Monday Musings
I thought I’d catch you up on my April progress, now that it’s mid-May. The end of April snuck up on me and I didn’t get a post written.
Let’s start with the photo above. We are wondering if this hibiscus will come up this year. We planted it last year, with assurances from the garden center that it was hardy and would thrive. Hmm. So far, ours is showing no sign of life. At all. We’re kind of sad about that, but we’ll see. Maybe it’s just slow, and sleeping on the job like someone else around here.
Tuxedo’s Tales Block for April
While Wilbs is snoozing, I’ve been stitching on the Tuxedo’s Tales blocks, a pattern by Bonnie Sullivan. Here is April’s block.
While the original pattern shows a tuxedo cat (black and white), I’ve changed it to feature an orange cat. I have not trimmed the block yet in this photo – and I realize the little bird needs an eye.
Dreamlines Project for April
The April Dreamlines project are the two small strips in the top row, one block from the left. I didn’t get as many of these made, so I hope to stitch up a few more. I haven’t started on May’s units yet. I’m not working in any planned way at all, I’m just pulling fabrics I like and stitching them up. I’m as curious as you about how this will look when I begin constructing the quilt at the end of the year!
Diatom QAL
The Diatom QAL, hosted by Quilting JetGirl has been so much fun. I am caught up with the 10 blocks that have been released. It’s been really fun to put these up on my design wall. They are not in order; I’ve been playing around with the layout. All of the fabrics are Moda Grunge, and I really like how it’s coming together!
Coming Up
I haven’t done a to do list in awhile, but thought I’d share some of what I have on my list that sits by my sewing machine:
- Fab Farm QAL – I’ll be guest hosting for Kathleen on Monday, May 22nd. You’ll want to stop in and see my chicken – it is such a fun block! Meanwhile, I need to get the other farm animals caught up, so that’s my goal for this week
- May Tuxedo’s Tales block
- May Dreamlines Project
- Challenge Quilt – the next Endeavourers challenge is up, and my mind is swirling with ideas, so I hope to settle on one soon.
That should keep me busy this week. How about you? What are you sewing on this week? Thanks for stopping by!

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My New Design Wall
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Barbara J Stanbro
You’ve gotten a lot done. I love the dream lines project. Very interesting. And I love that you’re making your kitties to look like Wilbur. Of course.
Hi Wendy, your Hibiskus will come! Let him the time to develop, sometimes they need more than one year. And did you hear about … talking to plants… lol
May be that helps.
It was a long winter, so it will be better soon with more sun.
Your sewing is great and with steady success. Better than mine in the moment!
All others will memorice what a lovely, big design wall with a good light for your fotos!
I love the little black fabric in the quilt our hero Wilbs is sleeping!! Love to have his job!! Eat, sleep, play, snuggle.. repeat!!
Thanks for this post have a geat week.
Stitchin at Home
Another great Tuxedo block. It will be interesting to see how your dreamlines project goes together.
Quilting is in my Blood
I’m loving your Tuxedo blocks and your Diatom blocks have me wishing I was participating in this sew along, but it’s just not in the cards right now. Have a great day.
I love the colors for the Diatom quilt! It looks cheery and southwestern but also calm. If that made sense? But what a great color palette. Have a wonderful week!
I didn’t know a Hibiscus could grow in the north outside – I thought they were just a southern plant or inside — good luck on yours. pretty quilts
Vicki in MN
Love seeing Diatom up on your design wall;) Your improv is looking very interesting!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
The hibiscus looks like a beautiful flower, Wendy – hope yours comes up! Fun to see what you’re working on, too. I love the Tuxedo Tales blocks – of course they need to look like Wilbur! Diatom is gorgeous – those colors are great together. My Dreamlines pieces have fallen by the wayside, but hope to pick them up again one of these days. They sure make an interesting and different kind of sewing and design!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
I love hibiscus plants. I used to get my mom one every year. Ours really aren’t hardy enough for cold in the south…when it gets cold! LOL I do know there are hardier varieties for northern climates and I hope your, like sweet Wilbs, is just sleeping in!! Your Tuxedo Tales block is so cute…just like Wilbs! I’m glad you are using him as your model! That Dreamlines project is cool. It will be interesting to see where this goes. I LOVE your Diatom quilt. Grunge fabrics are awesome. Looking forward to your chicken! I think I may have to get that pattern. Those little animals are just adorable. Thanks in advance for sharing with us at Monday Musings! Have fun with your goals for this week.
