Outstanding Blogger Award
The Outstanding Blogger Award is given one blogger to another. It’s a way of supporting and acknowledging one another. Isn’t that the best – letting one another know how much we appreciate them and admire their craft?!
As an award recipient, I get to answer some questions from Mariss. Let’s take a look at her questions, and my answers.
For How Long Have You Been Writing a Blog?
I began my blog in January of 2016, and this is my 627th post. I’m amazed at how quickly the years have gone by. You can read my very first post here. Looking at the date of that post, I realized I completely missed my 5-year blog anniversary! I may have to throw a late blogiversary party!
One of the first quilts I started making when my blog began was this elephant quilt, using a pattern from Laundry Basket Quilts. I bought the quilt as a kit from Reproduction Fabrics, one of my local quilt shops. I wanted to learn how to appliqué and thought that if I made 24 elephants, I’d have a pretty good start. It’s still one of my favorite quilts and is presently hanging at the top of our entry stairs.
What Made You Start Blogging?
It wasn’t so much what as it was who. I credit the start of my blogging to my son. He kept encouraging me to start a blog and write about my quilt projects. This past year, I made him this quilt as a Christmas gift. It was one of my favorite projects of 2020 and a complete surprise to him.
Why Do You Continue to Blog?
When I started my blog, both kids had gone to college, and my husband had started a new job. Up to that time, I had worked with him in a consulting business. So I found myself a bit at odds with myself, in a quiet house – just me and my cat, Max. As my blog grew, my circle of online quilting friends did too, and I count so many of you as good friends, even though we haven’t met face to face (yet). Especially during this pandemic, it has been a great way to stay connected with other quilters locally and around the world.
I also continue to blog because it holds me accountable and helps me finish projects. I am most definitely one who enjoys the making of the quilt top, but the finishing often lags behind because I am off and making the next thing.
I also continue to blog because it’s my quilting journal, so I can see what I’ve made over the years and friends and family can see, too.
Have You Ever Met Any Fellow Bloggers Face to Face? If so, how did it feel?
I think we can all agree that, if given the chance, we’d organize a huge sewing retreat where we could all meet, right? Wouldn’t that be fun?! I have met a few of you face to face, and it’s been such a good experience. There’s never a lack of things to talk about, and I find it’s like meeting up with an old friend. Admittedly, though, just before we meet, I’m both nervous and excited.
Do You Write Regularly? If so, why?
Initially, I wrote once a week. Later I changed to Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As I got acquainted with linky parties and quilt alongs, I picked up Tuesday and Thursday. I usually aim for at least three times a week, but it often depends on what I have to write about.
The last part of this award is two-fold. I get to bestow the award on some other fellow bloggers, and I get to choose questions (up to 10) to ask them.
How to choose who, though? I’d like to name all of you (but I’m limited to no more than 10)! After some thought, here are the bloggers I would like to share with you, because they inspire me with their creativity. To those I nominate, I hope you will have some fun, answer the questions, and choose some blogging friends. However, you are under no obligation to do so.
And here are the questions:
- Coffee or Tea?
- Who inspired you to begin quilting?
- What is one unusual item we would find in your quilting room?
- When you are not quilting, we’d find you . . ?
- Where do you find your quilting inspiration?
I was so delighted to be part of the Outstanding Blogger Award fun! Thank you for reading my post!

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Stitchin at Home
A lovely post! I feel like we are friends even though we haven’t met, which I think would be wonderful if we do.
Hi Wendy! I can’t think of a better candidate – you are very worthy of the award!! What a fun post. I remember reading about your elephant quilt before but it is wonderful to see it again.After those 24 elephants did you feel more comfortable with applique? I love the fabrics you chose. I think it’s interesting to look back and see how you’ve grown since 2016. I don’t suspect you would have been comfortable making your recent black and white improv piece with the fabulous green addition. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
laura bruno lilly
Wendy, your idea of throwing a huge sewing retreat as a ‘meetandgreet’ for blogger buddies is excellent! Now if only someone could organize such an event?!
