Life at Pieceful Thoughts
Life at Pieceful Thoughts has been a bit of a rollercoaster as of late. Much of our time during April and May was spent clearing the family home and outbuildings of my husband. It was a lot of work. His dad was a carpenter and home builder for many, many years. While clearing his workshed, we came across these morel mushrooms in the wooded area just outside of the shed, and decided to cook them up, since we hadn’t tasted them before.

Truth be told, they were kinda of “meh”. We think they might have been just past their prime. I’m a huge fan of mushrooms, so I was surprised that I didn’t really enjoy these.
When the house/shed clearing project was done, and the home was sold, we took a weekend to get out and take a drive. We stopped along the way for a short hike. This view was taken from a bench along a hike at Frontenac State Park.

There was a nice breeze, and as we rested, we enjoyed watching the turkey vultures riding the thermals above us. They were too fast and I was too slow to get a photo, but at one point I counted six of them circling above. It felt good to just sit and be together, without having to chat about who needed to do what.
While hubs was busy with the house/shed project, I was still sneaking in some sewing. This is a photo of what is currently on my design wall (sorry it’s so fuzzy!)

I’m itching to quilt up those two improv quilt tops, but that other project takes priority. I’ll share a bit more about that in a separate post soon. While I’m working on that project, I’m still pondering whether I want to quilt my Luminous Layers quilt, or have Connie quilt it for me. The clock is ticking, with the quilt parade on June 15th, so I need to decide soon!
It’s been an age since I’ve written an I Like Thursday post, but I thought you might enjoy my answers to LeeAnna’s questions this week. You can read the other I Like Thursday posts over at Not Afraid of Color, if you are interested. LeeAnna asks:
When you have free time, do you feel the need to constantly “DO” something? No, I’m pretty good at just sitting and reading, watching the clouds, petting Wilbs, chatting with hubs.
Is rest considered wasting time? I was raised with this mantra, so yes, I struggle with that a bit. However, I’ve come to the realization that I am just not wired to be constantly moving, so I’ve made peace with it.
How do you spend your free time and how would you like to spend it? I spend it mostly creating, other than those activities noted above. My free time isn’t nearly as eclectic as my quilting (haha). Free time means time in the quilt room!
Do you wish you were moderate or different (in regards to moving vs resting)? There is a part of me that admires people who are constantly moving, but they can also wear me out. Even so, they are also some of my favorite people! As i said above, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I am just a more restful person. I enjoy lazy days reading a book, snuggled with Wilbs. After my years of work and raising a family, I feel that I have earned the right to enjoy that.
So that’s life at Pieceful Thoughts right now. How are things in your corner of the world?