Dreamlines looks fantastic! I will be shocked if your hibiscus comes back – let me know if it does. They are hardy in south Texas, not Minnesota! Is Wilbs getting impatient for you to finish Tuxedo’s Tales? So cute – both the block and Wilbs. 🙂
The yellow-brown-blue one is not at all your usual colors, not mine either. However, I love it. There’s something very calming and nostalgic about it.
You’ve made progress worth celebrating! Your Diatom quilt is looking fabulous! Your choice of Grunge fabrics look great together. I’m especially fond of your wool Wilbs and the original. Total animal lover!
Love the colors in the Diatom quilt!
Needle and Foot
Also love the Dreamlines project.
Sara Fridley
Lots of fun things going on but I especially love the Diatom blocks. Wow!
Vicki Welsh
I absolutely love the colors of your Diatom quilt! Dreamlines looks like a lot of fun.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Your Diatom blocks look fantastic together. I look forward to seeing how you choose to arrange them; there is no reason to be constrained by the order I suggest!!
Kathleen McCormick
I would definitely wonder about the hibiscus but our hibiscus bush we always think is dead – it is the last to get leaves on it! Wilbs is doing great sleeping on the job. Love the dreamlines…it will be fun to see how you make it all work or what you turn them into. Your Diatom blocks are gorgeous. My day has fallen apart…but I am going to try to sew some now!
Hi Wendy! Our hibiscus shows no signs of life, either. But maybe they are late bloomers. I’m not giving up on it yet . . . Fun, fun projects you have going on. I don’t know how Wilbs could possibly sleep through any of all those fun times. Can’t wait to see your chicken! That’s just a week away . . . I’ll be back for sure. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Rochelle Summers
You have been quite busy and the inspector has been napping on the job…that might be a big help! I do hope the hibiscus comes back. It is a beautiful color. Wondering if the robin is sitting on a very large egg on the cat’s head! I love your Diatom blocks. Since I was already working on several Quilt Alongs, I’ve been saving the patterns to start when I have more time. Looking forward to whatever project you choose for Endeavors.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Love the cat quilt block!!! Looks just like Wilbs!!! Here’s hoping your hibiscus makes it’s appearance soon–everything is a bit late this year.
Susan Nixon
Good luck with the Hibiscus. Both that and Hydrangeas seem to avoid coming back to my house for a second run. Orchids are even worse! However, those lovely run-of-the-mill marigolds and zinnias keep coming back, and my one rose bush has bloomed every year since 2010, so I guess I’m not going to complain. Love the Tuxedo Sam block.
And she says ever so humbly that she hasn’t done much. Looks like you are firing on so many different projects and all of them are coming along beautifully. You set the pace. Isn’t that the beauty of our creative pursuits unlike paid work. UGH!!! I must start my work day :-p Hugs to you!
Bonnie in Va
That is one cute cat block. I like your color way as much as the original tuxedo cat. I see a marked similarity to your sleeping kitty. Very nice.
I love your Diatom blocks. I’m way behind on mine. Your little pieced strips are so tiny. Very cute, but wow!
Those Diatom blocks are so cool!
The Morning Latte
Well yes I was confused seeing the hibiscus knowing your zone is way north of mine. Hope he pokes through soon. Your diatom blocks are awesome and woot for being all caught up. LOVE the April kitty block! Those are so fun!
Carol Andrews
Wendy it’s so nice to see some of your fun projects and Wilbs. I do hope your hibiscus does something. It’s one of my favourite plants. Everything here is late this year so there’s still hope it’s just lagging behind. I am in love with your version of Diatom. The colours work so well together. Your Dreamlines project looks like fun! Thank you for linking with TDT. Hope this week was full of fun an your studio is progressing.