I Like Thursdays #1
Well, this is a first. My first I Like Thursday post, to remind me of things that make me happy and grateful. I’m joining in with this fun linky hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color. Read through my list of likes, then visit LeeAnna and visit the other bloggers too!
I like this pair of 6″ scissors I have had since I was a kidlet. They have always been “paper scissors”. I have had many happy hours of cutting up just about anything (my dog’s hair, my hair (both when I was a kid) — sometimes paper –haha). My mother always said I was dangerous with scissors. This pair now gets used only for paper, and only by me. Funny how we get so attached to things.

I like bell peppers. I’m the only one in my family who does, so I get them all to myself. All chopped up in a colorful little dish makes my mouth water.

I like sitting on a swinging bench with BigJ and enjoying a view like this. Blue skies, green grass and trees, and water.

I like kitty snuggles. Wilbur might be a pill in my quilt room, but he is a big snuggler. Sometimes he just needs to be right by my face, all cozy. How can you not like that?!

I like a little bowl of snibbles — trimmings. The left overs from a fun day of sewing with friends.

What about you? What are some of your favorite things?
Happy Thursday, friends!
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Cindy Pieters
A nice list of likes, I think the kitty snuggles is my fav.
Hi Wendy! Welcome to the Thursday clan! Aww, Wilbur is a sweetie. His coloring is so darn pretty and I think he’s just the sewing room companion that you needed. I have a pair of paper-only scissors that look amazingly similar to yours and are from my yut. I remember as a kid I didn’t understand the whole concept of paper-only cutters but I sure do now. ~smile~ Roseanne
Pretty impressive that you can still lay your hands on a pair of scissors from your youth. Lots of great things to be thankful for. Have a great week.
I like reading your post ! and being reminded of nice, simple things
Karen Goad
I have one pair of scissors that I have had forever that I use for paper and things – but I don’t know how long I have had them! certainly not since before I was 35 or so
My Sewful Retirement
Hi Wendy, I’m impressed you still have scissors from your youth — how cool — I too enjoy just looking at trees and water. The area that I walk in reminds me of the east coast — our home is two blocks from one of the 40 lakes in our town, I love walking around it and admiring the serenity!
Vicki in MN
I love the pic of you and Wilbur! I can almost hear him purring;)
Simple things are best. Wilbur looks like a sweety.
What a fun post! Now I know what snibbles are!😄And Wilbur is so sweet!
I like a paddle boat ride with my hubby, drinking morning coffee on the deck, tending my flower garden and chocolate!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
I love that view, especially if one is sitting on a porch swing with a loved one!
Louise Hornor
I like all those things, too! I even have a pair of scissors that I’ve been using since I was about 5 years old. They are buttonhole cutters, with a big notch out of the middle. I’ve never cut a buttonhole with them, though 🙂
Melody Lutz
Yes, kitty snuggles are a strong like, for me too. I think my favorite sound, is hearing my kitty purrrrrrrrrrr. Wilbur is one handsome fur baby!
Kathleen McCormick
Well, this is fun! I love reading these and will love following you on the Thursday group. I too, have a pair of scissors from my youth, and I love them.
Cocoa Quilts
Great list Wendy. I love those scissors and am impressed you still have them. Looking forward to your list each week.
I love an orange cat.. I even wrote a short story about three who took up with me after my dog passed away. Love the detail of scissors on scissor fabric. Great view, peaceful and calming place to just be. I love bell peppers, that watery crunch of sweet tartness. I have items that somehow were kept all my life. It’s a good thing! I like your list!
Diann Bottrell
Welcome to I Like Thursday, Wendy! So glad you are joining in! I love your photo with Wilbur – cats crack me up. I’ve never lived with one, but I bet I would have fun with one. It’s fun to have things around that remind you of years past – like your scissors! Happy Thursday!
Sandra Healy
Wilbur is the most beautiful little creature!
Pretty kitty! Orange bell peppers are so good. That is a classic pair of scissors – brings back good memories.
Julie Holleran
Hi Wendy–love your likes this week–i have a little bowl of leftover pieces like you do;))) i use them to lead into my sewing …your kitty looks so sweet…
Lisa J.
Happy Thursday and thanks for sharing the joy of simple things. I would like to join this day but I don’t seem to find the time to take all the photos.
Carol S.
It’s so fun to read all the “I Like Thursdays” posts. What a treasure to have those scissors for the memories and snuggles with your kitty!
Carol DeLater
I’m pretty sure my fav pic is the view from the swing. I was not born under a water sign but I sure don’t understand why. The water draws me to it and I think I am never more serene than when near it. What is your lake? It’s a wonderful view.
xx, Carol
Needle and Foot
I love your list, and bell peppers and most of all the sweet photo of you and Wilbur.