Luminous Layers Quilt Top

The Blue Quilt
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Barbara J Stanbro
The quilts on your design wall are so pretty. I’m curious to learn more about the blue one. I know what you mean about sitting without chatting about who needs to do what. That’s where we are. So much to do to catch up.
It sounds as if you deserve lots of rest time after the mammoth task of sorting and packing up a family home. Hope you have a few good books to help!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I’m so glad that hard work is done on clearing out the house and the two of you took a weekend away. Looks like you chose a beautiful spot for the getaway, Wendy! So fun to get a peek at your design wall, too. I’m with you on enjoying free time (even when you do feel a bit guilty about it) – we were busy enough in our work lives. In retirement, we should be able to do (or not do!) as we want!
Deborah Hill Russell
Gosh I’m still clearing out my husband’s workshop. It was mostly a dumping ground. It’s been 3 yrs since he died and I started working on it. It helps to have people helping but it’s just me. I get it.
When I read the first paragraph I read you were clearing out the home and out buildings of your husband. Hmmm ok. I then decided after farther reading it was your husband’s father’s house.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Your design wall quilts are lovely! I feel about the same as you about always doing, going, and doing more! I like my downtime. Sometimes even all the quilt projects wear me out! LOL Have a great weekend. I know you are glad that DHs family home issues have been resolved. Great scene on your hike! Very peaceful. I’d like to sit there and enjoy a cool refreshing breeze!
Guilt…such a hard word that was pounded into me as a young child. So “resting”, even to read, can make me feel guilty when I “should” be sewing to complete a project or (unhappily) cleaning house. I’m sure your husband appreciated the physical and moral support in cleaning out the family home. I’m glad you can find the time to create and have assistance from Wilbs.
Quilting is in my Blood
I’m also curious about the blue quilt! I really appreciate quiet hours to offset all of life’s curveballs. I don’t think I’ve had a morel mushroom, but the hype on them doesn’t fit with your experience. Hopefully you can have a more “Wow” morel experience down the road!
Good post Wendy – Down time is so important. Took me years to figure this out. I was always forcing myself to keep going, moving, cleaning, whatever. It made me crazy. I am totally ok with reading, sitting on the deck doing absolutely nothing, or even taking a nap if I want. Life is too short – take care of yourself!!
LA Paylor
thank you for joining the i like posts again… I just love your posts and wilbur and nature shots. Good luck with the emotional work of clearing out a house… loved your prompt answers.
Being still is the balance to getting “things” done… and accepting how you function best instead of giving in to “shoulds” Lol
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
It sounds like a busy season to work through. I don’t know that I’ve ever tried morel mushrooms myself, and now I’m curious. I’m having to take things easier and slower than I normally do right now because my body needs the rest, and honestly I’m enjoying a slightly slower and more relaxed pace.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Great job, cleaning up and selling the family home, Wendy & BJ!!! I grew up too, with the “gotta be doing something” mentality. Quilting keeps me busy “doing”! I’ve never tried a morel mushroom but would be curious to.
A great post! I echo what those before me commented on. Todays post really fits Blog title: “Peaceful Thoughts.” P.S. I didn’t know that you had an orange kitty too! I have lots of kitties in my life but Rubix is our first orange cat. What a quirky, fun, personality he has.
Cheree Hull
I have a couple morel recipes that we really like (one is risotto). I think maybe it’s best to put them IN things rather than just serve them up by themselves? but I’m not hugely experienced with them. I only get them when it works out to get them from my sis within the few days they’re available, and she’s 2.75 hours away.
I chuckled at the idea of sitting there without discussing who needs to do what. Sadly, that is me in a nutshell (and it was my mother as well) but the older I get the more I wish I wasn’t like that. Yes, I would wear you out I’m afraid and I’m wearing myself out! LOL but I am working on it. There really isn’t an end to the work that needs done so I try to tell myself it’ll be there tomorrow too! (Okay, except weed that are going to seed. Those are ASAP/NOW things!!). Do you know, to this day, when I take it easy/relax I can still hear my mother saying, “I don’t see how you have time for that.” I love my parents (and all that they taught us) very much but I am NOT a farmer now nor do I need to live like that! Gah! My daughter told me the other day that she has 100% picked up this trait and cannot sit still while there is work to be done. Oh, dear!
We know what a busy time your family has been going through. Betty seems to be happy when I talk to her thanks to all of you finding such a nice place for her. A big thank you to all of you! We are having our own challenges but all in all we are basically ok.. Thanks again for taking such good care of my sister and your mom!
Sara F
I’ve also come to terms with being more of a restful type of person. And I find it exhausting to spend too much time with people who must be doing something all the time.
I think I need an afternoon in your sewing room. Perhaps we could waste time and/or create something together!
Vicki in MN
Oh boy you guys have had your hands full. We were not impressed with Morels either!! You know me most of the time it is go, go, go, do, do, do, but I am learning to slow down a bit:)
laura bruno lilly
Major project: clearing out family houses & sheds…I wonder how it will be when my stuff needs to be cleared out what with the addition of all our computer & online stuff! 🙁
Thanks for making the effort to check in here with us on your site. Have a fika ‘on me’! 😉
Oh, gosh what a chore that was, I’m sure. We cleaned out my in-law’s home, and they were children of the Depression. Imagine the attic. Congratulations on getting through it! More time for creating!
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
Wow you had a lot going on! I smiled at the cat in your photo of your design wall as the cat looks like he was shaking his head and thinking: “Silly humans, why don’t they spend more time napping like I do, instead of working on projects” – ha! Congrats on all you and the hubby got done 🙂
Your time spent dealing with family things takes a toll, right? Hard but necessary, and did you come home and decide to clean out all your stuff now? 😉 Your drive sounds like a wonderful thing and the time spent just sitting even better. I’m always amazed at how beautiful your “country” is! Looks to me like the quilts were photo-bombing a perfectly good photo of Wilbs??? 😀 I’m reading a trilogy right now that has me finding excuses to just sit and read. And why do I need an excuse? Don’t know, but I struggle with sitting and resting too. That extends to having company. I’d rather be in the kitchen making something for company than just sitting and “visiting” as Mom used to call it. I’m OK with them visiting with me while I’m making, just don’t make me sit!
Sounds like you were right to take a weekend after the big clean out. That is a huge job. You’ve got some fun projects in the works that will be fun to quilt or send out if you decide that’s the route. I appreciate your answers to the questions for the week, I’m not someone who has to be moving all the time, but I can’t just sit. My Guy is one of those people who is in perpetual motion unless his sick. Sometimes I wonder how we still suit each other. Hope you have a slow weekend and can catch up on the reading and stitching.
So many good responses here to find. A good balance of being busy and being in refresh modus is a good way. Like colours in a quilt, good balance means comfort. Our bodies and brain needs time to recover. Just get things done is good .. but … there must be always something being left for tomorrow is my moto (more at office side) but this helps to get free time for sewing!
Love your design wall and yes, Wilbs tell us, snuggeling with him is most important job and premium time!
You have a lot to do, Wendy! 😘
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
Clearing your husband’s family home sounds like hard work but it looks like the countryside views on your weekend drive were very beautiful. I enjoyed reading your answers to Leanne’s questions. I always want to be making something but by the time the evening comes around I’m sometimes just worn out! Instead of feeling bad about that, I should embrace restfulness 🙂
J Mur
We are very nearly time-spending twins, Wendy! I throw in some art these days instead of reading. Thanks for sharing that beautiful vantage point for a quiet moment. I know you and hubs must be glad that cleaning out the family home is done and dusted. Such a tough job!
Kathleen McCormick
Glad to hear the work at your MIL’s house has finished. Your design wall is stunning – so many great products. I moved a lot, too, raising our son and keeping my husband in line. I like the slower pace these days, although sometimes I feel it is too slow….always something else I wish I was finishing faster!