I Like Thursdays #13
I Like Thursdays #13 – well, at least it’s not Friday 🙂 Were you looking for me last week?

I had the best laid plans of having posts ready to roll over Thanksgiving. Instead, I did a few of my favorite things.
Zentangles. I decided to have some fun with the holiday theme.

Poor Tom looks a bit like I felt after all that good Thanksgiving food that I like! I do like to draw these little tiles while I’m watching a show.
Cookies. Since the high season of cookie baking is upon us, I decided I’d better do a little warm-up, so I made some I like – gingersnaps!

It was a small batch, and they are almost gone. No, I haven’t eaten all of them. I had help 🙂
Wilbur is relieved he finally found me. I like his cuddly snuggles.

This is currently his favorite napping spot in the evening. I hadn’t planned on posting this pic, but I thought it might be fun for you to see.
Christmas Decorations. This is the only decoration I have out, so far, because I just bought it. I can use it as a candleholder, or put some fruit in it, like that chocolate fruit you see there. It’s about 6″ in diameter, just the right size for a whole bunch of that fruit. I better add more!

I’ll get more decorations up soon, but the tree will only get lights until our daughter is home. Our kids still like to decorate the tree together.
Gifts from my kids. This little sign was made for me by my daughter when she was younger. It hangs right by my chair in the living room, where I can see it as I stitch.

Christmas Music. This is one of my favorite songs to celebrate the season. It’s such a happy, joyous rendition of the hymn. If you happened to peek into my room while this was playing, you might see me rockin’ out a bit. Feel free to join me! (If the link doesn’t come through, look for Tides of Winter on YouTube; the song is Angels We Have Heard on High.) I hope you enjoy it with me as we celebrate this holiday season.
I Like Thursdays #13 is a wrap, but before you leave, don’t forget to pop over and visit LeeAnna, host of this fun weekly party. She has links to the others who are also sharing their likes for the week, so give them a little encouragement too.
Enjoy your day, my friends!
Editorial Note: I’ve been having some issues with my site, so if the Like button and comment section won’t load, I apologize. Feel free to send me a comment at piecefulthoughts@gmail.com.
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I like your likes especially those cookies and the red chocolate holding dish.
I need to start thinking cookies soon too – like for Sunday! our daughter that lives close by likes to help decorate for Xmas – she and her husband live with his mother and I’m afraid MIL is in charge for the decorations and likes to do them only by herself 🙁 what a sourpuss) so daughter decorates their rooms a little that they use and comes over here and helps me decorate here – I better get a batch of cookies made as we love Xmas cookies while we decorate and if Aniya’s mother doesn’t already have plans she will bring her great niece along to help which is always fun
Happy Thursday! Enjoyed the rendition of “Angels We Have Heard!”. And your candy dish is so bright and fun! Christmas music is the best! Your ginger snaps look delicious.
I like solar lights. We keep them up all year and it really brightens up the long dark winter!
I like Thursday ‘cause it means tomorrow my hubs can get off a little earlier and he’s home for the weekend! Enjoy your day!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Gingersnaps–yum! Chocolate fruit–haha! I love the sign your daughter made for you!!! Very sweet! Did she make that saying up? ❤️
Katy Sweigart
Wilbur is adorable! Love that picture and your cookies make me hungry! Not hungry enough to actually bake, mind you. 😊
Hi Wendy! Oh, that version of that song – it gives me the chills. And that bass player – he really sets down a great beat to build on. I’ll be humming this all day. And Wilbur – what a sweetie he is. I’m so glad you found your way to him. He’s a keeper for shure! And a cute photo too boot. You drew that turkey tile?!! Wowee! You missed your calling, my friend. You have real talent and I’m glad you are able to express yourself via quilting. And finally, I am thrilled to know that chocolate is now in the fruit category. Woot woot! I’m start spreading the news . . . ~smile~ Roseanne
Louise Hornor
Gotta get me some of that chocolate fruit! Better yet, find a chocolate fruit tree and pick some fresh. Love to see Wilbur all snuggled up, too 🙂
Sandra Walker
Well I just love seeing Wilbur snuggled up under your chin! I know that if I sat more in the evenings Bella would be on my lap a little more often. The purring sound they make is the best isn’t it? I love the sign your daughter made and I also love the stretch pose of Wilbur looking out the window! And you know you’ve made me want to make some gingersnaps now…chocolate fruit lol
Vicki in MN
Molasses cookies bring back memories of baking with my mom, yummy good! Your chocolate fruit gave me the giggles;)
Barbara J Stanbro
Well, I absolutely love your little framed gift from your daughter. Lovely sentiment, and it’s exactly how I feel about quilting. It’s as if we stand on the shoulders of generations who came before us, including my grandmother. My mother didn’t quilt, but she was a terrific seamstress. Love your candy dish Christmas decor…my kind of decorating. Wilbur looks like a snuggle bug.
Ooo…I am joining you in your likes, dear Wendy, especially the music! 🙂
Diann Bottrell
I love gingersnaps! I haven’t made any recently, but just bought a package of the ones from Trader Joes – yummy! Love the picture of you and Wilbur – and don’t worry, lots of us have that double chin thing going on… 🙂 The sweet little decoration from your daughter is just great! Do you have it hanging there all the time? I would!
starting with the pic of the cat and looking out for you comment, this has made me smile and happy from start to music. I love that band, never saw them before but that was the happiest cover I ever heard of that song. I’m going back to see what else they have on youtube. Wilber is so very cozy, send him over here to snuggle me. Pin a little address on his neck, give him a little kitty suitcase with spare catnip, and put him on a bus. (but he may prefer staying warm and cozy with you)
I’m no good at zentangle but I love them, and your creative turkey lurky.
Oh, your cookies look delicious. I love seeing people’s zentangles. Christmas music – I need to find my CD of it.
Great likes. Wilbur does not have a double chin! Your cookies look awesome. I have even put on Christmas music instead of a book this week.
Wilbur cracks me up! What a cutie! I love the wall hanging from your daughter–so sweet! Great candy dish and ginger snaps are some of my favorite cookies! Have a wonderful day!
Kathleen McCormick
You sure had fun with this Thursday loves! Wilbur is the best and he is surely smitten with you! Gingersnaps and chocolate….I can smell Christmas. Now off to have a calorie free sewing event. I probably put on a pound thinking about them!
Such great things this week! I love your turkey but my favorite is that saying about quilts on your wall–lovely!