More SAHRR Progress
Eva’s Progress
You might remember Eva’s spool border, where she cleverly fashioned her spools to resemble drums. Her quilt is inspired by a trip she and her husband took to South Africa a few years ago. Here’s a photo of her quilt with the “spool” border.
Eva has been working on her stars border. Here is a peek at her progress so far.
Eva left the rotary cutter there, so you could see the size of the spool and the stars. I like her combination of colors, and I can’t wait to see a photo of the whole top!
Katherine’s Progress
Katherine has been quietly sewing along with us, but she isn’t a blogger or on Instagram, so she asked if I would show a photo of her quilt. She is also working in improv style, and I think her quilt looks fantastic so far!
Katherine mentioned that her hourglass blocks don’t show well in the photo, but if you look closely, you can see them. I like her blend of colors with that pop of red/orange.
I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing more SAHRR progress from Eva and Katherine. I’m sure they’d enjoy any encouragement you’d like to share with them.

SAHRR Border 4

PQ14.4 A Novel Project
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Nice work Eva and Katherine.
Thank you Mariss!! You will be the best „curator“ of the SA quilt….
And how lovely to have Katherine here!! Love her work.
I noticed the African fabrics and how well you used them, Eva
Vicki in MN
Both ladies are doing a wonderful job!
Oh my gosh, I need Eva standing over my shoulder advising me – I LOVE the way she did the stars. The whole thing is so creative. And look at Katherine’s spools!! I am inspired to “re-do” mine. Her color choices are so beautiful. Thanks for showing us Wendy, and I look forward to seeing more of them.
Hallo Ruby, thank you for you lovely comment. But as I see on your page, your SAHRR is absolutly perfect done. My stars are so imperfect and not matching the point 100% in this small size…. Yes, to put it into the orange border is tricky work. But in the meantime I am ok for myself with some little incorrectness. When quilting lines are on nobody finds it. Stay tuned, it is so much fun to see the different layouts. Your picture of Dallas is amazing! Thanks for your comment!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
They’re both uniquely creative! Orange and turq is so bold! And Katherine’s has such improv-goodness!!!
Hi Nancy, thank you for liking the colours. Yes, I found out longer time ago, they are opposite in the colour wheel! And really do a good job this two colours. Thanks a lot for your comment.
Both projects are beautiful — love the colors in both – I’m so impressed with Eva’s spools!
laura bruno lilly
Brava, Eva! I love seeing how ‘our’ fabric center is emerging into a cohesive pieced top!
And, welcome, Katherine! Your style of ‘outside the lines’ overlap of the borders is fantastic!
Wendy – I’ll say it again – you’re a great enabler (showcasing these efforts on your blog since they have no other way to be seen in the bloggosphere).
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I really like the turquoise stars and orange combination in Eva’s project! They’re so pretty together. And Katherine’s is making me imagine a walk in the woods. Fun to see both!
Ditto what everyone else says! Love both! So different and very creative! Lots of improv talent showing here! 🙂
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I love how unique each quilt is following the same prompts!
Carol Andrews
Love the fabrics, colours and interpretations both of your friends are doing. Unique and so much fun 😉
Kathleen McCormick
Love seeing Eva and Katherine’s progress. Eva’s colors are fun and the turquoise stars are perfect. I love the fabrics, too, and that this piece has special memories. Katherine’s improv is just plain fun. I like the way the orange in the last border mimics the center border.
Kathleen, thank you very much for your comment. Your SAHRR is developing as well super. I looked long how you did the spools! Never known this way to do, but amazing!! Learned again something new.
All kind comments are so lovely to read and made my day. I am running a little bit behind, but have my fabics on hand for hourglass and flying geese. There are a lot of animals to see in Africa! Could somboday be please so kind ship a ton of time? 🤣
Both SAHRRs are looking good. I love those turquoise stars in Eva’s.
Katherine Duquette
Wendy, thank you for adding my attempt at following along with you all. Eva’s color choices are fabulous especially the turquoise stars and. Red-orange and black border pieces.
Hello Eva and Katharine, I love your designs. It is very nice to see the progress.
Eva, it is nice to know you. With you I found thie nice blog. Thank you Wendy for that. 🙂
Great job, ladies! Oh yes, I can definitely see the hourglass blocks in Katherine’s piece. I adore that center block, too. Eva’s piece really came to life with this next border. Her spools pop and that turquoise or aqua pulls that color from the center to our attention nicely. Love both of these! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
The Joyful Quilter
Each friend is constructing such a unique quilt, Wendy. I look forward to seeing what they do with the next round!