I Like Thursdays
I like Thursdays, and not only because it is a day where I can join in with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to share some of my favorite likes of the week. I like Thursdays because it is usually a very quiet day here at Pieceful Thoughts. Hubs goes in to the office for a full day of work, and Wilbs and I slowly ease into the day, me with a nice, hot cup of coffee and Wilbs snuggled into his favorite quilt, flannel side out, because it is warm and cozy.

Lately on Thursdays, or any other day, I’ve been baking bread. I’ve actually been baking more than I’ve been quilting, I think. I am enjoying trying some new bread recipes. This one is a Whole Wheat Potato Bread from The Wooden Spoon Bread Book by Marilyn M. Moore. My loaves look a little forlorn, but they were tasty. I’ll make the recipe again, with some tweaks.

And yes, there is a slice missing from one of those loaves – I call that chef’s privilege. I like eating the heels of bread, and warm from the oven is even better!
I also like that I can have deliveries right to my door. With the cold winter in full swing here, I’m happier if I can just stay home and not have to bundle up to go to a store. Wilbs thinks it’s grand, too, because boxes are the best places for play – or for a nap!

When I’m not baking bread, I have been doing a little holiday sewing. During the Christmas season, it seems it has become a tradition for me to make at least one gnome block.

I like this block so much I made three. They are 6″ x 9″ and the pattern is The Gnome Block by Carolina Asmussen. The blocks are foundation paper-pieced and come in two sizes. Somewhere hiding in my quilt room are two more of these blocks, one in each size. I’ve looked high and low and have no idea where I stashed them. I’m sure they’ll show up right after the holidays!
LeeAnna asks us this week – real tree or artificial? It’s a real tree for us – here we are, on tree-pickin’ day.

No snow on the ground, but there was a very sharp, cold wind. We made quick work of choosing a tree, and it is the tallest tree we’ve ever had – 7 feet! It was just a bit too tall when we brought it in – can you see? (Look at the very top of the tree)

This was a photo I quickly snapped to send to our kids, so please excuse the reality shot. We like how the Fall Forest quilt provides a nice backdrop to the tree. Anyway, the tree got a quick little snip at the top, and now the lights and decorations are on (no photo of that yet).
Before I go, I have to share one more photo of Wilbs. One evening, we decided to play a game of Scrabble. Wilbs, as you can see, was fascinated!

Wilbs can do lots of things, but he’s a terrible at spelling! Rearranging letters, though, comes easily!
Happy Thursday, friends! Thanks for letting me share a little silliness!

