I Like Thursday 56
Anyway, I’m joining up with the rest of my Thursday friends over at Not Afraid of Color, as we gather with LeeAnna and share out likes for the week. You can find all of us listed on LeeAnna’s post at Not Afraid of Color.
I like the bones of trees – the look of trees without leaves. I snapped this photo one morning when we buzzed into town.
One of my most treasured quilts is this Mola, given to me by Nita, when she visited Panama many years ago. The workmanship is amazing. If I remember correctly, the quilt is constructed by choosing a base layer, then layering one fabric on top, cutting a design from that fabric and handstitching it to the base color. This process repeats itself for several layers, each layer is cut to reveal the layers underneath.
In my ongoing walk down memory lane, I came across this photo.
Many years ago, my nephew was a huge fan of Big Bird. That particular year, I bought him this talking Big Bird. On opening it, he was so excited. Then we pulled the cord to make Big Bird speak, and he was so scared by it, it took him awhile before he warmed up to it again. It ended up being a favorite that was loved to within an inch of its life. The look on my nephew’s face still makes me smile.
You know that I love my cat, and we’ll talk about him in a minute. However, I thought you might like to see me with a dog for a change. Another photo from years ago, when my brother brought home a Saint Bernard pup. This photo is after that pup had grown just a bit (she’s about halfway to full grown in this photo).
Tiny grew to stand about hip high next to me and she weighed about 170 pounds. Good memories!
The Weekly Wilbs
Of course, I have to wrap up I Like Thursday 56 with a photo of Wilbs. He’s much easier to care for – and cuddle with – than a 170-lb Saint. He’s a constant source of amusement.
Molly caught this photo of Wilbs looking for her as she was coming up the stairs. It cracked me up – it’s so typical of him, always needing to know what is going on and keeping tabs on everyone.
Happy Thursday, everyone! Enjoy your day!

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To Do Tuesday 40
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Stitchin at Home
Bare bones trees and is that snow on the ground, you just keep any of that stuff to yourself. Oh that Wilbs, he sure is curious.
Louise Hornor
I like the very warty gourds at the top of this post! And this was a sweet walk down your memory lane 🙂
Vicki in MN
With everything brown out there it’s hard to find any likes right now! I am still trying to figure out Wilb’s photo of the week, where is that taken? And you had long hair years ago!
Hi Wendy! AHA! There was a dog in your life at some point. Wilbs is much more lap-friendly though. Tiny! I have often heard that name for Saint Bernard pups. Bare trees can either be sad because it means cold and snow, or it can mean it’s time for a recharge and stress-free recovery. I like the bare trees and love to watch for the first signs of buds in the Spring. Wilbs never fails to delight us – I can only imagine him in person. ~smile~ Roseanne
nice to see you with a dog -l have had a dog and many cats over the years but none in recent years other than strays that wonder through the yard – sounds like you need to get out and take a walk around the neighborhood or up and down the driveway 🙂 I’m with you on not socializing right now
Do not think for a minute that when Wilbs looks sound asleep that he’s not completely aware of exactly where everyone is and what they’re doing.
what would be fun is to ask people to caption that picture!!!
it is harder to find likes but even in our insular worlds right now, there has to be things we liked, right? Right? (I hope so) I had a hard time this week coming up with a list. Tiny is sweet! I like bare bones tree shapes too
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I love bare bones trees against a beautiful blue sky like that, too! Fun old pictures, and Tiny for a St Bernard made me laugh. So glad you found some things to share with us today – it helps my attitude to look for the good stuff. 🙂 And, of course, there’s always Wilbur, who entertains us all!
Rochelle Summers
So many memories. We had a Saint Bernard was I was a girl. The dog catcher had picked her up at a local ranch after the man’s son was deployed to his next assignment and the guy didn’t want to feed something you couldn’t eat. Cuddles was her name. My bed was at the top of the stairs which she never went up unless there was a lightening storm and then she came up at a gallop and landed on me!! Wilbs is so entertaining. I think he could have a blog of his own every week if only you were willing to follow him around and take photos!! I love the photo of the bare tree. I enjoy seeing the snow (and yes, we’ve had some) but I also love seeing the rain soak into the ground first! Have a great week.
Cheree Hull
Cute pic of Wilbs. And your nephew–ha! One of my sons was so afraid of mechanical-type toys! I have a picture of him hanging on the stair rail, with his feet tucked up to the rail too!, to try to get away from a motorized truck…or maybe it was that snake dragon thing someone got his brother? Anyway, he was scared of all of them and it’s a hilarious pic. Memories! It is getting a little harder to find I-like pics but hey, at least next week we’ll all have Thanksgiving food to bring to the table! Literally. LOL
Needle and Foot
Such a nice post. I love your Thursday musings. That picture of your nephew must be from the late 1980’s. The clothes look just like those I bought for my boys at that age. So cute.
I think you had a fabulous week of finding things to like. Love the gourds, and the thowback pictures and stories. And of course Wilbs is a favorite. What you don’t like a 170 lb lap dog?
That photo of your nephew: OMG, it talks! lol. Good stuff this week. 🙂
Carol Andrews
Thank you Wendy for sharing your photos; so many treasured memories! Love that little quilt and Wilbs just has me in stitches!
What child wouldn’t want a life-size Big Bird. You’ve got to be the ‘favorite’ aunt with a gift like that! What a great photo of Wilbs, the stalker kitty!
Lovely to have a peek into your life and to see what Wilbur is up to!
Kathleen McCormick
I seem to remember one of the nieces or nephews having the very same reaction to a talking stuffed animal. Lots of great pics….the tree, you and the dog but you know who steals the show…Wilbur!
Cute story about Big Bird as a scary creature.
That photo of Wilbur on the steps cracks me up! Loved seeing your nephew, great expression you caught there! Have a wonderful weekend Wendy! Stay safe!
That’s such a funny picture of Wilbur! And your nephew’s face! I guess it’s the week for photos that make me smile!
I like bare trees too! In fact I told my husband yesterday I love the stark beauty of trees in the winter. It’s very evocative for me and reminds me of my childhood. Love your big dog named Tiny. I think Wilbur and my Toby would get along. He is the most curious of the four and because of his black face with white “lips” he looks like he’s in a constant state of surprise. He makes us laugh out loud every day.
My Sewful Retirement
Happy Thanksgiving! Many blessings to you and your family ❤️