• Computer keyboard with a cat's tail curled on it - piecefulthoughts.com

    To Do Tuesday

    Here we are, on the first Tuesday in June. If June is anything like May, we will wake up tomorrow and it will be the first Tuesday of July – haha! While I haven’t been posting much lately, I have…

  • Fab Farm Sew Along with dates, photo showing pig, lamb and cow - piecefulthoughts.com

    Busy Bee

    We have been busy bees this week at Pieceful Thoughts, but very little busyness had to do with sewing. You might notice that some of the buzz around here is the new look to my blog. I asked Tracie (Joyfully…

  • Pieceful Life

    I Like Thursday

    It’s Thursday, and time to share another I Like Thursday post with you and the rest of my blogging friends over at Not Afraid of Color. LeeAnna is asking us about travel this week, wanting to know “if you could…

  • A display of ceramic and wood chickens in red, yellow, and brown - piecefulthoughts.com

    Fab Farm SAL Chicken Block

    Today I get to show you the Fab Farm SAL Chicken Block for the Fab Farm SAL hosted by Kathleen McMusing. She and I were chatting back and forth about the Fab Farm pattern, so when she said she was…