One Potato Two
This year, Jen is offering two sizes of blocks, one that finishes at 12 inches and one at 6 inches. I have chosen to make the 6 inch blocks this year, and I’m enjoying the smaller size.
I like potatoes in almost any form, although I’m not a huge fan of baked potatoes. Growing up, our Sunday noon meal often consisted of a beef roast with baked potatoes. I can recall my mom sticking potatoes on this spiky thing-a-ma-bob and putting them in the oven to bake with the roast while we were at church. My brother claims the taters often exploded; I have no recollection of this. Maybe it’s a repressed memory – ha!
Anyway, there were no exploding taters while making this block. It went together well, and I was happy to find just the right fabrics in my stash.
If you haven’t joined in on the 2021 Monthly Color Challenge but are interested, you can find all the information Patterns by Jen. The previous months’ blocks are available for a nominal fee. The May block is a free download until the end of the month. You can find all the details right here.
How about wrapping up One Potato Two with a peek at all my blocks so far? Here you go!
Happy Friday, all! What are you cooking up for this weekend?
The Joyful Quilter
Nice addition to your block collection, Wendy!!
Vicki in MN
I am not all that fond of baked potatoes either. Your purple block is my favorite so far;) I need to work on my Wild blog hop project this weekend.
Nancy Bekedam
LOL–my mom put those metal spikes in our baked potatoes, too!!! Your block looks safe–no explosion!
A wonderful little block. Those browns are great. I’ve had baked potatoes explode in the oven. Hardly bake potatoes anymore But used to pierce them with a fork, add butter and honey and wrap them in foil. That was yummy.
Stitchin at Home
Love the technical term spiky thing-a-ma-bob! Lovely blocks too!
Hi Wendy! Nice! I love that little squirrel pictured with a few of your blocks. I remember those forked things for potatoes. I think the theory was to cook the center quicker, maybe. Beats me. If I ever was sick of a potato, it would be the chucks with melted butter and chives. We had that often but I’d always eat them. I love potatoes! ~smile~ Roseanne
The potatoe block looks great!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I love baked potatoes, but I love your block even more! That’s a pretty collection of blocks you have, Wendy! Are you thinking a mini quilt with them at the end of the year? I still need to do something with last year’s blocks.
That is so cute. I’m loving these blocks. Can’t wait to see them all together.
mmmm I love baked notates and the skins too
nice blocks
Kathleen Scargle McCormick
No exploding taters but an explodingly gorgeous block!
laura bruno lilly
Great selection of patterns and colors – the baked potato does brown well!
Great block Wendy! I really love all your photos of these blocks! Very artistic!
Your potato block looks pretty. I love the way you stage your block photos. Oh you say they aren’t staged, that’s normal? Lol! I have my fabrics cut to make that block, so I will try to get my foot in gear today.
Louise Hornor
That dark brown really captures the look of potato skins! I’m glad that was the intent, because otherwise it would be a strange thing to say. “Oh, your quilt looks like potatoes!” Weird
Another gorgeous block which really does make me think of potatoes. Enjoyed reading about your Sunday dinner potatoes too. I used to have such a potato baking implement
Quilting is in my Blood
Great blog post title! Your block is very potato-y!
Danice G
Really cute blocks, and what a clever idea to inspire blocks- fruits and veggies. I also like that there are 2 sizes, 6″ and 12″.
Preeti Harris
Excellent photoshoot. I think you are missing a red chili pepper in March
Have a great weekend, Wendy.