My Virtual Vacation
I thought about places I’ve been, and places I’d like to go – it was difficult to choose a project from those. Ever since I was a kid, I realized I’ve always been taking virtual vacations through the pages of a book. So my virtual vacation for this challenge will take me to the quaint little village of Three Pines nestled within the pages of the Louise Penny books. If you haven’t read her Gamache series, you really should.
Of course, I had to have three pines in my little Three Pines mini quilt. I used the same method for the trees as I did for my Improv Triangles quilt, so they were quick and easy. The little house was made using this pattern by Twiggy & Opal, another favorite of mine. My house is the 4-inch size.
If you haven’t read the Louise Penny series, you’ll be wondering about the “FINE est. 2020” on my little house. No, my last name is not Fine. You might want to visit Mr. Google to find our what the acronym for FINE means. That acronym pops up frequently in the little Three Pines community, so I really. thought it needed to be added.
Another usual character in the books is Rosa, the duck. I always see Rosa as a white duck as I read the books. I was a bit surprised to find that in all the fabric I own, there was not a single novelty print with a duck! So I had to make one, and yes – that’s a duck – not a goose. It was a tiny, fussy little thing to make, but I was determined to have Rosa at my cottage.
A scrap piece of backing, and a scrap piece of rainbow binding, and my little mini quilt is done. But wait – notice something a little odd about the quilting detail on the back?
When I make little pieces like this, I often use a scrap piece of fusible fleece for the batting. I was so excited to quilt this little mini – you’ll note that I actually did just a tiny bit of free motion in the sky area of the quilt. If you’ve followed me long enough, you’ll know that’s a big deal. I have FOFMQ – fear of free motion quilting. I got so excited about just trying it that I fused the fleece to the top and I started the free motion. I finished, and then realized I hadn’t basted the backing fabric onto the quilt. So I basted it on, then continued quilting after switching to my walking foot for the straight lines and a little outlining on the upper areas.
When I get tired of everything going on in this world, I often think I’d like to take a virtual vacation to the little village of Three Pines. I’d visit Myrna in her bookstore, have a gooey cinnamon roll with Olivier and Gabri, do some painting with Clara, and finish my day at the Gamaches where everyone gathers for a meal, lively discussion and, of course, Ruth with her duck, Rosa. It’s not a perfect place (there’s always a murder, after all), but even though they don’t always get along, they always show kindness and protect one another. It’s my kind of place.
This little mini measure 7″ x 9.5″ and is made entirely from my scrap bins.
What about you? Are you taking a virtual vacation this week for Project Quilting 12.3?
Thanks for coming along on my virtual vacation!

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Stitchin at Home
I adore this piece! Unfortunately the only way to cure FOFMQ is to keep doing FMQ.
This is absolutely delightful. I am tickled by the way the quilting curves around Rosa the Duck! Another gem for your new mini quilt wall.
I must say you are an inspiration — through both your quilting and your regular blog writing. I was tempted to skip this week, but you have inspired me to sit down and write a post. Thanks.
Riceford Streams
This turned out so cute! I always picture Rosa as a white duck too. Nice work cutting out those tiny pieces! You described a perfect vacation day. I think there are a lot of people who would happily join you, like me! I’ll pick up the baguettes from Sarah’s.
Good morning, Wendy! I love your virtual vacation piece and think it truly represents the series well. You did a great job on your duck, too! Of course, the three pines have to be there but most of all, I’m so impressed with your FMQ! Yay you. Just as one of your other friends mentioned, you just have to do a little bit every time and you’ll be much more comfortable. It strikes me that you can draw, and very well, so you can FMQ. Just spend a few evening doodling – your pencil is the needle and see what you come up with. {{Hugs}} and Happy Friday! ~smile~ Roseanne
Oh this is so cute! And that tiny duck itself is a work of art. I’ll be reserving some Louise Penny books from the library today. I’m in need of a good book while I’m in front of a fire this weekend!
Absolute fun! I like that curved quilting under Rosa. I also have FOFMQ; glad to know I’m in good company. 😉
Juliana Ellington
I’ve also often thought how much I would love to visit Three Pines. I can imagine that every time you look at this mini on your wall, you will smile. Penny really has created such memorable characters and place, and now you have a postcard from your visit to her world.
