I Like Thursday 62
I do enjoy playing with pretty fabric. The picture above shows the current fabric bundle I’m playing with, a lovely stack of Island Batiks. The photo doesn’t capture the depth of the color of the fabrics. They are so pretty!
Speaking of pretty fabric, these two pieces of fabric are my first order from Colorways by Vicki Welsh, two of her hand-dyed gradient fabrics. I am thinking about what I want to make with these; meanwhile, I will enjoy looking at the beautiful blend of colors.
I also have a weakness for ceramics. Samantha Hostert is one of my favorite artists. She recently had a Flawed but Functional sale, and I bought these two little pieces. The little cocktail cup has a pretty mid-century modern vibe.
The cup holds a little less than 8 ounces. It was flawed due to some chipping at the base, but it’s not at all visible. The bowl has no flaw other than it is a bit oblong rather than circular.
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs was facing a difficult decision – keep playing with the fabric, or take a nap. A short little nap won out, but before you know it . . .
He was right back at it again.
And that’s the end of my I Like Thursday 62 tale for today. Thanks for reading my post, friends!

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Beautiful fabrics and ceramics.
Do you think that the human equivalent of Wilbur taking a cat nap while playing with fabric is when one falls asleep while reading while keeping the book open so you don’t lose your place?
Riceford Streams
Oh, Wilbs— haha!
Good morning! Such a good helper he is, sharing his expert opinion with you. That’s priceless! I can’t believe it’s your 62nd Thursday post already. Fabulous fabrics and ceramics. Stay warm today – it’s a chilly 5 degrees this morning and we’re the warm spot of the area. Brrr. ~smile~ Roseanne
Stitchin at Home
Lovely ceramics and fabrics! Poor Wilbs works so hard a well deserved nap is always welcome.
Oh that tail across the mat is such a familiar one – I did a double take because Wilbur looks so much like my Jack. Those fabrics are gorgeous, and what a treasure trove at Vicki’s website!
Nancy Bekedam
Oooh, Colorways is sooo pretty!!!
laura bruno lilly
I can’t resist: I must happily confess: Samantha Hostert is my cousin’s niece! This is so cool. I forwarded a link of your blog post to her.
You have fine taste in ceramics, lady!
I love to find deals on pretty pottery – what is flawed to one isn’t to another. I think I will need to start getting more batiks too I do love them
Pretty fabrics. I have some of Vicki’s fabrics too. I had in mind to do a landscape collage with them, and then never got started. I’ll do it eventually, I suppose. I like your pottery pieces too. I’m a fan of pottery.
Sandra Walker
All smiles here today, thank you! Does Wilbur ever get bits of fabric stuck to his fur, and then you ‘lose’ pieces? Bella does that constantly…
I do love Vicki’s fabric. It always looks so beautiful…too hard to cut. Wilbs looks like he is saying “mine” the way his paw is holding down the strips. I hope he doesn’t flick his tail into the cutter some day.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Always fun to have new fabric – even if you don’t have plans for it yet! Island Batiks are such gorgeous fabrics, and so are those hand dyes. Neat new ceramic pieces, too. We have stemless wine glasses that look similar in size to your new cup – I really like that size and shape. I’m with Wilbs – a good day includes a nap AND playing with fabric!
Wilbur that’s how I do it too, without the tail lol.
be still my heart those ceramics…. I collect hand made pottery and those designs are so calming.
Kathleen McCormick
Very funny Wilbs! I love the IB collection …. can’t wait to see that creation! Love the ceramics and always love a sale. I really love pre and post nap W!
Beautiful fabrics! I love, love that mug. Wilbur! I want to tweak that tail! 🙂
Kathy Swallows
Love the saturated colors in your new play with fabric project! Very nice pottery pieces. I have a weakness there too, but not the space to indulge much. At least you have a sewing buddy to keep you company, even if he does indulge in the occasional nap.
Happy stitching this weekend.
That’s a beautiful pottery piece! I like Wilbs’ style, I want to nap in a pile of nice fabrics!