I Like Thursdays #33
I like brussel sprouts, either grilled or roasted. I prep them, toss them with a bit of olive oil and spices, and roast or grill. If BigJ is making them, he adds some bacon and onion. Yum!
Simply Moderne magazine is one of my favorites. Back when we could browse through bookstores (sigh), I would pick up a copy to treat myself. As much as I apprecaite digital magazines, I still enjoy a physical copy. I’ve pulled my little stack and I’m enjoying a browse through them for a little inspiration and dreaming. Do you have a favorite magazine?
I’m enjoying my 100 Day Project. For 100 days, I’m making one mini plus block each day for 100 days. I’m gathering quite a cute little stack of blocks.
One of the reasons I’m doing this project is to find ways to stay positive while being sheltered at home. With each little 3-1/2″ mini plus block I make, I try to think of something positive. I’ve been posting my blocks on my Instagram page (@piecefulwendy). It’s a fun, quick project for each day, and it stretches my creativeness to find ways to stage the photos!
I like looking into the woods as the trees are beginning to leaf out. I like the colors, the deep bark and the various greens of the leaves. (This photo, taken at my in-laws’ home, has me thinking about an improv design.)
And there you have it, my I Like Thursdays #33 post for this week. What about you, what is something you like this week?

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it is hard to stay positive at times while mainly being at home – cases are going down then all of a sudden you hear of new ones and think yes it is best to continue to stay home. But everything is turning green and has been hear for awhile and it is pretty outside. I love your little plus blocks they are so colorful
I’ve been enjoying your mini blocks on Instagram. You always stage them so beautifully. I also love this lush, green time of year before the heat hits!
We haven’t had any issues with staying home, mainly because when we retired we wanted to live in a more isolated area and find more time to be alone. We have pretty much maintained our normal lives during all this, shopping about once a week. We rarely visit restaurants, so that hasn’t been missed. And fortunately we haven’t needed a doctor, for which we are very grateful.
Good morning, Wendy! Brussel spouts – I want to love them. I need to give roasting them another shot. I love all the other vegetables I’ve roasted so why not love them, too?! Ooh, block #35 has some gorgeous fabrics. I’m enjoying your 100 days series very much. You are quite creative with your staging! I am also enjoying the trees budding out! Take care, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne
Needle and Foot
One thing I like are your weekly posts! Also Brussel sprouts – YUM. Love them as well as roasted cauliflower which I plan to make tonight – somehow we have accumulated two heads of cauliflower? So we need to eat that up. Also love your plus blocks – and the time you take to stage the photos. So pretty Wendy. Have you lined them up together yet? Do we get to see that sometime soon?
I totally love Brussels sprouts. They are my favorite vegetable. Mike can’t stand them, but I did find a recipe where they are sauteed in balsamic vinegar (which is sweet when cooked) and bacon. He’ll eat them that way…for the bacon. I’m loving your plus blocks and your pretty photographs of them.
Kathleen McCormick
Brussel sprouts are yummy! Bacon and onions are definitely a treat. My favorite are the “chips” from roasting that I eat before I eat the roasted sprouts. Well that got me going…. I love your 100 day posts – so inspiring – doing it AND great pics!
Your post today caught my eye and instead of browsing, I needed to see everything you had to say! 🙂 I am glad you are staying positive. Your plus block project is great. As for brussel sprouts… I think I used to hide them under my parents basement stairs, but now I tolerate them with some olive oil and sea salt in the broiler. I might have to splurge on a magazine subscription. Happy mail would be good and I’m sure that I coud join you in the plus block challenge. Today I am thankful that we have employment, food, and I am able to temporarily stay home and school my children. I’d say we are doing great! You might also check out the Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr, “Modern Quilts Illustrated” through the Modern Quilt Studio. I was fortunate to hear Bill Kerr present in person in March before the awakening. I want to pick up some of those magazines too. Especially check out the “Tube Socks” pattern. It made me smile and remember my childhood.
Hmm… bacon and brussel sprouts – I may need to try that. That’s a lot of little blocks! Our trees are budding here, too. It’s so nice to have color back in our lives.
Ah the green of trees. Never fails to incite calm in me. I love the quilt on the front of the magazine!
Robby H.
Roasted brussel sprouts are wonderful. If you want a little twist on them, give them a little drizzle of balsamic vinegar after they’re done. Extra yum. Those cute little plus blocks are charming.
Diann Bottrell
I haven’t cooked brussel sprouts very much, but you make them sound delicious! We do like to grill slices of cabbage and then add bacon and grated cheese to them – that is also yummy. I like your 100 Day plus block project, too, Wendy. I always look forward to seeing what your Instagram post shows each day! Isn’t that woodsy photo green and gorgeous?! Love it!
Hi Wendy. Great post. That 100 day project sounds like a good idea. Love that photo of the forest.
Quilting is in my Blood
When I was a kid, I used to hate Brussel sprouts, but it was probably due to my mom boiling them! Ugh! Now I love them roasted and all the better with bacon and onions. Those trees start to leaf out in that spring green are so beautiful! I like that I finally got to stop by Trader Joe’s in Santa Fe on Monday because I had an appointment there, but it was weird not taking reusable bags in the store or having free samples of coffee (which is some I LOVE!!!). I now have some yummy stuff to eat in my frig and freezer! Take care, Mary.
Patricia Evans
We like roasted Brussel sprouts, too. We also can sometime get sliced Brussel sprouts which we saute in butter. My best like this week is that it is finally warming up (well warmer than our record setting cold with snow flurries all week). I can finally get out in my garden and attack the weeds.
Nancy Bekedam
Fun!!! I like everything you like, Wendy! Those brussel sprouts sound delicious! We’ve been doing asparagus lately. I really enjoy seeing your plus block arrangements every day!
Love your likes! Brussel sprouts have been a favorite veg of mine since I was a kid! We make them similarly but we like them any way we make them! I love your little blocks. Not familiar with the 100 day challenge but your blocks look adorable!!! Have a great week!
I love roasted brussel sprouts. Definitely something I’ve discovered in the last ten years or so, but they’re so flavorful. And your mini-plus blocks are super cute. I love projects like that where you use fun fabrics and can see measurable progress. It makes the whole uncontrollable world feel a bit better!
Jocelyn Thurston
I really liked your Buggy Barn house quilt, Wendy. It reminded me of Cheri designs or Jan Patek.
It really isn’t hard to find things to like…I love seeing what folks are cooking and eating (sounds weird) for instance. So enjoyed your brussel sprout chatter. I love all the Quiltmania magazines and have had subscriptions as gifts several times. I too prefer the paper versions and like to revisit them often. A real treat. Very cute blocks which I didn’t realize were so small!
Louise Hornor
I love your little plus blocks! How do you choose the color each day?
Never been much of a brussel sprouts fan. I think my mom ruined me for many veggies, she would buy canned ones and they were slimey…spinach, asparagus, brussel sprouts were the frozen variety. Love your plus blocks and I had to go stalk you instagram to see the others. I love the green leaves too.