I Like Thursday 58
I like trying new ways to cook. For our Thanksgiving meal, we tried a Korean grill. Traditionally, we all take part in making the meal, so we each made something to contribute for this one as well. It was a fun evening.
I like family recipes, and this one is a favorite. Each year at Christmas, my grandmother would make butterhorns for our family meal. I hadn’t made this recipe in a few years, so I thought I’d give them a try.
They weren’t very uniform in size, but everyone said they tasted good. They didn’t stay around long, so I’ll have to make another batch!
This is turning out to be a highly food-related post – haha! I like pistachio muffins. I snapped this photo very quickly the other morning before breakfast. The plate really doesn’t compliment the muffin well, so I obviously wasn’t thinking about the photo but more about the eating!
I like this cute little board book. The story is simple, but fun – and the cute illustrations were done by one of my son’s best friends. If you need a good gift idea for a little one for Christmas, you can find the link right here.
The Weekly Wilbs
I like playing board games with my family. Here we are playing Seven Wonders – then an eighth wonder seemed to show up on the game board! Imagine that?!?!
Happy Thursday, my friends! Thanks for reading through my I Like Thursday 58 post. I like sharing little tidbits of my weeks with you!

Christmas Tree Runner

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Riceford Streams
Pistachio muffins sound delicious! I haven’t heard of those before. Did you make them or buy them? Eating is our favorite pastime lately. Haha!
Cindy Pieters
I love pistachios, but have never had or even knew that pistachio muffins existed. I need a recipe.
nice to play board games with the family – here my girls always liked playing them but the hubs doesn’t so now that the girls are not here I only play when they are around. The rolls look terrific and I bet they tasted good too
Hi Wendy! Aww, Wilbs is an eighth wonder. He doesn’t look like he wanted his picture taken. Or maybe he wanted to investigate your phone or camera closer. Those butterhorns look delicious as does the pistachio muffins. I think you should share the recipes! I adore anything pistachio – I’ve never heard of them before. The Korean grill meal looks fun and delicious, too! You’re making me hungry. Happy Thursday. ~smile~ Roseanne
Louise Hornor
This post made me hungry! I’m off to check out the book link now. My niece has three littles under the age of 5…
Well, of course that the most comfortable place for a cat to lay!
And, I’ve never had a pistachio muffin, but I’ll be looking for a recipe soon!
Wilbur! The star of the show. 🙂 Those butterhorns look wonderful, as does the Korean grill – yum!
The butterhorns didn’t last long!
Wilbur wanted to play. Didn’t anybody invite Wilbur to play? Your pistachio muffin looks good!
Needle and Foot
Well, Wendy, during these odd times where I rarely know what day it is, you have become my very own marker of time. I get my coffee and open my blog reader and then it is – oh, there is Wendy’s Thankful post – I guess that means it is Thursday. Hahaha – did you know how integral you have become to my week? 🙂
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That picture of Wilbur in the middle of the game is hilarious! Of course he wants to play, too! Your Korean grill meal sounds yummy. Is that a special appliance that you’re using for that? Have a great day, Wendy!
Rochelle Summers
You have a plethora of wonderful things. The butterhorns make me hungry, since I always settle for Pillsbury crescent rolls. And that pistachio muffin looks yummy. I think you might need to pass on the recipe. Wilbs is certainly not one to wait for an invitation! To be the star of the show is his goal, me thinks. Sounds like everyone is feeling better.
laura bruno lilly
Mmmm, Butterhorns. Used to bake those up regularly during my newlywed years…many moons ago!
Kathleen McCormick
Wilbur is the eighth wonder! Love the food – I am so hungry after reading this. I have a hard time not having turkey on Thanksgiving but wish I could. I am thinking it is a lot of meal for just 3….
Quilting is in my Blood
A Korean grill for Thanksgiving sounds like so much fun especially with everyone pitching in followed by board games (and Wilbur getting in the mix!). All that food you shared looks so good. I’d be willing to try it all! I sure you hope you get your sense of taste back soon. Take care, Mary
Nancy Bekedam
The Korean barbecue looks delicious!!! That book looks super cute for any Minnesotan!
So you are also an excellent and adventurous cook! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving.
Ooh – all that food looks good. I haven’t heard of butterhorns before, but they look delicious! Cats must add an extra challenge to board games!
Jocelyn Thurston
I’m shocking. Your food photos made my mouth water. I just love when folks include food photos in their posts and this was a wonderful one. Homemade rolls are the best and that pistachio muffin…awesome. Good eating going on in your house and I love how you are playing board games…reminds me of when my girls were growing up. And of course, Wilbur wants to play too. A wonderful post, Wendy. Thanks!!
Cheree Hull
The korean grill idea sounds fun and yummy! The bread looks super yummy too and who cares if they’re not uniform? I realize some people actually get out their scales and weigh individual dough balls before forming so that they’re all exactly the same but let’s be real, we’re not on the British Baking Show and that wastes quality quilting time! Those puppies are made with love and that’s that! Hilarious Wilbs wanted attention so badly–I’m certain it must be that he’s being neglected . Aw, that book is too fun! I did check it out and will pass the link on to a couple people that might want to get it for their kiddos!
The butterhorns look delicious. Who cares about uniform shapes? Our stomachs definitely don’t!!!
Wilbs just wants to play and join in the action. Can you blame him? 🙂
That Korean barbecue looks great! Your butterhorn rolls look like the ones I typically make at Thanksgiving–I love them but only make them once a year. This year I didn’t do any Thanksgiving baking, though, I bought a box of baked goods from pastry arts students at my community college instead.
Carol Andrews
Your post made me hungry Wendy. I love Korean grill and can’t remember the last time I was able to indulge. Mmmm Pistachio muffins and butter horns. Really hits the sweet spot for me. Did Wilbs win the game?
Patricia Evans
An unconventional Thanksgiving meal for a very unconventional year. It all looks delicious.
Lots of fun foodie stuff. Of course Wilbs would want to be part of the game.
Carole @ From My Carolina Home
Yum! Your games referee is adorable.
Sue H
That book looks really cute. I’ll have to look for it for my 1.5 year old grandson. Your butterhorns look delicious and the fact that they disappeared speaks volumes, right? Have a great week!