Pieceful Life

I Like Thursdays #17

I’m joining LeeAnna and the others today to ring in the new year with this I Like Thursdays #17. I hope you visit LeeAnna’s page, read her post and the posts of the other bloggers listed on her page.

I like the start of a new year. Time to think about the blessings and graces of the year past, and the hopes for the year ahead.

I like trying new foods. Over the holidays, we like to nibble on appetizers while we watch a show. For New Year’s Eve, I tried this recipe for meatballs and this recipe for a new twist on spinach & artichoke dip. Both were very good.

My big like for this week? This antique sewing machine given to me by BigJ. It was his grandmother’s and is still in working condition. Forgive the photo; the machine is in his parents’ garage while we figure out where to put it in our house.

I don’t know much about the machine, so I’ll need to do some research. It’s a treadle, so maybe I’ll have to give that a try once we get it here in our home. It surprises me to realize I am now the owner of 5 antique sewing machines. They seem to just find their way to us.

I like naps. I’ve taken a few over the holiday season. Even better when I have a cat on my lap!

And that’s my I Like Thursdays #17, my first of these posts for 2020. I’m off to read the posts on LeeAnna’s page. Join me?



  • karenfae

    even if you don’t sew with the treadle it would be such an interesting piece to have as a decoration! I would love a treadle table to set up my antique machine on and convert it back to treadle (someone at one time added a motor) but I really have no place to put one!

  • rl2b2017

    Good Morning Wendy! Aww, that shot of Wilber just makes me smile. And you are now the owner of five antique sewing machines?!! I’m glad they have a good home where they’ll be loved and cared for. Thanks for the links to the new recipes. I’ll give them a peek. ~smile~ Roseanne

  • Diann Bottrell

    I like the start of a new year, too – always feels like a new beginning! And naps – I love naps. How neat to be given that antique machine! It looks beautiful. I am embarrassed to admit that I gave away an antique treadle machine a few years ago because it was just collecting dust in my house. At the time I didn’t realize that people still used them! Enjoy!

  • Needle and Foot

    I love the beginning of the year. So much potential – like a fresh slate. It is exciting.
    Janine (Quilts from the Little House) uses a treadle. You might check in with her for tips?
    Have fun trying out your new toy. 🙂

  • Julie Holleran

    I Love taking naps–I was always a “sleeper” throughout my life–9 hrs is my best standard..but, not so much anymore…too much up and down at night…;000
    My Grand-mere had a treadle–I don’t know what happened to it though…hope you enjoy using it…hugs, Julierose

  • thedarlingdogwood

    What a beautiful antique machine! My dad found me a treadle earlier this year; we’re still working on fixing it. I hope you enjoy yours!

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