I Like Thursdays #28
Be sure to check out LeeAnna’s post over at Not Afraid of Color, as well as the rest of the bloggers who join in with I Like Thursdays. You’ll find the links on LeeAnna’s site.
I took photos of many green plants and leaves while in Florida, calling it my Green Study. Who knew that I would use the photos as inspiration for an improv project I will show you tomorrow.
I like the look of the sunlight on the leaves, and the lines and shapes of the leaves.
Leaving the green behind, on our drive home we crossed over the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. I love driving across bridges and looking at the geometric shapes and angles.
This past week was a favorite of mine, since we celebrated our son’s 27th birthday. I made him his favorite cake – Twinkie Cake, from scratch, with substitutes, and it turned out really well!
Twinkie Cake is also BigJ’s favorite. My mom would always make one for him when we came home for a visit. Once our son came along, BigJ had to share – haha!
I’ll wrap up I Like Thursdays #28 with a photo of Wilbs. Tuesday was a lovely day with warm sunshine. Wilbs so badly wanted to be outside, but since that’s a no deal for him, he snuggled right up to the screen of our patio door. Being really close is the next best thing, I guess. I can’t imagine that door track was very comfy to lay on, but sometimes one just has to make do!
What about you? Are you finding things that bring a smile or laughter while we’re sheltered in place? I’d love to hear about it.
In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, stay home!

To Do Tuesday #11

Improv Finish
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Katherine Duquette
Hi Wendy,
It is 2:30am in Albuquerque and I just finished up some masks for the city’s Police and Fire Department’s use. Sewing has been in a great demand to supply masks.
I love the big green leaf with the vertical lines.
Take care.
Aw your cat looks comfy indeed! Love your post and looking forward to seeing tomorrow’s project! Stay well!
Quilting is in my Blood
What awesome inspiration from your Green Study, and the pic of Wilbur is priceless. I’d have to say watching a You Tube video of a New Zealand family doing their “Lockdown Boogie” made me chuckle the most lately. Have a great day, Mary.
Love the greens! I’ve never heard of Twinkie cake.
Riceford Streams
I like all of these a lot! I haven’t had Twinkie cake, but I do like Twinkies. Chester is at the cabin, so Danny and I are missing our stress reliever. Thanks for the suggestion for FINE. I chuckled the whole time I was stitching those houses. I signed up for Audible and plan to listen to the whole series while I sew. Last night I listened to the 2019 Maundy Thursday service while sewing. It was food for my soul.
My Sewful Retirement
I’ve never had a Twinkie cake but I used eat Twinkies like crazy! Love the green photos and I’m definitely looking forward to your reveal tomorrow! I’ve been enjoying the nice weather here in Central Florida sitting by our pool — unfortunately we have several trees with lots of falling pollen so I can only stay outside for a few minutes here and there before my allergies go in high gear 🙁
nonetheless I’m enjoying the beauty and privacy! Have a great Thursday!
Kathleen McCormick
TWINKIE CAKE!!! Thank god I never knew about those. Sounds like a fun celebration for your son! Love the leaves – such gorgeous shades of green. Wilbur is doing what I wish I could do…basking in the warmth of the sun. We are heading into a 2 day rain event. Here’s to April showers dissipating into May flowers sooner than March left us!
you will have green growing in your area soon! that twinkie cake looks good!
Vicki in MN
I always learn something new from you…I have never heard of Twinkie cake, sounds delicious! Something that made me smile on our way home last weekend, the redbuds were in bloom, have never seen them before, and they were beautiful!
Hi Wendy! So Wilbur laid in the sunshine and could have gone on the deck but didn’t? It doesn’t look like there’s anything to stop him from just being outside. I love that little guy! Oh, the lines on that big green leaf – I can easily see where you had some inspiration from that. Twinkie Cake?!! And no recipe?!! It sounds intriguing. ~smile~ Roseanne
it was like being at home in Fl when I opened your post. I thought, do they have those plants where Wendy lives?!!! I love a palm in any form, and have used them as inspiration many times. I should do that again, maybe I’ll get lost in a project that way. Wilbur is making lemonade out of lemons. I like how dogs and cats just deal with what is. OMG a twinkie cake, gotta go see what’s in that!
Mmmmmm, Twinkie Cake sounds delicious. It reminds me I have a similar recipe saved long ago that I’ve never tried. I like all that green at the beginning of your post. We’re getting flowers, but not many leaves yet.
Nancy Bekedam
Twinkie Cake?! You’re making me hungry!! Happy birthday to your son! Love the Florida greenery! And the sun, when we get it!
Diann Bottrell
I love green, too – especially when you live in a northern climate and it takes a little longer to show up this time of year. Looking forward to seeing our green inspired improv project! Happy Birthday to your son, and Twinkie Cake – yum! Wilbur looks like he’s just taking whatever enjoyment from the sun that he can get. Smart guy!
Carol Andrews
Green, Twinkie Cake, skylines, and kitties! Life is pretty spectacular, isn’t it?
Louise Hornor
We went right under that bridge in our boat this summer! 🙂
Jocelyn Thurston
Twinkie cake sounds so yummy. I’d not heard of it and of course, had to go take a look. Definitely something I would like for a treat too. I too love the amazing look of these huge leaves. We have quite a few hostas here and their leaves are beautiful and varied. I wonder what your improv piece wil be…
Gorgeous greens. I can imagine all the inspiration. Aren’t bridges awesome? Wilbur is a sun worshipper huh? Lucy and Bobbin love the sunroom, back of the couch, best seat in the house.
Love that sunshine! I’ve never heard of Twinkie cake. Looks good.
Bella does that same thing on the patio door track! We do let her onto the deck with a sharp eye on her, and she’s so good, mostly just sits and sniffs the breeze. If she so much as sticks her head through a rung, she gets a sharp ‘WISSSHT!” and she backs right up. 🙂 I love green, so happy that the grass has been green here for a couple of weeks and the lilacs have baby leaves on now, yay!
Needle and Foot
Oh Wilbur, just scoot over a tiny bit and it will feel much better on your belly!
Great post Wendy – now I need to go google “Twinkie cake”. Once Julia and I made those little Hostess cupcakes with the filling and the little white squiggle on top for Ray for his birthday and they were so good! Happy Birthday to your son!!