Long Now Short
The initial UFO was a table runner measuring about 36 inches from tip to tip. I pieced this top way back in my early days of quilting.
I remember how much I enjoyed the wonky look of the trees and houses and stars. Yes, those middle things are stars. I was still learning a bit about color value, apparently!
I’ve pondered over this runner for several years, pulling it out, thinking about how to quilt it, only to put it away again. The other issue is that I don’t have a place for a 36-inch table runner (unless I can hang it).
In a lightbulb moment, thanks to many other quilters I’ve followed through the years, I thought – cut it, make the middle smaller. So I did. I set my ruler 1-1/2 inches above the house/tree block and cut it, then repeated for the other house/tree block. Once that was done, I found some backing, and did some quick straight line quilting. I was going to start by quilting a straight line down the middle from point to point, so I got ready to mark some registration points. I discovered my point ends weren’t straight across from each other, another nod to my early quilting learning curve. So I decided to just start on one side and work across. What thread to use? I went with an Aurifil variegated natural 50 wt. Not really liking it (shows up too much on the dark colors), but it got the job done.
The finished runner, which now measures 30 inches and fits nicely on my countertop.
Oh, hmm, let me move it a bit closer to get that tail out of the photo . . .
I pulled the quilt closer and he came right along with it. He apparently needs to be in the photo, showing his stamp of approval.
Anyway, Long Now Short is out of my UFO bin and on my counter. A good way to start the weekend!
Happy Friday, all!

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I love the colors and I really like it shorter. And the tail is of course very attractive. I would make more table runners if I had more tables, but now you’ve got me thinking about a place on our countertop that would nicely hold one. Isn’t it nice to have an old UFO complete!
Kathy Swallows
What a great solution to finish off a long time UFO. That has to feel really good. Congrats on a very fun finish!
Stitchin at Home
I like your table runner it has a rustic look to it, and I love that!
I love it when we can recognize growth in our craft. It sneaks up on us. We see something we did years ago and realize that we are now better than we were. I’m glad you finished this one. We all need a little wonky around!
I like the change – nice to finish off something old and be able to use it
Nice finish! And Wilbur obviously approves.
Nancy Bekedam
Nice UFO save, Wendy!!! I’ve never seen variegated natural Aurifil, but it looks great from here. I take it, Wilbur owns all your quilts?!!
laura bruno lilly
Sounds like you’re digging up old UFOs and seeing the obvious fixes which lead to ‘finishes’ Yippee! Doesn’t it feel great?
Barbara J Stanbro
This is absolutely adorable. I had a quilt like that once. I got so far with it and then got stuck. Finally finished it after about 5 years of pondering.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That is so cute, Wendy! I like the wonky houses, trees, and stars, too. Great idea to make it work better for your space by shortening it! Your tablerunner appears to have the Wilbur seal of approval!
Oh, such a wonderful finish. I like your solution. The quilting suits the piece. After many years of quilting I can still be off on those points. I just squint and it all looks better. And Wilbur doesn’t seem to notice an imperfections.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I love that Wilbur wants to put his stamp of approval on the finish. Shortening it up was clearly the right choice and I am always thankful for those aha moments that help get us to a finish!
Hi Wendy! The tale was patiently waiting . . . or is the tail patient?! I love Wilbs. This was the perfect solution!! Yes – just cut it and make it work where you need. Brilliant. And cute – both the runner and the inspector. ~smile~ Roseanne
Carol Andrews
Wendy the modification to your runner was meant to be! It gave you the inspiration to finish another sweet UFO! Perfect way to start your weekend. I’m so happy it’s Wilbs approved
Love your creative finish!!! Isn’t it cool to see where you have progressed in the past few years? I’m glad that Wilbs approved! 🙂
Of COURSE he has to be in the photo! Great idea to trim it down in the middle, and the colour of the thread doesn’t bother me at all. Yay for another UFO with a big fat CHECK beside it.
Pam Jolly
What a great idea to shorten your runner. It turned out so cute!
Cheree Hull
Nice way to finish that one up! I laughed out loud at Wilbs’s tail. Oh how many pics I have with tails in them! Just this morn I had ONE little 2.5″ square on my whole cutting table and she had to be on it. Stamp of approval? Or ownership?
Hooray for finishing old projects! Sometimes it just takes that one AHA! to be able to move on. Wilbur clearly approves!!