• quilting

    Tuesday Tasks

    Tuesday tasks – okay, not really. It’s actually my weekly to do list, and I’m linking up today with Texas Quilt Gal for her To Do Tuesday linky party. Do you join in the party? Each week, we write up…

  • quilting

    SAHRR Round 6

    Well, here we are, ready to reveal the SAHRR Round 6, the final border for our Stay at Home Round Robin quilts. Today’s host is Chris Knits, and she’s chosen a great block for the final border! You’ll want to…

  • Pieceful Life

    I Like Thursday

    Wilbs and I have been snoozing on the job with our I Like Thursday posts. So today, we’re joining in with the rest of our I Like Thursday friends over at LeeAnna’s blog, Not Afraid of Color. While I’ve been…

  • quilting

    To Do Tuesday

    I thought it about time for me to write a To Do Tuesday post and link up with Texas Quilt Gal for the To Do Tuesday linky party. It’s been awhile! Longer than I thought, actually! So let me catch…