I Like Thursday
You can see by the above photo that we finally got snow this week – 6 inches, and more coming this weekend, if the forecast is correct. It sure has beautified our trees and yard, making everything pretty and white!
We have been enjoying baking lately, not that we really need all those goodies, but it’s the season for baking, right? We decided we needed a break from chocolate, so BigJ made our favorite cookie.
We haven’t eaten all of those cookies – we shared some with our kids and friends. These are White Chocolate Lime Cookies and you can see the recipe here. I’ve shared this recipe before, but had to once again. If you need a break from the usual, give these a try. They are so good!
I decided that I should get some exercise, so I I fired up my Fitbit and went for a walk.
Quite the walk, eh? Lest you think I was racing around my neighborhood in a frenzy – I was on my treadmill. Makes it even funnier – hahaha! I clearly need to review how to set my Fitbit for the treadmill. I have no idea how it came up with this!
Later in the day, I pulled back the living room drapes and was given this beautiful view.
That’s looking to the west from our patio window. No filter, just nature’s beautiful colors!
The Weekly Wilbs
I treated Wilbs to some bird videos the other night. He settled in on my chest and was all ears.
I like Thursdays, because Friday is coming – and this Friday we just might get our new loveseat. All that will depend on the weather, of course!
Happy Thursday, all!


Christmas Finish
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What a beautiful snow scene. Hope your love seat arrives
Cindy Pieters
That picture is gorgeous! Wilbs looks like he is totally absorbed with the birds!
Vicki in MN
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you to get the loveseat on Friday, but it isn’t sounding good:(
The view from your porch is wonderful! Love that you shared bird videos with Wilbs! So sweet! 🙂
The Joyful Quilter
The first snow of the season is always exciting. Thanks for the cookie recipe link, Wendy!
Nancy Bekedam
LOL on your daily workout!!! And the bird vids for Wilbs!!! We’ll see what happens to that snow today, with a high of 39.
Linda P
beautiful photo, I’m saving it for a wall hanging idea..
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
What a beautiful view! Wilbs looks quite content to be a bird watcher! LOL
Needle and Foot
The map of your walk is hysterical. Hope you get your delivery tomorrow. We got .75″ of rain last night. Hurray!
Barbara J Stanbro
Well, good for you getting after your Fitbit walking. I keep threatening, but I doubt anything like that will happen until we head south. It’s too cold and wet. Oh and the treadmill? I couldn’t possibly awaken it from its winter slumber.
Judy K Blauer
What? You can walk on a treadmill? I thought it was used to hand laundry to dry! LOL! Looks like your Fitbit was in a dither! White Chocolate Lime cookies! Oh my!
That treadmill walk is hilarious. Such a pretty view of the snow. Ooh, look, birdies! 🙂
I actually burst out laughing at your treadmill map! I love seeing Wilbs watching birds on your lap. Awww.
Hi Wendy! I skipped right over and printed that recipe out, right away. And it only makes 30 cookies?!! Just the perfect amount to share yet have a few on hand. Thank BigJ for sharing the recipe, too. That is hilarious about the treadmill frenzied walk. WOW! Your Fitbit was really confused, eh?!! Thanks for the Wilbs photo for the week. Those ears! He’s really listening and watching, isn’t he. Aww. Now I feel complete. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Carol Andrews
Another wonderful post Wendy! A tempting recipe, pretty scenery, Wilbs snuggling and having entertainment provided and a funny Fitbit photo! Well done!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
That is a beautiful view and your cookies look delicious. Your fit bit walk made me smile 🙂
Sandra Healy
Love the idea of Wilbur watching the bird videos and the treadmill image! I had a good giggle with this post.
Rochelle Summers
Oh, it looks so Christmasy in your yard. Those cookies look yummie. So far, no baking here but I do have to do at least one batch of chocolate peppermints for a grandson! Wilbur is getting such a fun treat! It really is hard to be an indoor cat. I’m happy you explained that Fit Bit photo! I wondered if you had lost your mind there for a second. Have a great day.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
What a pretty view out your window, Wendy! We are still just cold and dry here in Colorado, and the watch is on to see if we’ll break a snow-less record. (At least on the Front Range.) Those cookies sound yummy! Wilbur checking out the bird video is hilarious! Hope you get that new loveseat tomorrow!
how did I read this and forget to comment. Wish we had snow, too warm for that here now. LOVE Wilbs always and wish he’d come visit Milo. Happy cookie making
Diane F Harris
All of this makes me smile!
Jocelyn Thurston
I do so get a kick out of the weekly Wilbs. We’ve been playing dog videos for Ned and he loves them except when he tries to run behind the tv to get at them.
Those cookies sound yummy. That screen grab is a hoot…how fast your legs must have been going!
Love your pretty views. We got about 3 inches and now have rain in the forecast so Mother Nature still can’t make up her mind.
The Morning Latte
Oh that’s hilarious about the treadmill walk–yeah I thought you did some crazy rambling there at first glance!
I get the same from my treadmill walk. Which is hilarious at times. Your cookies look awesome and you have a lovely view. Wilbs seems to enjoy bird TV.