I love the little duck! how cute – such a nice mini wall hanging, you do have a artistic talent you know – I don’t mind making blocks with small pieces but yet never make little wall hangings. Great job
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
This is so cute!! I love the little cabin among the trees! I’m kind of tired of virtual vacations and am ready to head to the mountains during spring break or somewhere…ANYWHERE!!! We’ll see how that works out! LOL
I love this little mini and your story behind it. Three Pines sounds like a nice town to visit!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Oh, that is perfect, Wendy! I’ve always wanted to visit Three Pines, too. Of course, Rosa had to be in it, and the word Fine as well! 🙂 I didn’t know FOFMQ was a thing, but I admit that I suffer from it, too. Great job taking a virtual vacation!
Louise Hornor
Oh, good for you for tackling a bit of FMQ! And cutting out tiny Rosa with her even tinier beak 🙂
Great interpretation of the theme, and a very cute quilt. I miss being able to participate in these challenges when we’re traveling.
Sandra Walker
Well! You made me gasp in joy and pleasure out loud when I saw this and read the opening, and then by the end I had tears of emotion brimming…what a perfect perfect little mini, especially for these times. And you have Rosa EXACTLY as I see her (and I can hear Ruth clucking and talking to her, but I also see her scowling at everyone else lol)…Welcome to Canada; if only all little towns here were like Three Pines…though as you say without the murders! I do think some are…I know of one in Central Alberta. 😉
Nancy Bekedam
Nice. You can take a virtual vacay to one of your favorite places/memories every time you see it! Great job on the FMQ! They have more of that series in audio books available from my library, so I put my name in for hold on the first one.
Vicki in MN
I felt like I went on vacy while reading your story and seeing your cute mini! That duck is awesome:) So proud of you for trying FMQ-now keep up the practice!
I’m still reading the Gamache series. Your piece captures the feel of Three Pines wonderfully. Love that you included Rosa. I too suffer from FOFMQ, and I’m continuing to overcome it in small doses.
laura bruno lilly
Looked up those books and gonna put a hold on any that our library might carry – I could use an adventure filled with daily travels to the bookstore, eating a gooey cin roll (with requisite DARK roast coffee of course!) and chatting with FRIENDS (aka:people!!!)
Your quilt interpretation and decision to express your virtual travel is so creative in and of itself.
Thank you for this, Wendy.
Needle and Foot
Well, now there are even more books I need to read. Without knowing the story, I still love the interpretation of this theme. I keep thinking about it and haven’t come up with any ideas I like. I do LOVE yours though. Kind of funny to hear about your lack of backing fabric while quilting the sky. It is all very sweet Wendy.
What a wonderful little quilt and yes I love Three Pines and Armand and all the residents there. I’ve read and reread and listened to the audio books and will do so again. Your FMQ is lovely and so funny that you got into it and forgot the backing! Just a wonderful little virtual vacation.
Patricia Ludwiczak
I just love your mini quilt! You did a beautiful job representing Three Pines. The quilting is perfect, and I also suffer from FOFMQ. The colors are just right for a wonderful virtual visit. Do you follow the Louise Penny Book Club on Facebook? This would be such a wonderful piece to share.
Quilting is in my Blood
What a great depiction of a virtual vacation, and I think your duck is adorable (even though it was a pain to make!).
Lynn Clark
A charming story and a charming mini. Thank you for sharing with us, Wendy.
This is awesome! I love Rosa the duck (I have not read the books, just commenting on Rosa as she appears in your quilt.) I also have FOFMQ–didn’t have the acronym before. Yours looks great! I like the texture in the sky. Very fun!
What a treasure! I love your mini, and it has such a great story to go along with it about a series. I didn’t get the post about this week’s challenge so I will have to see what I can come up with on really short notice.
Kathy Swallows
Very cute! Rosa was definitely worth the effort. I think many of us have been using our reading to transport ourselves some where else since we can’t really travel much right now. Hope you feel refreshed about your virtual vacation.
Your mini is so cute! Bravo, Rosa is perfect, and really looks like a duck to me. I love the interpretation you made of this week’s challenge, very clever!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
There are so many fun details in this quilt! I’m definitely off to go learn more about FINE… 🙂
The Joyful Quilter
Nothing better than time traveling in a good book, Wendy!!
Carol Andrews
You have too much fun coming up with ideas for your challenges Wendy. This is a sure fire winner. Not only did you complete a sweet little project but you found a great way to introduce some wonderful books to us. I’m off to my library now (virtually, of course) 😊