I Like Thursday
While I sew, I’ll be listening to Christmas music. Back when I had a TV in my quilt room, I would watch movies while I quilted. One of my favorite holiday movies is White Christmas because of the music and the fashions the women wore. And who doesn’t want to dance with Danny Kaye while wearing an amazing chiffon-y dress, right?
Lately we’ve been putting on some quiet music and reading in the evenings. I just received the new Louise Penny book, A World of Curiosities, and I’m eager to start it, but I have a book from the library to finish first. When I’m not in the mood for fiction, I’m reading this book, to help me learn a bit more about the world of art. So far, I’m finding it very interesting.
Mr. Findlay writes in a conversational style, so it is easy reading and easy to understand. I’ve never really understood much about the art market or the collecting of art, but this book is helping me gain a deeper understanding. He is the husband of Victoria Findlay Wolfe, by the way, and you can find the book at her site here.
When we are watching shows, one of our recent favorites was Magpie Murders. We especially enjoyed the author comments at the end of each episode. It was fascinating to hear him speak about writing the book (which I haven’t read yet) and how they filmed the episodes, etc.
A show we didn’t enjoy quite as much but got sucked into was Sherwood. It’s a bit of a grim plot, but inspired by an actual event around coal mining. There were several actors we recognized, and some we didn’t recognize at first, only to exclaim “oh wait – that’s so-and-so from that show” – do you do that too when you are watching a show?
There are two movies we usually watch over the holidays – well, maybe three. Okay, there’s more than that – but these are three top ones. A Christmas Story, because so many things remind me of my childhood; Christmas with the Kranks, because I read the book, Skipping Christmas, to hubs years ago and we still love the story; and It’s A Wonderful Life, because it’s a good reminder of all the good things we have.
The Weekly Wilbs
Meanwhile, Wilbs is living his best life with us here. While I am writing this post, he is napping on our bed. When he’s not napping, he’s usually chattering and coming up for snuggles. Lately, he has been extremely helpful in the quilt room, sitting atop my sewing machine to make sure I notice that he is dying of hunger and really needs some treats. Ignoring him while I was trying to finish sewing the other day, he thought he should examine all the things, like my snips.
He is very adept with those paws, let me tell. ya. We are constantly amazed at what he can pick up. After examining the snips, he dropped them to the floor. I’m pretty sure I heard him “heh heh” as they hit the carpet. Then he looked at me as if to say “What?” No – he didn’t get treats.
Are you having an I Like Thursday day today, too? I hope so! Thanks for stopping by!

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Hi Wendy! Wilbs! Hey, hey. Yup, he has that sense of humor going. His plan for snips followed by treats was foiled. Darn. I love listening to music any time and any day but especially at Christmas. I stream it all day at work! My new office mate doesn’t mind one bit, thank heavens. Happy Thursday to you, my friend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Vicki in MN
OMG Wilbs, first I thought how the heck did he get the snips on top of the machine with him. And then my next thought was ‘don’t poke yourself Wilbs’. I have been watching lots of Hallmark Christmas movies in the evening. Guess I better get in the sewing room and listen to Christmas music on the radio:) Happy December!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Hi Wendy! A quiet day in the studio sounds lovely. I’m at the quilt shop this morning, talking quilts with eager quilters. Our go-to holiday movies are It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol, The Chosen Christmas and Elf. I’ll be checking out your favs.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Wilbs looks so intent on those snips. Enjoy your day of fun sewing! 🙂
Barbara J Stanbro
Sounds like a perfect day to me.
I just sent my Hubs an email showing Britbox for 1.99/month for 2 months – I am tired of seeing things I want to watch and finding out they are on Britbox! I love all things British so it makes sense, right? We like It’s A Wonderful Life and Holiday Inn, but Holiday Inn is sometimes hard to find. Haha on dancing in a chiffon-y dress – why yes I do that all the time! 😀
I am so familiar with kitty antics like Wilbs’ – his focus on those scissors is hilarious, and those wonderful paws!
