Pieceful Monday
It’s another Pieceful Monday here in my neck of the woods, but it’s been anything but pieceful or peaceful, for that matter. It’s been painful, but that’s of my own doing.
After my last post, where I showed you the star quilt I finished, my lower back and sciatic nerve went all out of whack. Since then, I have been in recovery mode. There has been copious whining, ice/hot packs, gentle exercises, and Advil. I was encouraged not to sit too long, walk too long, not to bend from the waist to pick anything up, and not to reach. So what have I been doing while recovering?
I read books, both on my Kindle and in print.

William Kent Krueger is a Minnesota author, so I thought I should begin reading the series. About a third of the way into the book, I realized I had read this one already. Thankfully it had been long enough that I enjoyed re-reading it. But still. Sigh.

This was an enjoyable book to read. A mystery, set during WWII in England. While not a cozy mystery, it is a gentle mystery with an interesting story line and characters.
Self Care
I painted my nails just for fun.

This is not an easy task with a sore back and you need to be by a bright light so you can see what you are doing. I hadn’t painted my nails this bright in quite a long time. I kept getting distracted by the bright color, and it wore off fairly quickly – haha!.
A Little EPP
I stitched a bit on my little hexie flowers. My stack is up to 18 now.

I was scheduled to take two classes at the Minnesota Quilt Show, and I had to give both of them up. I was sad about that, so I ate pizza. However, it was a very small 10″ pizza and thin crust, and I only ate half one day, half the next.
Went to the Minnesota Quilt Show
By the end of the week I was feeling much better, so I decided to go to the quilt show on Friday, so I could walk through the vendors and look at the quilts. I did a little shopping.

This is Marcia Derse fabric from her Art History line.

This is a piece of Gathering by the Creek designed by Janet Nakamarra for M&S Textiles Australia. I love the colors in this piece!

This is a piece of Body Painting designed by June Bird for M&S Textiles Australia. I generally do not like blue, but this fabric just needed to come home with me. I think it will be great fun with some improv work.
Staying for the evening banquet was something I hadn’t done before. It was a pleasant evening, with Bonnie Hunter as the keynote. The stories behind her quilts were interesting and, of course, her quilts were fun to see.
This weekend I’ve been recovering from my day at the quilt show. I pushed it a little bit too much, too soon. I’m still glad I went; it was fun to see my quilting friends and visit.
This week, I need to quilt the challenge quilt for quilt group on Thursday night, and I need to start, and finish, a project that is due on June 25th. I’m going to have to pace myself to avoid re-injury, so any prayers or good thoughts you can send this way would be appreciated!
What’s up for you this week?
UFO Finish - Al's Star
Quilty Tidbits
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Cindy Pieters
I’m not a blue person either but can see why it followed you home. Hope your feeling like yourself soon.
Glad you were able to read and get to the show. Best wishes and thoughts for your health. Love those fabrics.
Gray Barn Designs
Hi Wendy! I am sorry to hear about your back/sciatic problems but in spite of all this, you have been very busy! William Kent Krueger is one of my favorite authors and I have listened to many of his audio books…great choice of reading material! I hope you feel much better soon!
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Back/nerve pain is the pits! It looks like you were definitely able to turn some lemons into lemon aid.
Katherine Duquette
Sorry about the out of whack Sciatica. Been there done that. That red fabric is stellar. Please keep up the blogging, I can’t wait for the next post.
Hi Wendy! Pretty nails – they look bright and happy. I think you have plenty of time for that piece with the 25th deadline. I think the key to keeping your back happy is plenty of breaks – no long periods of time doing any one thing. {{Hugs}} I hope it goes well. ~smile~ Roseanne
Vicki in MN
Should I be texting every 15 minutes to remind you to get away from the machine, LOL Please be careful and watch the shoulder hunching too!!! I’m really glad you got to come down for a little of the show at least.
Feel better! Prayers from Mississippi!
Lisa J.
I’m glad you are doing a bit better as well. Remember to still take it easy. I’m sending you good thoughts.
Thanks, Lisa!
Karen Goad
glad you are starting to feel better dealing with sciatic is no fun – hubby gets it off and on and he uses a Tens Unit for it and has had luck. I will look at the books you show and see what they are about – always on the look out for more! Glad you got to see Bonnie’s quilts
Molli Ophoven
I’m so sorry to hear of your injury and pain.
Will pray for wisdom for you so you don’t re-injure and for relief and healing! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
And that you can get back to doing what you Love to do!!
Pretty quilts from the quilt show. Sorry for your back hurting again, but I’d have gone to the show too.
Diann Bottrell
Wendy, I’m so sorry you hurt your back, but glad to hear you’ve been taking care of yourself and it’s doing better. I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on the quilt show either – fun to see what you brought home! I really like William Kent Krueger’s books and have read some of that series. I’ve been wanting to get back to it, if I can remember where I left off, lol! Hope you have a good week – pace yourself!
Tu-Na Quilts
Oh, my! I hope you take care and heal quickly. But going to the quilt show was so worth a minor set-back.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
I hope your back irons out smoothly, Wendy. Glad you got some MQ show in, especially the banquet with BH!!! I’ve read all those William Kent Krueger books and enjoyed them, for the most part! Now I’m on the waiting list for the Jennifer Ryan book. Do you have RB Digital audio books available from your library? That’s where I have my hold in. Your fabric finds–beauties! Not care for blue?!? How could that be–haha! Marcia Derse is a mystery to me, but her fabrics keep popping up in my quilt friend’s stashes and they sure are neat!
I froze when you described your back issues. Please please please be very very careful. Don’t push it, don’t be in too much of a hurry to get back to normal activities. Most sciatica takes a few weeks to recover but you will be at risk for further episodes. I wish I had known I was having episodes and had taken care of myself. Pilates is excellent for strengthening your core and preventing further episodes. I started and loved it, but it’s still too soon for me. Enjoy your reading.
Praying you recover completely!
Definitely sending good vibes your way. It’s good news that you recovered enough to buy some gorgeous fabric and join the final dinner. Good luck with your quilting.
Carol DeLater
So sorry about your Sciatic flare up. I have that issue too and keep it under control by taking CBD oil orally. You might give it a try if it’s legal in your state. It’s a miracle worker for me. At least you have been busy during recovery. Glad you were able to go to the show.
xx, Carol
Louise Hornor
Ouch! I’m so sorry that you’re hurting, Wendy. It’s hard to slow down and work around an injury, so I’m glad to hear that you are pacing yourself to get through it. It will be worth it in the end to heal properly. You found some great fabrics, and how fun that you got to hear Bonnie Hunter speak!
My Sewful Retirement
I hope you’re feeling better – looks like you found some relaxing activities while recovering! Glad you made it to the quilt show!
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy, don’t push to fast!!!! I love that blue too.
Sandra Walker
You’ve had a bit of a rough go of it lately, my friend, so I’m sending you virtual hugs, but of the gentle kind. Love those Aussie fabrics, and I’m glad you went to the show. Reading is always good, and I did the same as you as far as re-reading a book recently!
Sandra Healy
Hope you feel better soon, Wendy, having to slow down is always such a nuisance. You seem to be finding lots of great ways to fill your days though so I hope the time will pass quickly.