortable at my machine I am attacked by two wet noses that want something. Life could not be more perfect. Happy weekend.
Hi Wendy and Wilbs! Hold out for better benefits, Wilbs. Don’t let those negotiations slip by without more incentives. HAHA! I do, indeed, love Thursdays. It’s always been my favorite day – almost Friday, there may have been some wine involved in the past on Thursdays, and all around it’s just a good day. I cannot wait to see your design wall!! Intriguing and I will be back to read whatever you share. Ken Follett – I have one of his books on hold at the library. I’ve never read him before but I’m branching out. A book too heavy?! Yes, I get you – and I absolutely LOVE a good heavy book. That means I can savor it all the longer. I’m sometimes sad when a book or book series is over/caught up. I want more! The bowl of gratitude pillows would make me smile every time I saw them, too. What’s not to love about that bowl of goodness?!! Happy Mother’s Day to you, my friend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Hi, Wendy! I love your bowl of little pillows! Your stitching is so nice, and those colors are so soothing. I’ve been listening to audiobooks lately and miss the feel of a book in my hands. Like you, I appreciate a good fit in my hands, quality paper, and the right font. After you described Wilbs sewing and cutting interventions, I was extra happy to have a dog. Ha! Wally does get jealous when my back faces him, so he started rummaging through the wastebasket to get my attention. It’s nice to be loved, right? Have a nice weekend!
Being home after a lot of on the road stuff does feel really good. Looking forward to seeing your design wall reveal. I recently sorted through our CDs (with 3 music heads in the house, we have a lot). It was fun to listen to some of the old stuff in the collection. Have a very Happy Mother’s Day.