
Little Diversions

While I’ve been finishing UFOs lately, I’ve also had some little diversions along the way. New challenges to my creativity, or fun small projects to do. Wilbs’ current little diversion are daily naps in the sun. The life of a cat here at Pieceful Thoughts is pretty rough!

I was recently gifted a little kit for a sewing kit. I’ve seen several sewing kits before, but this one was new to me. The kit included all the components – fabric, stabilizer, and ribbon. All I had to add after it was sewn together were the tools and notions.

There’s a little scissor keep in the center, felt tabs for needles and clips, and a little pocket for a thimble. The silk ribbon is lovely (I had to hide it from Wilbs, he loved it too!). The kit folds up and is secured with the ribbon.

The outer fabric creates a cool design, too!

If you are interested in making one for yourself, you can order it from Reproduction Fabrics. It is a quick project, and would make a lovely gift for yourself or someone else!

Another little diversion, a bit messier, was to play around a bit with some dyeing and rust. I recently tried a “textile art taster” through Textile Artist. I stitched together bits of fabric scraps, ribbon and other items, wrapped them up with some rusty bits and dyed them.

My first result looks a bit of a mess, and I’m still pondering what I will do with it.

While that was drying, I had another go, this time using a cuff fro an old shirt. I was more intentional about what I added to the cuff, and didn’t let it sit in the dye as long. I like this one, and add some point I will add a few more bits and bobs to it. And yes, I could actually wear it as a cuff bracelet, although I’m not sure I could pull off that look!

Of course, there were my improv fish that needed to get done before the month is done. Ten little fish in browns and blacks. They were a little trickier as far as the fabrics – I tried to make them happy browns and blacks – one black one will actually glow in the dark.

The latest and last diversion for the month is sewing up a few charity blocks. I was inspired by Yvonne (Quilting Jetgirl) to make a few of these charity blocks for Cynthia of Quilting is More Fun Than Housework. Cynthia gives all the details for making them right in her blog post, so it’s easy to just grab your scraps and sew.

She’s asking for blocks in blue, green and purple. If you are interested in making some, you can find all the details in this post from Cynthia.

And last, I had to share this with you all. I was recently gifted some little spools of thread from France. Look how tiny they are (whoops, one is upside down!). I have to hide them from Wilbs because he would love them too, but not as tenderly as I will – ha! The Aurifil spool of lovely 28wt thread (also gifted) is there for proportion. I cannot wait to use these on a special project!

That’s the fun I’ve been having in my quilt room when I’m not finishing up a quilt or two. They have been enjoyable little projects that fill an afternoon or two. Are you finding any little diversions in your quilt room these days? I’m always interested in hearing what you are up to!



  • texasquiltgal

    I like your little sewing kit, that fabric is really neat. Your dying experiments are cool! Almost Tim Holtz-ish. Love those petite thread spools. My only diversion this week was switching browsers and getting things set up for that. I’m very picky about my browsers – lol!

  • Helen

    I’m not quite sure what to say about the dyed thing. Hmmm… However, I won’t be the least bit surprised when you create something amazing using it!

  • Cheree Hull

    Again, you could write a book on how to have fun in the sewing room! Always trying things! In all of it, I zeroed in on that thread from France. Ooh la la! Do you have any unfinished projects left??

  • laura bruno lilly

    Unlike Helen (no disrespect intended at all), I do know what to say about ‘the dyed thing’! HA! I love it! Not just the actual creation, but also because it looks like you can create that cool thing in a relatively easy fashion – a mason jar with rusty bits sounds just like my sort of dye experiment. BTW: I went to the site and couldn’t find the course you mentioned.
    AND I like the ‘ease of construction’ of those blocks especially with regards to controlled use of fabric scraps. Also the fact that the donation is a call for blocks. That reduces the time required (for me at least!) in the making of an actual donation quilt. Thanks for the mentions of both sites, Wendy!

  • Bernie

    I am with Linda – the rusty dye projects have a Tim Holtz vibe. I think they are very cool and, like you, I don’t know what to do next. However, unlike me, you will come up with a fun idea.
    The tiny spools are delicious. How fun!

  • Quilting is in my Blood

    I bet your daughter could pull off that cuff! And I totally agree with the Tim Holtz vibe which is one I like very much. Cute little French thread spools. I always love seeing more improv fish but totally get that brown and black are more challenging colors.

  • Eva

    Its so interesting to read these comments. i love the project with rosty nails. I tryed with tea and another try with curcuma. And I wanted to try with rosty nails. But could not find. A farmers woman gave me a lot but in my bag at home dont find. Now, two years later the bag was going to trash and I emptied it … and found the nails! Right in the moment you show this project!!! It is good … go further! Mariss sgives is an idea what to do with these pieces!!! You did a lot in your sewing room!! The fishes are sooo lovely!!

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