Making Blocks

Thursday Thoughts
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Debra Christensen
I miss you dear cousin! Your tree looks beautiful even without decor. I heard Aunt Grace passed away. We were going to go to the funeral, but something else came up. Bob and I are both retiring on May 23,2025. Hopefully we can get together more after that!
Love you bunches!
I’m with Wilbs – burrow in to that cozy flannel! Your bread looks yummy, and the gnomes are adorable. They look fun to make! Your tree is beautiful – I bet it smells good, too!
Great post. I also love warm
bread right out of the oven. Yum. This year and last, we used live trees- kind of small but nice to be able to plant them after the season. Of course we cannot do this every year or we will run out of room.
Huge fan of Scrabble here too. But after many years of playing against my sisters online, it feels so much more difficult to play IRL. No scrambling the letters over and over!!
We just played Scrabble with Kiersten. Thankfully Wally wasn’t interested.
Johnson Sally
Love your gnomes!
I love the warm heels of the home baked bread too – hubs will believe it or not toss them in the trash! how dare he. Looks like you needed to cut the top 6 inches or so off that tree! I don’t order groceries and have never minded going out and look for things my self – see some new products that way too.
Barbara J Stanbro
A lot of positives on your post today. I found myself liking Thursday better after reading it. Your bread looks good, so I was wondering what you thought it lacked. Also, I see your cat trap is working marvelously.
LA Paylor
how nice to see your ilike post again! A real tree and it’s perfectly shaped, /wilbur is such a lovely boy (missing Milo this christmas, oh my heart!) and I never tire of seeing pics of him, Love those gnomes, and your fabric choices
Rochelle Summers
I quite enjoyed this Thursday newsletter. I too like bread fresh from the oven. The heel is always so good with a glob of butter on it!! Those gnomes are so cute. I’m sure you’re right….after Christmas the other two will come out of hiding and then you might not be able to find these three. And thanks for the new photos of Wilbs. He is so curious whether it is boxes or Scrabble tiles. Congrats on getting your tree up. Still on the list at our home.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Love this year’s gnome blocks! Great tree!!!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Wilbs looks like he was having a lot of fun with the Scrabble game, and boy is he putting off all kinds of cozy, sleepy vibes in that first photograph on the quilt! Your tree looks like it fills your space beautifully. 🙂
Ah! I love Thursdays at your house… just a girl, her cat, and a warm flannel quilt!
Look at you two cuties picking tree! Looks like every Hallmark movie!
I love your live tree and seeing BigJ underneath it. Reminds me of my father always under the tree. Ours is artificial…I had a Maine Coon named Aquinas when I bought the tree, some 40 years later, it is still the one I use. Love the bread and your cheery face hunting for the tree. I am happy to not go out….haven’t been out for 2 days but tomorrow I have to break the streak. I love the way Wilbur plays scrabble…too funny!
Sara F
Those gnome blocks are adorable! You sure found a lovely full tree. I’m sure it smells wonderful too. I’ve not gotten into bread baking, but am definitely a bread eater! LOL
Loved your post! Wilbs is the star of the show for me – I love his handsome face. Your tree is beautiful! Love the photos of you looking so happy. Your loaves look fantastic. My favorite part of bread has always been the heel. I found that bread recipe online and will give it a try. Did you use the WW bread flour, or regular WW? I have bread flour and WW flour, so I might just mix them. Did you find it dense at all? Love your gnome blocks!
Hubs and I are off to a Mexican restaurant today for a 1-1/2 months late anniversary “celebration” (my frozen margarita toasting his diet Coke). It’s in a part of north Dallas we used to frequent, so we are really looking forward to it.
Cocoa Quilts
I’m with Wilbs too! Snuggling in the warm! Hope you find your hiding gnome blocks, maybe a cute runner in the future! The tree looks perfect!
Vicki in MN
I am glad your boxes serve two purposed;) Your tree is perfect for that spot and those gnome blocks are just perfect for you! I can almost smell your bread baking;)
laura bruno lilly
You guys look so cozy and happy!
Your post make me smile at a … day, could not comment earlier, but loved to see Wilbs in the box!
Such a nice tree! I think it is so much nicer to have it before christmas … it decorates the room. Here in some families it is tradition, that the living room is closed at the 24th, and when the bell rings, the christkindl was there and put tree (decorated) with all the presents below. But it changes I think. Often we habe one room living and cooking in one room, so you cant close a door. I had to wait for Christkind in my room at the 24th …. But it was nice. Traditions changes. I know your Santa comes at the 25th in the morning! Thats very nice.
I can smell this bread and the wording „chiefs privilege“ is same here.. a little bit different, because my hubby likes that piece when I came from bakery! s well a chief!
The gnomes are giggeling at the place they hide… find me find me they call.
Thank you for this post that brings fresh wind and smile!
Danice G
Pretty tree. The gnome blocks are adorable. That bread looks very tasty.
Quilting is in my Blood
I love the peak of Fall Forrest behind your tree. Funny pic of Wilbs attempting to play Scrabble. He definitely likes to be in the mix after he is energized from his naps!
Your gnomes are really cute! And so is Wibs, too bad he can’t spell. Enjoy your holiday prep. And I’m with you on packages coming to the door. I’ve lost the will to endure the cold, traffic and people.
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
I am suspecting Wilbs has a pretty good life! The gnome block is so cool and I wonder if Wilbs is better than I am at Scrabble….
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I love your gnome blocks and that’s a brilliant photo of Wilbs playing scrable! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas 🙂