improv quilts

Oops I Dropped the Pickle Jar

Oops I Dropped the Pickle Jar is an improv quilt that has been waiting to be finished. I don’t really know why I waited so long, but it is finally done, all except for the label.

This quilt was made in an online workshop with Carole Lyles Shaw. I enjoyed the workshops, and learned new techniques and helpful information about the relationship of colors when making a quilt. If you want to learn more about Carole’s workshops, she currently has registration open for her Modern Quilt Academy. I highly recommend it if you enjoy modern quilts and improv techniques!

Let’s get back to Oops I Dropped the Pickle Jar. Why the funny name? If you’ve followed me for awhile, you know I have a thing for Kona Pickle fabric, so it’s no surprise that it shows up in this quilt. The quilt is also a fractured block quilt, so that played a part in the name as well.

While I was stitching this together, I was thinking about the pickle juice color of the fabric, and I realized the fractured look made me think of a broken jar, which made me think of pickle juice spilling all over the floor. So that’s how the quilt got named. I should note that the dark fabric in the quilt is not black, but a dark chocolate brown. The finished quilt measures 35 inches by 41 inches.

For the quilting, I used three Aurifil threads – 40 wt Cinnamon (#2155) and Medium Olive (#2910), and 50 wt Grey (#2605). I started by quilting straight lines in the Medium Olive, then added in a few more with the Cinnamon.

Then I decided to mix it up a little and added in some waves using the grey thread. I’m not sure what I think of the thread combination or the addition of the waves, but I always think it’s fun to just play around and see what happens.

For the batting, I used white Warm & Natural. For the backing, I used a Guicy Guice fabric I had on my shelf. It looks a bit like granite. I almost hated to use it for a back, but it just fit with the quilt and its quirky name.

Oops I Dropped the Pickle Jar now joins my other finished “pickle” quilts. Some day I’ll have to pull them all together and put them in a post. My Kona pickle fabric is just little scrap pieces now. It might be time to find a new favorite fabric!

Happy Monday, all!



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