I Like Thursdays #4
It’s time for I Like Thursdays once again! Boy, these weeks sure do fly by. I’ve forgotten to pay attention to my likes this week, but I did capture a few. I’m surprised at what a learning curve this is for me, to watch and capture my likes. It’s amazing what I take for granted.
Like 1: The Season of Fall
Fall is my favorite season. Admittedly, it seems like it came around a lot quicker than other years, but I’m happy it’s here. One of my very favorite things about fall is the cool, crisp air of the night and sleeping with the windows open.
Our city gets very busy this weekend as our annual fall festival, Defeat of Jesse James Days (known to the locals as DJJD), takes center stage. If that piques your curiosity, you can read all about it here. Thursday night of DJJD, known as “townie night”, is a favorite of the locals. It’s the evening before the crowds converge, and the townies can check out the food trucks and fun before things really get rolling.
Like 2: Books
When I’m not sewing, it’s not unusual to find me settled in my chair, Wilbur on my lap, and my nose in a book. Most of the time, however, I read before I go to sleep at night. Currently, I have this stack of books on my nightstand.
The three top books are all currently being read. I switch between them, depending on my mood. Second from the bottom is my Kindle, squashed in the stack. While I like my Kindle, I still prefer a printed book. On summer nights, if I’m reading my Kindle and the windows are open, I get bugs on my Kindle screen. I keep tapping the bug to kill it, and that makes my Kindle page turn. I don’t have that problem with printed books! Haha.
Like 3: Woven Baskets
I picked up this woven basket while we were in Santa Fe. I like how it blends in with my fall decorations. The design makes me think of quilt patterns.
Like 4: Doodling
I enjoy doodling, or zentangles, whatever you like to call it. It’s very soothing and engaging. I usually just start drawing lines and see where it takes me. These little tiles are 4″ square, just the right size to tuck in my bag for bringing along when we go on a trip, or to use while watching a show. I use only black ink pens, and my favorites are Faber-Castell PITT artist pens.
There you have it, my likes for this week. If you are new here, and want to read my previous I Like Thursdays posts, you can read them here, here and here.
What about you? Has the fall season come quickly for you, too? What is one thing you like about fall?
I’m joining LeeAnna, our host of I Like Thursdays, and the others over at Not Afraid of Color.
My quilting Life
Fall Mini Quilts
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Cindy Pieters
I like your doodles, they would make interesting designs for fmqing.
My Sewful Retirement
Wendy, I love your loves! I too have a stack of books on my night stand along with my kindle. I prefer my kindle while at home and books when we travel. Your doodles are gorgeous — you are quite talented! Fall is my favorite time of year ♥♥
So fun to read about your likes. ❤️
Good Morning, Wendy. I love fall here in New England. Autumn has arrived quickly this year and shall be enjoyed and will be gone all too soon. Apple picking time! All the colors and tastes are my favorite things about fall. I like printed books and usually read these one at a time. I also like my kindle and have several reads in progress there. My doodles look like doodles. Yours look like works of art. Most of my doodling is potential FMQ designs and then thread doodling on my machine. Maybe if I keep doodling enough it will look like art … 🙂 Pat
Andrea Waagen
I just finished a wonderful and heartbreaking book called The German Girl by Armando Lucas Correa. It’s about a young Jewish girl and her family that escape Berlin for Cuba in 1939. Sewing usually comes first, then reading, but this book took priority from the moment I opened the cover.
Thanks for this post. I try to read at night with my Ipad but it’s hard on the neck! I wish it was fall here but it’s gonna be 110’s this week. Ugh. Your doodles are cool!
Julie Holleran
We haven’t seen any signs of leaves coloring up as yet–but the greens have definitely begun to fade a bit; I love Autumn too; i also may be found with my nose in a book a lot…my favorite type of book is a good English mystery…thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose
Diann Bottrell
I love fall, too, and am definitely ready for it to feel like it here! Your pile of books looks so enticing – I have to write down some of those titles. I have a pile of books like that, too – it’s a book savings account! Your doodling is pretty and looks like fun!
Sandra Walker
You are so artistic! Turn that doodle into a whole cloth quilt, woman! I see the sun coming up (or setting) over mountains, a stream running through, ahhh. I can’t read more than one book at a time, unless one is fiction and one non-fiction! Which in that stack is the best?
Hi Wendy! That stack of books looks like fun to me. I love to read, but lately it’s only been on my iPad/Kindle. It’s nice that I can get it on my phone too, so if I have found minutes I can pick right up where I last left off. That doodling looks fun, too. That should be great practice for FMQ, I would think. Do they come in a book or something? I know it’s something I should do more of – doodling, that is. ~smile~ Roseanne
I used to doodle a lot. Not so much now. I should! It’s good for free motion quilting! I love this time of year, too. And I agree – printed books are best! 🙂
I like Fall best too. Cool weather, beautiful leaves, colors of pumpkins! Love woven baskets…we haven’t made it to Sante Fe yet, but keep trying to get there. Zendoodles are so fun, I checked out two books to learn more patterns. LOVE books, your stack looks like it could be mine but I’m a slower reader, or more tired since I read before bed.
even if you don’t make note of the good things all the time, you will probably start noticing, say when a fork falls and misses your foot, or there’s actually a spare roll of TP there when you need it, or your order comes out right at a restaurant… it all adds up. Today Milo’s friend Murphy was home when we stopped by, and his woman and I had a great talk about plants under sunny skies.
Thanks so much for joining our merrie little band… I enjoyed your likes
Kathleen McCormick
I love your loves! That drawing could have been your B&W quilt – next B&W challenge. I will send you the name of a zentangle quilter – have you run into it before?
Lisa J.
Technically it’s still summer. I’m holding on to that thought for a while even though fall is my favourite season as well. I also love woven baskets and have quite a few. I like books too so we have a lot in common. You are a much nicer doodler than me though. It’s a beauty.
Great likes. I am so not ready for the leaves to change. Even though I love fall. I have too much to do I guess. I always have several books that I am reading at once. Much of the time when I am sewing I have a book on. Love your doodles.
Carol S.
Such a sweet “I like Thursday” posting. Bugs on your kindle made me laugh because sometimes I brush something away on the screen and I’m suddenly four pages ahead. LOL Love that basket!
Raising my hand for fall and books also!! 🙂
Andrée G Faubert
Hi Wendy, I had to laugh at your page turning, bug squashing kindle move! I love your doodling. I did a little bit of zentangle to help me with my free motion quilting. It helped!