Little Elephant
When I visited the quilt shops in Maine, I really had no plan. I just wanted to check out the shops. My fabric and pattern choices get a bit random when I do that, picking up whatever strikes me at the moment.
I’m not exactly sure what made me buy this little elephant pattern, especially since I am not really a fan of making things that need to be stuffed. And have little pieces. And curves. This little guy is just so darn cute, though.
The pattern is called effie & ollie Elephant by Heather Bailey. The pattern is very well explained, the pieces are accurate, and overall the pattern is easy to make. She also has patterns for little turtles and whales. Why I didn’t decide on a whale since I was in Maine is beyond me, but elephant it was!
So here he is. I used a fat quarter from my stash for this first one rather than any of the fabric I picked up on the trip. Just in case I messed it up. He doesn’t have any eyes yet and his trunk needs to curve a bit better, but it’s not bad for my first try.
Here he is with a mug in the picture so you can see how little he is. The mug is about 5″ in diameter. The little elephant is about 4″ tall.
He would actually almost fit inside the cup.
I bought the little elephant pattern at Alewives Fabric along with these four fat quarters.
A little random, right? The left two are from Carrie Bloomston’s Dreamer line. The bright teal on the right is Alison Glass, I think. I don’t know anything about the other one (no selvage to tell me), I just liked it.
I was delighted when I got home and found this half-yard piece in my stash that coordinates well with the Dreamer fabrics. Don’t you love it when that happens?
I’m just itching to create something with them, just not sure what yet!
What about you? When you are on a trip and stop at a quilt shop, do you shop impulsively like me, or do you go with a plan?
Happy Wednesday, all!
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That elephant is just the cutest! Great job on the first try! And me, I’m also a very impulsive shopper when I visit quilt shops. Go with no plans and pick up what strikes me at the moment. One time on my trip to MSQC I had a plan for a Quilt for my grandson. He picked the Quilt pattern and just said black and red fabric, and no flowers. So that was a fun shopping day or two! Love all your quilts and projects Wendy. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Kathy!
Vicki in MN
Adorable ellie!! I totally shop impulse and random(almost all the time).
Thanks, Vicki!
That little elephant is incredibly cute! And…his trunk is perfect for him!
Thanks, Diane!
Louise Hornor
Oh, he’s just darling! And so tiny, my goodness! That’s some detailed 3D stitching. I tend to buy random fabric at shops, too. Since I buy most of my stash online, visits to LQS’s are just for fun so I pick up something small that catches my eye. Your purchases are very sweet 🙂
Thanks, Louise!
He is adorable!! And ORANGE!
As you might guess, I am totally random and impulsive when I buy fabric. 🙂 Looking for something in particular rarely works for me and I love the challenge of having to make things work. No surprise there, right?
Haha — no surprise at all, Lori! Thanks!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Impulse all the way!!! Love your cute little elephant. Love the polka dots. I think the whole world has a special thing for elephants. My DD was wearing her elephant t-shirt and earrings yesterday.
Well, who doesn’t love a little elephant? They’re so cute! Thanks!
Love the elephant, think it just needs more stuffing. I buy fat quarters on whim, and should really just stop it.
Yes, it needs more stuffing in the legs. The body is pretty full. Thanks!
Most of my shopping is impulsive. I love the three fabrics you chose. They seem to be cooking a pattern together. And boy, am I glad that you are nowhere near me? I would have stolen that drop of sunshine baby elephant from you.
Oh, I don’t know, Preeti, I think it would be great if you were close by! I’m not sure what those fabrics will become, but I have some ideas!
Sparkle On with Abbie
I have a thing for elephants too. They just seem to be such sensitive and gentle creatures. Your liitle one reflects this. I just love him Wendy!
Oh I do go with a plan and then before I leave I have some impulse time too 😋
Thanks, Abbie!
Hi Shopping Sister! I have some of the Dreamer Fabric as well as other fabrics from Carrie Bloomston–I love her designs. I think the mystery piece in the middle is C+S another favorite of mine. Love your little guy, he’s so small.
Thanks, Rose! I hadn’t thought about that piece of fabric being C+S! I’ll think of you when I use it 🙂
Hey Problem Sister! Thanks for the tip on the C+S fabric! We obviously think a bit alike when we fabric shop!
Kathleen McCormick
Impulse for me. Guiding principal has been things I don’t see in my local shop – sometimes fabric, but often more patterns and notions. The elephant is sweet and a lovely little project. I made one in flannel a feed year ago – maybe Heather Bailey patttern. Very sweet and love it when stash works with new fabrics.