Congrats on the award!
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy you are already an award writing blogger to me! I enjoy seeing all you do. Your first quilt is beautiful, I can’t imagine tackling that as my first quilt. I would have had a one elephant mug rug and been done.
Congratulations! You are most definitely an outstanding blogger. Your posts are well written and your photos are always so well done. Add in the ever-photogenic Wilbur and it’s a win-win-win! 🙂
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Congratulations on your award – it’s well deserved! I love your blog, and so glad I found you! That elephant quilt is amazing. One thing I enjoy about your blog is the quality of your photos. I’m struggling with that lately – any tips?
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Wendy, you are a great candidate for the award!! I enjoy your posts and though we’ve never met, I do feel I know you! It’s great to have a circle of blogging friends. Thanks for being one of those! Congrats on your five year anniversary!
Barbara J Stanbro
Your nomination is well-deserved. I love your little cat quilt. Hadn’t seen it before. Congratuilations on your five year anniversary!
Congratulations, Wendy. A fitting award. Thank you for sharing more about you. Though I haven’t been following you that long, I enjoy your blog posts and the wide range of topics you cover…everything from quilting, to travel, to putting up fruit, to recipes!
Congratulations Wendy! Well-deserved!
Love this post!!! Such a great reminder of why I follow you! You are so inspiring! And, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your elephant quilt! 🙂
Sandra Healy
Congratulations on your nomination, Wendy, I’m delighted to see your blog has been honoured and enjoyed learning a bit more about you from your answers. Happy St Patrick’s day also!
Kathleen McCormick
Congratulations on your well deserved award! I love what you do and it is always fun to meet new bloggers. There are a few you mention that I don’t follow so I will be checking them out!
Vicki in MN
Congrats!! You always have fun and interesting posts😊
Nancy Bekedam
It’s fun to read the answers to your questions, Wendy! Met Wendy face-to-face: 🙋🏻!!! I always enjoy reading what’s going on in your quilt world!
Riceford Streams
Wendy, you are a great blogger, always writing interesting content for us readers to enjoy. I still love it that C was the one who kept encouraging you to do this. How cool that he knew you had something to offer. Love that!
Quilting is in my Blood
I really enjoyed this post and seeing your elephant quilt again. And thanks for the nomination. I’ll have to write a post soon answering your questions.
Congrats on the outstanding Blogger award! I enjoy reading your Blog and seeing your projects. I also enjoy the weekly Wilbs as I have 3 cats and cat relate to his poses and antics. Two of mine are also orange.
Cheree Hull
What a fun post and a great way to get to know you better! I love the elephant quilt (as would my hubs) and the quilt hanger it’s on. (I sew want hubs to make me one!).
I loved reading your answers, and congrats on being recognized as the Outstanding Blogger you are! I love that elephant quilt; I don’t think I’ve seen it before.
Ha ha!!! Well, well! I was just happily reading along and loving your answers… especially the answers you gave for why you continued your blog… when I saw my own name. What? I was scrolling and had to scroll back up. I actually clicked on it to be sure there wasn’t another Word Weaver Art! Ha ha… Can I assume it’s okay for me to change the “quilting theme” of your questions to painting for me? 🙂
Carol Andrews
Wendy that was such a fun post to read! Congratulations on your blogger award. It is definitely so well deserved. Love that elephant quilt. What a one to make for a first quilt! So nice to get to know you a bit better. 😉
Wow. 627 post and five plus years of blogging is quite a feat. Thank you for your response to my questions (and for saying all those nice things about my blog). I was impressed by your answers and your accomplishments. Now I feel that I know you a bit better and maybe one day it will be possible to meet face to face.
Connie Wolfe
Congratulations! I began following blogs upon retiring. Your clear content and great photos have made me a regular reader. As a crazy cat lady, I’ve enjoyed the Weekly Wilbs section. Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations on your award! Bloggers do become friends for sure!
Love that elephant quilt!