Rochelle Summers
Love your book recommendations. I’m waiting until after the holidays for the new Louise Penney book. Have you read The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek and the sequel The Book Woman? Wilbs reminds me of one of those curious 2 and 3 years old. Cats are so interesting.
LA Paylor
that was like a short story…. cozy christmas
Love wilbur! I haven’t watched two of your movies so I will look for them. DH likes Louise Penny and we heard her lecture in dc once
💗💗💗 Enjoying so much about this post!!
Do I need to read that book? Probably so.
Stitchin at Home
Oh that Wilbs! At least he keeps you entertained, but how in the world can he pick things up like that. Enjoy your sew day!
Wilbs has to get a lot of „Leckerli“ for his fantastic skill to pick up a tool!
Please give him his treats. And why not sewing him a mouse or ball to play?
It is so amazing to see him on top of your machine. On my machine is no space… its a brother and she is open all the time. No place for a cat…
I am not in the mood right now …may be after this weekend having a short tripp. but good idea to hear more christmas musik.
But at the 26th pf December we are all happy to hear something new, or?
Happy christmas quilting!
Oh Wilbs! What will he get into next? I bet he’s hoping it will involve treats!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That Wilbs is amazing to pick those up – I definitely didn’t know cats could do that! I’m looking forward to reading Louise Penny’s new book, too – it’s on my library hold list. And have you seen the show coming tomorrow on Prime – Three Pines? It looks like it could be good. We liked Magpie Murders and also watched Sherwood. Definitely different styles of mystery, but both entertaining!
I’m dying for the new Louise Penny book! So many holds on it right now, I’ll have to wait. We agree with your assessment of Sherwood (and yes! we recognized so many of the actors from different shows. Stephen Tompkinson was a shock!).
Sandra Walker
OMG Bella stis atop my machine too, but I shoo her off immediately now because when I took it (mostly) apart during lockdown, I found several of her hairs deep inside it. I think it’s the warmth they like on their tushes. 😉 I cannot WAIT to see the sewing that was done! I have to watch some more Christmas movies – have one last episode (sniff) of The Crown first. I also cannot wait to get my hands on LP’s latest book, maybe should put it on my Christmas list?! Thanks for the rec of Magpie Murders. 🙂
Quilting is in my Blood
I’m always afraid of my cats being poked by pins and other sharp things in my quilting area, but they seem do just fine. Me, on the other hand, not so much. I often leave a little DNA on my projects! Have you read the other books in Louise Penny’s Gamache series? I’m currently on book 8, and I’m really enjoying it.
Jocelyn Thurston
Tony said just the other day, let’s get another cat…he had one for 24 years. I don’t know what Ned would make of it so I think the next pet will be one. I enjoy seeing and hearing about Wilbs. Yes we enjoyed Magpie Murders too and are always testing each other’s memories about where we saw such and such an actor before. Thanks for mentioning Micheal’s book…imagine being married to that Victoria. What a couple!
Kathleen McCormick
Thursday sounds lovely in your studio. Glad Wilbur is a curious cat, but that scissor trick is not one he should be perfecting. I will have to check out the series you mention..we just finished Bosch so we will need something to watch together…J is veyr picky!
Things certainly are peaceful in your neck of the woods. Thanks for the report on the book, The Value of Art.
The Morning Latte
White Christmas is always part of my pre-gaming for the holidays! And yes, those styles are probably my absolute faves. (Rosemary Clooney’s black dress when she goes away to sing at that other night club! Yes please! Did you know Rosemary sang both sister parts, btw?). So funny how our kitties like to sit on the sewing machine. Quite the paws there Wilbs!
Carol Andrews
Hi Wendy. Sounds like a sew day would be perfect in your studio; music, fabric and Wilbs pulling pranks and keeping you amused 😉. Your Christmas movie list sounds like mine. I go to bed early and stream them since DH doesn’t care for Christmas movies. 😉