Pieceful Life

I Like Thursdays #27

For my I Like Thursdays #27, how about a few more photos from my Florida visit? While I’m thankful for, and like, my home and family, things are pretty routine and I’ve not found any good photos. Even Wilbur is restless! 

The photo above was taken at the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens. I have no idea what this or any of the other flowers are. The signage was a little difficult to match with the flower, but that didn’t stop me from snapping plenty of photos. I’ll share just a few with you. 

A walk among the bamboo at the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Florida - piecefulthoughts.com

I was mesmerized by this little path across the bright red bridge into the large shoots of bamboo. It was very calming and peaceful. 

Flowers at the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Florida - piecefulthoughts.com

I like the bright, pretty pink of these blossoms. I imagine this garden is beautiful when everything is in full bloom. 

Flowers at the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Florida - piecefulthoughts.com

Of course, I had to find a little orange, too. I wish I could’ve seen this one in full bloom. 

Leaving the botanical gardens, I also took a walk with our daughter at one of her favorite trails. Look at what we saw along the way. 

Anhinga - piecefulthoughts.com

I would’ve walked right past this anhinga, but my daughter was quick to spot it. It was way up in a tree, and blended in so well, it would be easy to miss. It was a fun thing to see. 

So there you have it, my I Like Thursdays #27, more of my likes from my recent visit to Florida. With all that has changed since then, it’s hard to believe it was only a few weeks ago! 

Thanks to LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for hosting this fun, weekly gathering. I’m always encouraged when I read the others who join in. You can find the list with links over at Not Afraid of Color

Happy Thursday, my friends. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay in. 



  • karenfae

    beautiful shots of Florida it has been a long time since I was there – I really enjoyed the nature in the Key West area when we visited but really all up and down the state was amazing in all that grows and the beautiful birds.

  • Pat

    Beautiful flowers! It looks so peaceful. A good place to visit in photo and mind to remind of the simple beauty in life. Thank upi for sharing …. <3 Pat

  • rl2b2017

    Good morning, Wendy! Oh, what lovely photos. It’s almost like being there. I’m especially drawn to that red bridge and the need to cross it! {{Hugs}} and stay safe. ~smile~ Roseanne

  • My Sewful Retirement

    I love the Florida nature trails! We’ve had company on and off since February 1 and have taken them to our local nature trail. It’s so beautiful and serene. I bet the orange flower is beautiful in full bloom – thanks for sharing your pictures♥

  • lapaylor

    the pokey out stamens look like a hibiscus to me, and are the others azaleas or bouganvilla? I had a riot of flowers in my Florida yard, so pretty. Lots of bugs and weeds too of course, along with the tropical beauty. The bridge shot is so pretty. Congrats on finding something to show us so we can share what you saw!!

  • Barbara

    Beautiful flowers. We loved the anhinga we saw on our trip. It was our first time seeing them. I hadn’t even known they existed. We saw one far across a lake, swimming underwater, with just the head above water. We didn’t know what they were yet, but I remember telling Mike, it looks like a snake walking across the water. Such strange birds.

  • somethingrosemade14

    Thanks for being my Calendar Girl and posting these wonderful photos. I’m sure most of us can’t wait until we can walk and appreciate Botanic Gardens once again.

  • Quilting is in my Blood

    Lovely pics. I especially like the bird. I’ll have to peruse that site soon. I can understand you all feeling a bit restless. I’m still going to work M-F, and there’s a part of me that enjoys being there with my colleagues, though we are all very concerned that a person without any symptoms might come in the door and infect us all. But we take the precautions we can and hope for the best. Thanks for sharing some spots of beauty with us. Take care, Mary.

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