I Like Thursday 55
I’m joining in today with LeeAnna and the rest of the gang for this I Like Thursday post. You can find all of us listed on LeeAnna’s blog at Not Afraid of Color.
So there I was, almost done cleaning up my sewing space, when I came to these scraps. I just had to play with them a bit and start making improv blocks. I just start sewing and then see where it takes me. This is not a neat process, but it sure is fun. I’m already quilting this project, but you’ll have to wait for a later post to see it.
Speaking of improv, I’ve been enjoying watching Joe Cunningham’s Quilt Report on YouTube. He has quite a few episodes, but my favorite so far is The Quilt Report 9. He speaks about his process as he constructs a quilt, and the thoughts that come into his mind as he works.
It’s late at night while I’m writing this post. I’ve been enjoying looking at old photos with my daughter this evening. Here’s one of my favorite photos of me and my cousins way back in the day. Any guesses which one is me?
I like that we have been cleaning and clearing things. I wonder how long everything will stay neat and orderly?
I like reading letters from my ancestors. Here’s a paragraph from one:
“Say, A tells me that V gave her the mitten. Is that right? Gee she’ll have to stick at home moreso (sic) than before. Too bad. Ha!Ha! I think a fellow is a nuisance but sometimes a pretty good nuisance especially when they take a person out once in a while, but how I hate a CHAIR WARMER. If you don’t take a girl out to the theatre or dances or something like that, that’s what they will call you. Be careful. Enough foolishness.” (My note: written by a sister to her brother. This sister never married. She refused to marry unless she could better herself by doing so. Also, to “give some one the mitten” means to reject romantic advances)
We got quite the chuckle out of that paragraph.
The Weekly Wilbs
Where’s Wilbs????
Can you see him? He is just loving all this rearranging, but this particular day he was getting just a bit overwhelmed, so it was time to hide a little. Goodness, it looks a bit like something blew up in that room, but I promise it looks so much better now!
Well, enough of this silly I Like Thursday 55 post. I hope you’ve enjoyed a little peek into my week.
I’m heading back to my sewing room. How about you? What’s under your needle this week?

To Do Tuesday 38

Lynx Star Quilt
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LOL at Wilbs hiding! Your improv piece looks fabulous! Thanks for the tip on Joe Cunningham, will check it out! Thanks Wendy! Have a great day!
Cindy Pieters
I enjoyed the fun look into your days.
Riceford Streams
You’re the blond beauty sitting second from the left — what a great photo!
Sandra Walker
I think you’re the one with the striped shirt. Love your improv projects and glad you got time to play amongst all the clearing snd sorting.
I found you! 😊 And I believe that is Steve in the upper right. Old pictures are so fun. I enjoy all your posts, though I don’t often comment. You amaze and inspire me!
Cocoa Quilts
I love the old letter. Giving the mitten and the chair warmer!
Diane Harris
☺️ Front row. Second from the left. Fun blog!
I love that family photo – we have one of some of my brothers and sisters on a stoop of an apartment building back in the late 50’s I think – there are only 5 of the 12 kids in it so it has to be that old. The setting is just like yours.
Hi Wendy! Oh, I LOVE looking at old photos. I think you are the second from the left in the front row. You’re paying attention, sitting nicely, and ready to go play when given the all clear signal. And the letter!!!! I have never heard that phrase, to give one the mitten. How cool! And your improv project is FAB! I love the combination of fabrics you are putting together. Poor Wilbs. What is going on in your nice, pieceful house?!! Of course, there was hiding going on yet nearby so in case something cool needed to be inspected. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Nita Schultz
Your brother thinks you need to find better things to do! But we can’t figure out who the girl is sitting next to Lee? You need to send the names!?! Your sister in law!!!
Please use Judy B
You’re teasing us with your improv project! So cool, I agree with others about which one is you! Cute!
My Sewful Retirement
Great family picture — You’re in the front row with the striped shirt! Love your improv tease!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
Funny Wilbs! He’ll have to hide better than that that 😀
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I found Wilbur! I bet he always likes to be right in the middle of things. Your improv project looks like fun – we all need one of those once in awhile! Cute picture of you and your cousins! I agree with Roseanne – I think you’re the second one from the left in the front row. 🙂
Rochelle Summers
Okay, Wilbs. Those ears were a dead give-away!! And you are in the front row second from left with that same lovely smile you have now. I was looking at old photos (not quite that old) last week trying to find something for my granddaughter (unsuccessful, so far) That can be a rabbit hole if not careful. Looking forward to more quilting show and tell!
Nancy Bekedam
Love the childhood photo, Wendy! Front, 2nd in looks just like you! Awesome quilt hanging over DD’s bed. That letter?!? Lol! A foreign language!!!
Needle and Foot
Oh my gosh – this is a wonderful post. Giving someone the mitten. I have never heard that before. So funny.
Definitely, you are the little blond, second from the left. What a sweet picture. I kinda wish more bloggers would write about this kind of stuff. It really tickles me and I feel like I get to know the person on a different level. Love it.
I see Wilbur ears! Things never stay organized as long as you’d like. Isn’t playing with scraps fun? 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
What fun! Love seeing your “hint of improv”, Wilbs in the mess, and a geniune little you (second from left in first row?). Also, that note is priceless!
Quilting is in my Blood
I’m in agreement with your other commenters. I think you are the second girl in the first row. It took me awhile to find Wilbur’s ears! I’ve never heard of Joe Cunningham’s Quilt Report but I plan to check it out. Fun post!!!
What an interesting time you are having. With all that clearing and repacking no wonder you had to take solace in some improv piecing! Love the photograph
Jocelyn Thurston
Great post Wendy. That photograph is beautiful…haven’t a clue which little girl is you…the one looking away maybe. Meanwhile, improv is good; therapeutic and I think takes quite a good eye. I love to hear folks talk about their process, always learn something. Learned what giving someone the mitten means and love the chair warmer phrase. Good for her though to not lower her standard. Thanks for sharing~ almost forgot…very cute little Wilbur, so sensitive.
Carol Andrews
Hi Wendy. I agree that you must be the second from the left in the striped shirt. I’m really enjoying the peek at your Improv Quilt. I found Wilbs. He’s such a treasure! Going to check your suggestion for Joe Cunningham if our power doesn’t go out. 14 inches of snow so far since 2:00 this morning and it’s still coming down! ❄️⛄️❄️
I see him! But do I see you? Second from left? that pic is so cute! I love old pics and old letters so much, thanks
I think I spy Wilbs ears. Love your improv piece. I am not good at it. Can’t wait to see what else you are working on. Great old pic of you and the cousins. The letter is funny too. A few years ago a family friend gave me her and her sister’s diaries dating from 1920 -1980 I was asked to burn them. I honored their wishes, but these two ladies used to run with quite the crowd in Detroit in the day, they used to dine at a restaurant which had well known mob connections, and they attended a lot of grand parties up in Gross Pointe which is a fancy area.